Politics and Religion

Military discounts are a way for people to say thank you,
BreakerMorant 2271 reads

to the brave soldiers, marines and sailors who serve to protect our freedoms even those that do not appreciate them like you.  Wearing the Army greens is not a quick rich scheme it is a patriotic duty. Some are inspired to the call to duty others are not and that is fine.

I do not know to what anecdotal story you are referring to - you cuss with too much hostility -to make any sense but when I was in uniform I would ask for discounts. One time while travelling back from Ft. Sam I dropped into a motel and asked the owner/manager if they offered a military discount.

He said No! Instead he invited me over for dinner and I shared a terrifc conversation and barbeque with him and his wife. He had served in the Korean War told stories about McArthur, his wife shared her experiences and well I made a friend.

The moral of the story, is that we all need a little help even a soldier. Lighten up buddy, it's all good.

A_Einstein2291 reads

always going off about how socialistic roads and rules are, AS LONG AS the roads & rules aren't the ones they need.

Dog eat dog is fine, as long as the rules are the same for everybody.  That's the only thing FACBSER really want is preferential rules.

Good example is the military.  They pay young men a fifth the market rate, fire them up to go kill other young men, and that's their idea of population control, AS LONG AS FACBSER don't actually have to serve.  FACBSER are brave because they watch the movies and root for the good guys, it's much more efficient than actually doing the work.  

So here I am yesterday listening to some slob telling me he needs a military discount because he can't afford to pay.  Live & learn, buddy, too many of us have been there already.  Why should I pick up some Republican's mess?  

And don't get me started on YOUR hustle, Bro_Al_Sharpton.

GaGambler3565 reads

he doesn't need a military discount, he needs a lobotomy. ROFL

A_Einstein1386 reads

now eat my shit

But please don't die.  I'm gonna video you squirming & sell it on e-bay.  New feature length episode every week.

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 9:10:31 AM

Jack Daniels1855 reads

That’s why there are more registered Republicans than Democrats in the military.

It is not your decision to give or not to give discounts to the military.  That is a management decision at the McDonalds where you work.

For the third time, I don’t want fries with my coffee you fucking idiot!

A_Einstein2879 reads

but either (1) you already know that or (2) you don't have the spare brain cells to figure it out.

I didn't ask if your wanted FRIES in your coffee - I said I PISSED in your coffee.

You're welcome.

When can I see you?? Put me on your list!

GaGambler2425 reads

Never mind JackO. He is, through his many aliases, our resident idiot. Pay him no mind.

What brings you to our little leper colony called the P&R board? Just slumming I would assume. lol

RightwingUnderground2927 reads

I particularly enjoy watching him argue with himself. It is indeed a unique form of mental masturbation in process.

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 3:45:13 PM

But as my erstwhile contemporary across the aisle GaGambler inquired...
What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
And moreover... will you be touring Southern California any time soon? :P

(your chariot awaits!)

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 2:16:12 PM

GaGambler1998 reads

Isn't it amazing how it coincided with JackO's brief Sabbatical from the board? Oh well, it seems like a distant memory now.

Nice trike, I hope to see it and you in a month or so. A couple of terrorists whose names are among the unmentionables have just about convinced me to visit.

We_Miss_JackO2461 reads

In a forum marked by incivility, what's the problem with JackO's behavior?  That he posts more frequently, at far greater length, and much more quicly than the rest of us heunt-and-peck typists?

Yeah, he's hard to take most of the time.  So is pretty much every regular on this Board.

In a forum marked by incivility, what's the problem with JackO's behavior?  That he posts more frequently, at far greater length, and much more quicly than the rest of us heunt-and-peck typists?

Yeah, he's hard to take most of the time.  So is pretty much every regular on this Board.

DG: Got to admit, its a valid point :P

Does that mean you're coming to visit LA? Do let me know.

But if that is your bike I take it back..

Yes Quad, that's the infamous monster trike you've heard about.

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 6:52:50 PM

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 6:53:07 PM

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 6:53:24 PM

RightwingUnderground1902 reads

It’s the man that makes the machine, not vice versa.

"It’s the man that makes the machine, not vice versa."

 I have to disagree think about ...The "Terminator" and lol  Doc's favorite actor "The Road Warrior"..

Doc might still be a jerk IMO but there aren't any douce bags driving bikes like that..

A_Einstein1534 reads

it's not my job to be attractive, it's my job to make things work.

So you stick with your job, & don't tell me how to do mine, and I'll return the favor.

to the brave soldiers, marines and sailors who serve to protect our freedoms even those that do not appreciate them like you.  Wearing the Army greens is not a quick rich scheme it is a patriotic duty. Some are inspired to the call to duty others are not and that is fine.

I do not know to what anecdotal story you are referring to - you cuss with too much hostility -to make any sense but when I was in uniform I would ask for discounts. One time while travelling back from Ft. Sam I dropped into a motel and asked the owner/manager if they offered a military discount.

He said No! Instead he invited me over for dinner and I shared a terrifc conversation and barbeque with him and his wife. He had served in the Korean War told stories about McArthur, his wife shared her experiences and well I made a friend.

The moral of the story, is that we all need a little help even a soldier. Lighten up buddy, it's all good.

A_Einstein1524 reads

see the email

It is NOT all good.   They have to ask for discounts because of people who think they get paid in fucking yellow ribbons.   Some of those slobs get killed because they have fucking leaders YOU ELECTED who don't know to think about finishing fights before they start them.

Yeah, have a good laugh.  Some kid is gonna get killed over there today because we elected a bunch of asshats.

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 11:35:51 PM

Bushit-eater1334 reads

There were FOUR (4) killed yesterday, not just one.

We always excel!!

Cpl_Punishment2151 reads

for the govt they elected stiffing the scmuck to begin with.

"Oh you lost a few years seniority while I was knocking up your GF and you were getting your ass shot off in some hellhole?  15% off".

Fucking insult.

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