Politics and Religion

Mitt caves to the right & picks Ryan
Priapus53 2213 reads

This is "going to the middle" for the general election?!------think this will draw in independents & women who Romney DESPERATELY needs to win this election ?!-----LMFAO ! Ryan is a radical Social Darwinist Ayn Rand acolyte ( however, to mollify conservative white Christians, who ARE the GOP, he had to disavow AR because she was a Jewish born Atheist ) who wants to end Medicare as we know it.

Portman & Rubio could have brought a lot to the table; Portman might have delivered Ohio; Rubio could have upped the Hispanic demographic which GOP desperately needs & coulda helped in Fla. I'm GUESSING that Fla., along with Ohio, might be off the table. With high % of Fla seniors not looking forward to Ryan "Medicare death panels" that state MIGHT be lost to Mitt.

I'm not saying the "Fat lady is singing" but she's warming up in the wings.

-- Modified on 8/11/2012 9:41:57 AM

GaGambler218 reads

but I have to agree he is a horrible choice as a running for Romney. Romney, like McCain before him won the nomination as a moderate most likely to be able to win the GE by attracting independents and by not being a galvanizing "true conservative" and just like McCain before him, instead of capitalizing on his strengths (what little he has) he too has made the mistake of trying to earn his "conservative chops"

McCain was an idiot for thinking that Palin could mobilize his base, Romney is even stupider because he watched McCain blow his run at the White House, and still made the same stupid mistake.

You'll notice I am not making any bets on the results of this election, I still detest Obama, and still think he is going to go down as one the worst POTUS's of modern times,and I think he is going to be even worse in his second term not having to worry about running again, but I think he is going to get that second term. I looks like Romney, like McCain is simply going to give it to him.

Priapus53212 reads

After posting this OP, took my daily hour walk, thinking that you'd post something like this. And you did.

What does this all add up to ? What MITT did was VERY politically stupid. I'm not arrogant enough to say that the election is over at this point, but it sure as fuck looks that way.

GaGambler286 reads

and would you please tell your idiot friend that while the "nutty right wing crowd" might have flocked to SEE Palin, they certainly didn't flock to vote for her, or at least not in high enough numbers to offset the losses in independent and moderate voters.

I don't know if selecting Palin was the single dumbest thing that McCain did in his campaign, and in all fairness it appeared, at least for a short time, that he had indeed "mobilized his base" in the long run it was proven that Palin was poorly vetted and a huge liability to the campaign. Obama successfully ran against Palin instead of McCain, and quite frankly trounced him.

I will say that mobilizing your base CAN be very effective if done properly, i will concede that GWB did it very effectively in 2004 by making gay marriage a hot bed issue, and got the Jesus freaks to the polls in record numbers. I just don't see the same happening in 2012. The addition to Ryan on the ticket might get a few righties to vote who might otherwise have sat home,  but just like with Palin, not enough to offset Romney's losses in the middle, which is where most elections are won.

If he felt confident in the polls, and/or thought he could keep campaigning by just saying Obama sucks while offering ZERO policy details, he would have gone with a safe, do no harm pick like Portman or Palenty...Actually, Condi Rice is very well liked by moderate & independent voters and would have been a good choice, but since she is PRO-choice, scratch her..No way the GOP would accept her..

Ryan is strongly anti-abortion, so forget bringing in any moderate female voters...It's basically Romney doubling down on his plan to get rid of Planned Parenthood (an agency he once supported and wrote checks for)

I doubt Ryan helps with Wisconsin...The state is fairly blue, Obama won Ryan's district in 2008, as well as the state...Although, the big unknown this election is all the suppressive voter ID bullshit, and we don't know how that is going to play out...

Ryan has zero foreign policy experience, just like the guy at the top of the GOP ticket, so they have something in common there...

The Obama team should print 500,000 bumper stickers that read "Romney & Ryan will kill Medicare" and distribute them all over Florida...Obama should win FL. now handily, notwithstanding Gov Scott's voter suppression tactics...

Obama 2012

GaGambler293 reads

Ok, I'm done.lol

but in the interest of fair play, have you seen any positive ads from EITHER side in this election. It doesn't appear that either side wants to run on how much good they can do for this country. They are both running on how bad the other guy is, and I have to admit, they are both right. Both candidates suck, I can't force myself to like or support either one of them. My only criteria will be "which will do the least harm to the country?" and which one's policies will have the least impact on me personally?

The biggest issue that hits home for me personally is socialized medicine. In it's present form it will cost me at least a couple of hundred grand in the first four years it goes into effect, that alone is enough to give Romney my vote, but I am not hypocritical enough to come out and say I really have any confidence or even any real respect for the man.

AAR welcome back, do you plan on staying a while?  Football season is right around the corner, and besides I need another lefty around here that I actually like, I'm getting tired of being nice to Willy and Pri, (sorry guys, I sometimes just can't help myself) lmao

Hi Ga Gambler,

No, haven't seen too many positive ads from either side...Don't think this is going to be a 1984 "Morning in America" type of campaign, lol...It will be the ugliest campaign in American history.....Wait til the conventions are over and the Super Pac's really get into it...Heaven help those who live in true swing states like VA, OH, FL, CO - you'll see nothing but politcal ads on EVERY channel from Labor Day til 11/6..

I still place alot of focus on the courts...Justice Ginsburg probably won't last another presidential term on the court, and Obama gets my vote just to be the one to replace her....If Romney replaces her, then the court would tilt severly far right and the bad guys would have a comfortable 6-3 majority on everything....That is tooooooo scary a scenario to consider...

How about the Lakers trade for Howard, didn't see that coming?...I'm a Bynum fan to, i think he is a very good all around player when healthy...To be honest, i don't know if this deal is good or not?..

Yeah, looking foward to NFL...Still haven't gotten over the NFC Championship game where that KNUCKLEHEAD on SF fumbled TWICE, costing the game...SF was excellent in the takeaway dept last year, but didn't force any TO's in the title game....I don't know how the Giants do it, they turn it up in Dec. then go on cruise control in the playoffs...Same thing they did in 2007 when they beat NE.....

GaGambler204 reads

While personally I don't think a Supreme Court judge or two is worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars that socialized medicine is going to cost let. (lets at least call it what it is), I guess there is a silver lining in the Court appointments, and I suppose you are right about any Romney choices for the Supremes, especially if it happens in the next four years, he will be so eager to prove himself a "true conservative" that he will look for someone as far right as possible that he can still get confirmed.

I guess I am not a "true conservative" because these bible thumping religious pukes are every bit as loathsome to me as the libs that want to pick my pocket.

AAR nice to see you back. As polarizing as this election is setting itself up to be, I might have more friends on the left side of the aisle than the right. but I'm still not voting for Obama. lol

Every non-partisan budget analysis has debunked this claim. Instead their analysis show the opposite and deficit reduction.

Arguing with facts because you don’t like them makes look stupid.

It is unto you!

GaGambler235 reads

It is going to cost ME several hundred thousand dollars personally over the next few years. That's what I care about, it's also going to cost at least a few jobs for absolutely certain. I have sold my Oklahoma operations and started a new company in Texas, I now only have a couple of full time employees, as opposed to a few dozen. I have no intentions of hiring additional full time employees with Obama care hanging over my head. My money, my decision. and I am only one of many business owners making the same tough decisions.

Why do you people repeat the brain dead crap over and over.

Hop you take the challenge also!

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