Politics and Religion

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 4447 reads
1 / 56

Creepy guy indeed...

JakeFromStateFarm 42 reads
3 / 56

so the proper process is being followed.  Also, if you want to draw parallels with the Moore situation, there aren't any.  Unless someone else comes forward, this is the only time Franken has been accused of anything and at this point all it sound like was a tasteless, sexist joke.  Moore, OTOH, molested at least 7 women and nothing about it was a joke.

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 2:50:10 PM

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 45 reads
4 / 56

Harvey and Al...whoop there it is, haha!

bigguy30 44 reads
5 / 56

So they elect these two scumbags Donald Trump and Roy Moore.
Then want to point fingers at Al Franken??

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 4:17:49 PM

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 65 reads
6 / 56

...I know it's true because CNN just said so.

St. Croix 50 reads
7 / 56

It might be Moore 7 - Franken 1, but I have a feeling this is not a one time assault.  The only debate will be the consequences of their actions. Moore goes to jail and Franken loses his job.  


-- Modified on 11/16/2017 1:38:30 PM

bigguy30 42 reads
8 / 56

Franken is not losing his job, unless other GOP Senators leave with him!
Plus Roy Moore is a  child molester and that's even worst!

Also if you listened to Leeann Tweenden in the link I already posted.
She mentions Franken should not lost his job!

JakeFromStateFarm 69 reads
9 / 56

If not a lame prank, why did he get it PHOTOGRAPHED????  He thought it was funny.  It wasn't and he admits it and apologized.  Moore? He's still denying it.
As for whether there are other skeletons in Franken's closet, who knows.  But no doubt we'll find out.  If this is part of a pattern, he's toast.  If not, it just goes away.

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 5:44:05 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 44 reads
10 / 56

...her; she was wearing a flak jacket. He wasn't even looking at her and his fingertips were barely touching her.  But it was stereotyping a group of people, just as righties stereotyped Obama with doctored photos of watermelons on the White House lawn.  How many of you righties expressed outrage at that?

What's really problematic is the kiss.  Franken repeatedly wanted her to "rehearse" the kiss.  People know how to kiss - they don't have to rehearse, other than maybe to decide which way to tilt their heads.

HappyChanges 61 reads
11 / 56

done. There are just laws against grabbing women's breast while there sleeping without consent. Unfortunately for Franken, there's evidence too.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 44 reads
12 / 56

...showing the height limit of girls he prefers to date.  He not interested in any girls taller than this:

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 68 reads
13 / 56

Posted By: Laffy
Re: And right on cue,
Righties are DEMANDING an "investigation" and DEMANDING campaign contributions be returned......even though they NEVER said that with Tiny Hands Trump or Moore.  
 And don't tell me, "But, but, but.......it's different because there is a picture" because Toddler Trump BRAGGED about doing it numerous times.
Contrary to popular belief you don't have to be rich to experience  women lusting for your nimble fingers with hope  
 we  sing along with their words of lust.  
  I'll always remember with fondness the PYT who asked if I would  pick her clit like I do my strings.    :-D

Like MAGA President Trump I've never grabbed a pussy she didn't willingly place in my hand.   :-D

On the other hand, Democrat hero, Creepazoid  Al Franken forces himself on a sleeping woman and smiled for the photograph that should fry his creepy ass.  
"On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.
He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable........

I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.
I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.
How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?
I told my husband everything that happened and showed him the picture.
I wanted to shout my story to the world with a megaphone to anyone who would listen, but even as angry as I was, I was worried about the potential backlash and damage going public might have on my career as a broadcaster.
But that was then, this is now. I’m no longer afraid."  

 Sexual Predator Al  Franken should resign or more fitting for his party, he should run for the Presidency in 2020 !!!


mrhuck 15 Reviews 90 reads
14 / 56

...But the biggest difference between Al Franken & 95% of all others similarly accused he has the integrity to admit what he did was wrong & apologize for his actions, let's see how many of the other accused have the balls to do that. Personally I have never thought very much of Franken's comic humor but with the strength, wisdom, & integrity he has demonstrated as a senator it would be a sad loss for all Americans if he were forced to resign.

followme 53 reads
16 / 56

most if not all TER lefty’s see franken committing sexual assault Is OK since he has the immunity of the big “D” after his name.

And all the excuses It is ok because ……
….It was a joke
….His fingertips were barely touching her  
….It is only one time
And so on  

and there is the joking about franken committing sexual assault, I'm sure if a righty were to joke about or think anything funny about moore doing what he apparently did all the leftys  would say they are most horrible people in the world.  


St. Croix 75 reads
17 / 56

Stuart Smalley tried to make this like some kind of SNL skit. He gave this some serious thought and planning before doing what he did.  Let's see how long anyone would last in a job sticking their tongue in someone's mouth, and grabbing their breasts. They'd be fired in a nanosecond. Franken does have one advantage. Working in government, because this will get bogged down in one committee after another.

Why did he get it photographed? Why do people put stupid shit on Twitter, Facebook or any social media platform? Because they're stupid, see Weiner. And since women control the narrative, and Franken is in a position of power, this WILL NOT go away, and it shouldn't.

The list is LONG. They even got a dead guy. A prominent dead guy. Elie Wiesel, a Nobel winner no less.  

As it relates to Hollywood, this does have a 1940s/50s root out the communists feel to it. Though in this case, everyone being called out, appears to be GUILTY. It would be easy to "rank" "grade" the degree of sexual assault, harassment,  or prank, but that's not open for discussion now.

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 8:00:54 PM

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 46 reads
18 / 56

i hear Moore is a closet fag..

St. Croix 58 reads
19 / 56

This is not the Department of Motor Vehicles. What did he say in his first apology? " I don't remember". And "grabbing her breasts was intended to be funny".  

Don't worry, there's a Democrat for Governor. He can appoint another Democrat to replace Franken. He shouldn't be forced to resign. He should quit.

You want strength, wisdom and integrity? Look at the other Senator from Minnesota

2465305 70 Reviews 42 reads
20 / 56

Unfortunately Franken forgot to pay off the photographer to lose the photos.  

Pretty damning evidence that what he is being accused of really did happen....plus he apologized which pretty much seals his fate and proves his guilt.
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: I agree with Leeann Tweeden and the GOP hypocisy is not surprising either.
So they elect these two scumbags Donald Trump and Roy Moore.  
 Then want to point fingers at Al Franken??

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 4:17:49 PM

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 44 reads
22 / 56

Franken=one and he apologized.
trump, deny, deny deny  
Moore, deny deny deny
Wasn't cool from Franken, the joke man. But I'll cut him some slack, for now.

JakeFromStateFarm 67 reads
23 / 56

Your article is about a political argument.

bigguy30 49 reads
25 / 56

The Women who stood up with courage to confront abusers.
Then face an entire second round of abuse, when they are called liars.  
So Trump and Moore continue to call their accusers liars.  
Al Franken accepted the blame on himself.

I guess it's hard for you to understand the difference too.

Cottonmouth 37 reads
26 / 56

it was okay for Obama to lift the ban on gay men to give blood .  

Roy Moore has been neck deep in controversy for years . If it was true then it would have come out years ago .  

Womanizer has lost its luster and doesn't sway votes so now they've moved onto accusing people of being pedophiles.  

Have you even bothered to look at the women they're paying to accuse him from FORTY YEARS ago.  Look at the most recent liar.  The  one slimy Gloria Allred had on the news . If you can't tell she was lying then I'd like to get you into a card game .

GaGambler 75 reads
27 / 56

He did so because there was incontrovertible proof about his guilt. The same cannot be said about Roy Moore. I honestly don't know if Moore is guilty of anything more than being "creepy" and I despise the man more than any lefty. Personally I hope he is run out of town on a rail, never to be heard from again, but just like with Mike Tyson who I am POSITIVE deserves to be put in prison for a thousand years, I don't think either of are necessarily guilty of the actual crimes they were accused of.  

Has it ever occurred to anyone that Moore, (piece of shit that he is) is denying the charges because he didn't do it? Back to my Mike Tyson analogy, Mike Tyson is a thug, and is most likely guilty of hundreds of felonies, but I don't believe he raped "that" girl. I feel the same way about Roy Moore, I have serious doubts about the claims against him, but I despise him so much, I am not going to lose a lot of sleep if this ends his career.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 87 reads
28 / 56

No doubt judging by your history and your inability to comprehend written words, you don't realize women don't want  to be stalked, in person, on the phone, or on the boards.  
      In your defense you are a lot like creepy Franken, obsessively dense and unattractive to women.
      If you'd spend less time on CNN and modifying your posts you might learn something that would help you from portraying yourself as the Ultimate Loser.

"Morgan, a former host on conservative talk station KSFO, made the allegations on Media Equalizer, a blog she co-founded. She said the harassment consisted of Franken aggressively trying to continue the argument off air and repeatedly calling her personal phone number to “badger” her."


Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 76 reads
29 / 56

He is a comedian form the school of sophomoric rank humor.  Second City and Harvard Lampoon.  What he did was a stupid college level joke that was basically acceptable 10 years ago.  Tweeden is just jumping on to the #metoo band wagon, which in and of itself is going to implode under it’s own weight and there will be backlash.  Are men now supposed to just not talk to women or try and get in a kiss?  Is flirtation now dead?  Are we all going to procreate from afar be test tube and artificial insemination?  But those are arguments for another day.

Back to Franken.  His behaviors then was stupid because thats the essence of that brand of humor.  Was it insulting towards Tweeden?  Was it in bad taste and poor form? Yes, of course.  But sexual assault like pussy grabbing, pedophilia and  lying about it later?  No thats strictly a Trumptard thing.

Franken apologized, Tweeden accepted it and the case should be closed as it is basically an issue between Al and Leanne.  Besides Franke called for an investigation himself and is acting completely above board.  Roy Moore?  Lying, sniveling, reprehensible Trumpturd.

bigguy30 47 reads
30 / 56
mrhuck 15 Reviews 44 reads
31 / 56

...While GaG. is correct about Franken's  undeniable culpability he is still the only person accused of these misdeeds to fall on his sword & sincerely apologize for his actions, & I still believe his consistency with demanding public disclosure of the truth in the U.S. senate would be missed by all except right wing deceptors. As for Leann Tweeten she is certainly the blameless victim of this sad story her only fault was looking hot & that excuses nothing, however she did accept Franken's apology & that says something about her level of forgiveness. I find the comparison of Al Franken to Roy Moore or to Donald Trump by some kind of scoring method so absolutely ludicrous that only the morons on this board would present it.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 84 reads
32 / 56

Inbred city slickers festering with creepy genes laugh  at jokes about drugging and raping women.  
 Your ideas about acceptable would get your face smashed in trying that creepy joking around, ten years ago or before  

  The best way for Al to get out of this, slit his own throat for the reality effect.  

"And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her,’” Franken said. “Or, ‘that’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘when she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Re: Anybody who thinks what Franken did was sexual assault is an idiot.
He is a comedian form the school of sophomoric rank humor.  Second City and Harvard Lampoon.  What he did was a stupid college level joke that was basically acceptable 10 years ago.  

bigguy30 43 reads
33 / 56

So again Trump and his supporters are hypocrites on this subject.

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 12:47:43 PM

mrhuck 15 Reviews 38 reads
34 / 56

..If nothing ells quad is consistent, however as usual he is consistently WRONG, first he actually tried to convince followers of this board he was on the MAGGOT Trump (did I misspell that?) election campaign  payroll & and after lord knows how many tasteless lies & deceptions for as long as this alias has posted here he comes up with this kind of drama queen type of posting, nice try you deceptive P.O.S.

followme 52 reads
35 / 56

Was franken’s apology to Leeann Tweeden sincere

Clearly it was not

A quote from the link

“Franken eventually apologized for his crude remarks, but he later wrote in his book, “Al Franken: Giant of the Senate,” that he faked the apology to get the necessary support for his election win, according to the New York Times. “

He just issued another fake apology  to Leeann Tweeden in an attempt to keep from getting shit canned from the senate.

franken clearly has NO honor, NO integrity NO credibility

JakeFromStateFarm 40 reads
36 / 56
JakeFromStateFarm 45 reads
37 / 56

How horrid!  What a beast!  And we are still waiting for a second woman to claim any sexual abuse.  But a group of women who work in Franken's office have made a statement of support.
Meanwhile, an eighth woman came forward today in Alabammy to say she'd been abused by Moore.  And our hypocrite-in-chief lashed out at Franken despite having been accused of improper behavior by more than a dozen women.
Oh, right.  They're all liars.  Sarah Huckabee reminded us.
So keep on defending the indefensible, quadbot the Russian troll.

JakeFromStateFarm 64 reads
38 / 56

He disrobed in front of a 14-year-old girl, touched her genitals through her panties and then guided her hand to touch his genitals through his underwear.  With several other girls he also forced himself physically on them.  All sexual abuse and FAR beyond merely "creepy." No one has made even the slightest attempt to prove none of this happened.
Beyond that, he was such a constant and stalkerish presence at the Gadsden mall that he was banned from there and it was well known.  Even colleagues at the time knew he had an odd propensity for dating teenaged girls.
All together there is FAR too much smoke here for there to be fire.
As for Franken, the only other women who have come forward are a group who has worked for him to say he was always correct in his behavior, treated them respectfully, encouraged them and promoted them.  Pervy types act out of a compulsion and act out numerous times -- like Moore.  What we have with Franken is one astoundingly stupid and wrong incident but no pattern.
I will say you're right about one thing.  He didn't admit what he did because of "integrity." He did it because he got caught with photographic evidence.  Isn't it odd, though.  In the three biggest cases of bad behavior involving lefties -- Franken, Louis C.K. and Weinstein -- that have all admitted it to one degree or another and apologized.  The righties like Moore and Trump?  Deny, deny, deny.  Kind of like most married whoremongers.

followme 42 reads
39 / 56

A supporter, defender and apologist for and condone  franken's  sexual assault.

Who in you fucked up mind thinks he is Jack the Ripper, I am nor anyone else is accusing him of murder you fumb duck.
But you will continue to just keep making shit up because you are a lying scupper trout.

You will of course lie distort and make up more stupid shit so you can divert from the issue.

You’re Welcome
At Moocher We laugh

BTW did you know franken, your idol who you proudly defend, lied when he apologized to Lesley Stahl …he said the words to get elected but did not mean it. It would therefore follow that he is lying now and is saying the words but is not sincere and does not mean it when he apologizes to Leeann Tweeden.

But you go ahead and continue to defend franken because he has the Dispensation  "D" after his name

bigguy30 42 reads
40 / 56

You keep using Fox fake news and facts don't matter to that bogus network.
So Franken has NO honor, NO integrity NO credibility according to FM on a fuck site.
I guess you have short term memory lost yourself and forget your own actions on here.

This sums you up perfectly FM.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 40 reads
41 / 56

Franken’s remarks about Stahl were in a writers cram session for SNL.  They were obviously over the top and did not make onto the show.  It’s called a bad joke.  It wasn’t real.  It never happened.  Nobody drugged or raped Stahl, although I do find it funny that anybody would want to.  Except for you.  You’d probably want to.

followme 43 reads
42 / 56

How dumb, stupid, ignorant can one person be.

Yes the link is from Fox. Did you not see, realize or are you so illiterate you cannot understand comprehend and figure out that the excerpt I quoted Fox credited and acknowledged THE NEW YORK TIMES as the source. The big hint to that is the last six words of the excerpt I quoted.


I’ll try to explain it to you ….it means that the information is from the NEW YORK TIMES !
And unlike you Fox has the integrity to acknowledge where they get the information because they do not PLAGARIZE.  

Butt you are so biased and you are not man enough to see or acknowledge the truth because it scares the shit out of you.


You’re Welcome
In TC30 We Distrust…But laugh like hell at

User1994 23 Reviews 39 reads
43 / 56

Oh no. He wasn't grabbing her bare breasts. Not, at least, in THAT photo. AND stop making up stories about conservatives doctoring pictures with watermelons on the White House lawn. Everybody knows Liberals make those and put them online thinking it will "prove" conservatives are racist. I never saw that photo. I'm sure it's on your hard drive though.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 44 reads
44 / 56

The real American Creep is actually the one occupying the WH.

2465305 70 Reviews 43 reads
45 / 56

Difference? Plenty of difference.

Franken ADMITTED it.....all you have vs Trump and Moore unfortunately is an accusation......you know he said she said.

so being the moron that you are you just believe anything anyone says against someone?

Do tell us all your answer.
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Well here is the difference between Trump, Moore and Franken.  
The Women who stood up with courage to confront abusers.  
 Then face an entire second round of abuse, when they are called liars.  
 So Trump and Moore continue to call their accusers liars.    
 Al Franken accepted the blame on himself.  
 I guess it's hard for you to understand the difference too.

bigguy30 56 reads
46 / 56

So it's more than one woman in both cases clown.
Also I guess you forgot about that Access Hollywood video with Trump?

Then you are calling me a moron and think you deserve a answer from me???
Just like Trump you have no creditbility at all.

You truly are a clueless dumbass and just proved it again to everybody on this site!

-- Modified on 11/18/2017 9:28:06 PM

2465305 70 Reviews 38 reads
47 / 56

Answer the question fatboy........do you believe and lay credibility to everything you hear or read? Someone comes out and says something against someone else...does that make it true?

Simple question............yes or no?
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: You voted for Trump a man that has sexual assaulted several woman over the years.
So it's more than one woman in both cases clown.  
 Also I guess you forgot about that Access Hollywood video with Trump?  
 Then you are calling me a moron and think you deserve a answer from me???  
 Just like Trump you have no creditbility at all.  
 You truly are a clueless dumbass and just proved it again to everybody on this site!

-- Modified on 11/18/2017 9:28:06 PM

bigguy30 47 reads
48 / 56

So now I am fatboy??Lol
Also you still want a answer after my last response???
Solestupid you have no defense at all clown.

2465305 70 Reviews 51 reads
49 / 56

I don't have any crayons so I'll type the answers to both of your questions......Hopefully you will understand. doubtful but still hopeful.


If you can't answer #2 than I'll just assume that you believe everything that you read or hear or see in print, that's all.  

It's not a trick question.
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Well you continue to prove my points.
So now I am fatboy??Lol  
 Also you still want a answer after my last response???  
 Solestupid you have no defense at all clown.

2465305 70 Reviews 33 reads
50 / 56

What....you can't ask a question on here?

Posted By: TERAdmin
Re: You guys done yet?

bigguy30 47 reads
51 / 56

So can you read or smart enough to understand the points earlier clown???

Just like your insecure and desperate puppet master Trump.
Solestupid  acts the same way himself too.

I knew Trump represents the little values you have as a person.
It's also clear you cannot think for yourself and blinded by Trump's garbage.
The true sign of someone in a cult!

-- Modified on 11/19/2017 7:56:56 PM

2465305 70 Reviews 37 reads
52 / 56

Can someone please decipher this idiot's gibberish?

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: This picture sums you up perfectly on here.
So can you read or smart enough to understand the points earlier clown???  
 Just like your insecure and desperate puppet master Trump.  
 Solestupid  acts the same way himself too.  
 I knew Trump represents the little values you have as a person.  
 It's also clear you cannot think for yourself and blinded by Trump's garbage.  
 The true sign of someone in a cult!

-- Modified on 11/19/2017 7:56:56 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 122 reads
53 / 56

Another woman comes out with more proof  Al Franken is a sexual predator targeting women when they least expect to have their ass molested  by a serial abuser in a position of power.
    This time Frankencreep does not recall the Photo op with his hand  fondling  her ass,  likely due to his propensity to sexually abuse and humiliate  every woman possible in his proximity.  

"A woman tells CNN that Al Franken grabbed her buttocks while she was taking a photo with the sitting US senator in 2010. Franken says he doesn’t remember the photo and feels “badly” that she felt disrespected. "  

"She said as she posed with Franken, he "pulled me in really close, like awkward close, and as my husband took the picture, he put his hand full-fledged on my rear," Menz said. "It was wrapped tightly around my butt cheek."
Menz said she told her husband, Jeremy Menz, and father Mark Brown about it right away. Both men affirmed that to CNN. Menz also said she posted the photo with Franken on Facebook on Aug. 27, 2010, and when her sister commented on the photo, she replied: "Dude -- Al Franken TOTALLY molested me! Creeper!"


bigguy30 57 reads
54 / 56

Then he points fingers at other places he feels is fake news.
This is what you call denial and hypocrisy on his part!

-- Modified on 11/20/2017 6:41:07 PM

GaGambler 47 reads
55 / 56

If so everyone on this board who has ever said Obama/Trump/Bush should be shot/beat.

What I find ironic about both Moore and Franken is that neither of them are accused of actually having forced or extorted sex with ANYONE, Franken is kind of creepy and Moore is VERY creepy, but with all the cases of rape, child molesting, drugging women, or making them suck a dick to get a movie role, what both Franken and Moore are being accused of seems rather tame compared to let's say Cosby or Weinstein.  Neither of them ever even took their dick out, much less put it somewhere it wasn't wanted. lol

Would I let either of those weirdos alone with any woman I care about? Hell no, but come on, this isn't even close to what Cosby or Weinstein are undoubtedly guilty of.

2465305 70 Reviews 61 reads
56 / 56

So dems believe that if you say "SORRY" or even "MY BAD" you should be forgiven and nothing should happen?

Maybe we should extend that to those who commit murder, robbery, and even rape.  

It doesn't have to even have to be sincere....just sound like it.
Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Re: Anybody who thinks what Franken did was sexual assault is an idiot.
He is a comedian form the school of sophomoric rank humor.  Second City and Harvard Lampoon.  What he did was a stupid college level joke that was basically acceptable 10 years ago.  Tweeden is just jumping on to the #metoo band wagon, which in and of itself is going to implode under it’s own weight and there will be backlash.  Are men now supposed to just not talk to women or try and get in a kiss?  Is flirtation now dead?  Are we all going to procreate from afar be test tube and artificial insemination?  But those are arguments for another day.  
 Back to Franken.  His behaviors then was stupid because thats the essence of that brand of humor.  Was it insulting towards Tweeden?  Was it in bad taste and poor form? Yes, of course.  But sexual assault like pussy grabbing, pedophilia and  lying about it later?  No thats strictly a Trumptard thing.  
 Franken apologized, Tweeden accepted it and the case should be closed as it is basically an issue between Al and Leanne.  Besides Franke called for an investigation himself and is acting completely above board.  Roy Moore?  Lying, sniveling, reprehensible Trumpturd.

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