Politics and Religion

My God are you really that stupid?
Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 220 reads

Yes.  Even the general location of our submarines is classified information.  This has to do with the very scientific and technical process of submarine detection.  Any anomaly can be a give away, so if our adversaries see a number of the same types of anomalies in a given area where they know our subs are located, it helps them further  develop their own detection technology.  

But you are clearly as ignorant as the dumb shit you voted for, so you get a pass this time.

To the murderous mad man Duterte.  This right after complimenting him on what a great job he's doing in his war on drugs, by murdering his own people.

The location of our submarine fleet is supposed to be top secret to enhance the difficulty in finding them, not make it easier.  Now the Russians and the Chinese have a good idea where to start looking.

Making our adversaries great again!

by saying they are in "waters off the Korean peninsula?"  

You cant be this dumb. Just tell me you felt like trolling and let's call it a day. lol

bigguy30173 reads

This is being reported everywhere Jack.
So another reason why you cannot trust this asshole Trump!
Thanks for making a fool out of yourself again Jack.

-- Modified on 5/24/2017 1:13:07 PM

.... to handle the Russian connection.    However, that attorney works for the law firm of former Senator,  Joe Loserman who also happens to be on top of the list to become FBI director and continue to investigate Russian connection.

Anything wrong with this picture?     Typical SOB sleazy businessman who does not seem to understand three words in a Federal Government:  "conflict of interest".

In Trump's mind, getting anything he wants, he views as being in his best interest! So, in his mind, there can be no conflict of interest! ;)

There's a very very good reason why our nuclear submarines are designed to stay undetected for so long! Plus, if our enemies know where our submarines are, they also know where they are not, which is to their advantage, not ours!

Now you sound like a total dope. I know you hate him and want to jump him for every infraction but Trump did not give out "top secret" information as Jinxy stated, nor did he give our enemies the "location" of any subs.  

This story is SO YUGE it's not even on the CNN website front page anywhere and just for shits and giggles, I just checked and it isn't even on MSNBC's top stories either.

Being a military guy you should know better.

Epic fail on this one.

And, pointing to the press's response? They're pretty much ignorant on the issue also. Talk to a submariner or a anti-submariner. You'll get a better picture of how they feel about it and why! ;)

Yes.  Even the general location of our submarines is classified information.  This has to do with the very scientific and technical process of submarine detection.  Any anomaly can be a give away, so if our adversaries see a number of the same types of anomalies in a given area where they know our subs are located, it helps them further  develop their own detection technology.  

But you are clearly as ignorant as the dumb shit you voted for, so you get a pass this time.

followme131 reads

Yes you are the epitome of stupid

A carrier task force was sent to the area. It is NO SECRET …..let me repeat the  it is NO SECRET that a carrier task force includes a sub often two. Therefore they all know there are subs in the area, and one of them intentionally showed itself.


You’re Welcome

For God and Country

Yes let's talk about how incredibly stupid you are.  Trump wasn't talking about subs attached to the strike groups you royal tool.  The USS Michigan that is berthed in Pusan is one of those dubs.  Trump was talking about two completely different subs that were previously not disclosed by anybody.  

Why are some of these retards so intent in trying to show trump is not a stupid as he is.  He was a great game show host. As President he is a walking talking shit sandwich.

followme143 reads

Get it together and get up to date and get your facts right.
 The port city the sub is in is now known as Busan,.

Get back to me when you get you shit straight

Gotta keep taking these ignorant lefties to school.

You're Welcome

JakeFromStateFarm146 reads

Argue about the first letter? Everyone knows it used to be called Pusan.  It's where US forces staged an epic defense during the Korean War.  But you wouldn't know that.  Dunce.
Of course EVERYTHING else he said was correct.

followme118 reads

Put him in his place or you for that matter.  

You're Welcome
In jake the pretender We Distrust

-- Modified on 5/24/2017 10:35:51 PM

followme137 reads

you need a new pair of glasses.

I'll save you from embarrassing yourself from taking this all the way to the right and allow you the last word. Now pretend you are something you are not

You're Welcome
In Jake the pretender we distrust

Hurry jake hurry, hurry and reply as fast as you can

You are one ignorant fuck.  I lived in South Korea when it was still called Pusan.  Everybody that lives there still calls it Pusan and respelling it with a B is a huge joke.  In fact, in Korean, it is still pronounced "Pusan" with a "P", since there is no hard B sound in the language.  But you would never know that because a racist dumb ass fuck like you probably doesn't even speak to non white people.

Cottonmouth210 reads

Just ask all the PhDs who can't walk from 4th street to 5th street without getting mugged .

followme183 reads

When a sub surfaces and pulls into post into a port in South Korea.

You're Welcome

For God and Country

Cottonmouth196 reads

Hillary's 80,000 mishandlings of classified information on her illegal private server .  I wonder how how much Kerry and Obama gave up when they were selling us out to Iran .

The point isn't about any particular submarine being at a given location.  It's about Trump not being able to keep his mouth shut about our military deployments.   Why even mention it at all?  Worse still, why mention it to a raving lunatic like Duterte?

But no, the Trump nuts have to line up and nit pick to try and show that it doesn't matter that their clown in chief is a security risk, has very little self control and is not very skilled at judging human character.

You get over your skis a bit here Jinxy and it took a few "Trump nuts" to reel you back toward sanity. ;)

Wouldn't it be better to just make a blanket statement something like we are moving military assets to the area to counter the threat by NK.   Then you let the adversary figure out just what the fuck you are doing.  I don't think it's a very good idea to telegraph your moves or tell your opponent exactly what the fuck you are planning.

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat

To the murderous mad man Duterte.  This right after complimenting him on what a great job he's doing in his war on drugs, by murdering his own people.  
 The location of our submarine fleet is supposed to be top secret to enhance the difficulty in finding them, not make it easier.  Now the Russians and the Chinese have a good idea where to start looking.  
 Making our adversaries great again!
Murdering his own people? Like with guns supplied to Mexican drug lords by Obama? Something tells me you dont wish to remind people of that...

As for your next paragraph: you support and worship the guy (Obama) who gave America's enemies dates of everything. Shame you missed that.

As opposed to more cut and paste for the hate monger?

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Just another dumb ass comment posted by a clueless Trump cult member!

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