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Dear Family and Friends: On August 5, 1979, I wrote you a letter explaining why I had found it necessary to have my name removed from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My hope was that each of you would obtain some of the books and articles and determine for yourselves if I was right or that I had in fact been led astray in my research. The response of most of my family and friends is to take the ostrich approach. You have all stuck your heads in the sand and declared by your inaction that you do not want to hear about it, read about it or even think about it. This approach will lead you to your eternal destruction.
Because you will not make the effort to obtain any of the books or articles that I outlined in my August 5, 1979 letter (or won't read them even after I have traveled a thousand miles and given them to you), I am going to, hopefully, save you some time by reducing all of the material to what I call the "bottom-line issue" in the hope that you will realize why you are being led to your eternal destruction.
If Joseph Smith was a true prophet then everyone should follow his teachings. If, however, Joseph Smith was a false prophet, then he should be exposed as such. There are at least twenty-three references in the Bible dealing with false prophets. Some of these references are specific tests to determine if the prophet is a true prophet of God. I would like to apply just two of these tests to Joseph Smith. Deuteronomy 13:1-5 is the first Scripture in the Bible dealing with false prophets. The issue in these verses is whether the prophet leads the people after another god.
The god of Mormonism was born as a boy in another world. He grew up, got baptized by one holding the proper authority, got married in the temple for time and all eternity (probably to more than one wife), had many children, was obedient to all of the laws and ordinances of the gospel and eventually died. Because of his obedience and faithfulness, and by the Law of Eternal Progression, he was exalted and became god. If you know anything about Mormon doctrine, you know that this is the god of Mormonism. His name is Eloheim (or Ahman) and he lives on a planet (or star) nearest the planet Kolob. He is a glorified, resurrected, exalted man, having a tangible body of flesh and bones (see Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie, p. 250).
I declare to you that the god of Mormonism is another god, as spoken of in Deuteronomy 13:2. The god of Mormonism is not the God that I worship. My God is not a glorified, resurrected, exalted man, having a tangible body of flesh and bones. My God is not a created being. My God is a Spirit, not man (John 4:24). My God is a reasoning, purposeful, Spirit-being who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, tri-personal (yet singular), self-existent, immutable (unchangeable), eternal, holy, love, just, and merciful.
Now, we can't both be right. How can we determine which one of us is worshipping the wrong God? The key test is in the very next Scripture dealing with false prophets in the Bible, namely Deuteronomy 18:20-22. The issue (or test) in these verses is whether the prophet speaks a thing in the name of the Lord that does not come to pass. If we can find one thing that Joseph Smith has said in the name of the Lord that does not come to pass and cannot come to pass, then we should be able to agree that he is a false prophet. The reason that I am writing this letter is to list what I believe are the false prophecies of Joseph Smith.
I will try to be as brief as possible with each prophetic utterance that I believe to be false. I pray that each of you will study the prophetic utterances and determine for yourself whether it is a false prophecy or not.
Certain basic questions should be asked about each prophecy or revelation. First, it must be determined that the prophetic utterances really came from Joseph Smith. Secondly, it must be determined that the prophecy purportedly came from God. Thirdly, you have to determine if the prophecy came to pass exactly as outlined. Lastly, you have to determine if the prophecy can come to pass. On this last point, you should ask yourself if you are being honest with yourself or are you performing mental gymnastics in order to save Joseph Smith from being a false prophet?
I will list the prophecies or revelations according to the date that Joseph Smith is reported to have received them. In some cases the order will be approximate. Some of the references might be slightly different because of changes that have been made in the 1981 edition of the "triple combination" (Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price).


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