Politics and Religion

Mercury, Green Monkey Pus, Rat Poison, Aluminum & Embalming Fluid. Recipe for Witchs' Brew?
sappybullfighter 173 reads

Naw!  It is a partial list of some of the ingredients found in the vaccines that Jeffy-Poo and many others of his ilk insist you need to prevent diseases.  

Consider this for a moment. The skin is our largest bodily organ.  It has many functions including eliminating bodily waste products through sweating. One of the primary functions of our skin is to provide a barrier against microbial infection.  Every moment we are alive, millions of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses are living on our skin-just hoping for a cut to open the barrier so that they can begin the septic process of infecting ther host.

In light of that, why would anyone calling himself a doctor who well understands the various mechanisms of human infection actually use a hypodermic needle to bypass the body's natural, first-line-of-defense and inject a patient with a substance made from the causative agents of various diseases?  

What do you imagine the results would be if you tried to prevent a gonorrhea infection by shoving your wee willywonka into an oozing, pustulant, quivering quim?

Some more information:


Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Outbreaks Several States Spring 2012

Cutbacks Hurt a State’s Response to Whooping Cough

CDC: Whooping cough cases may be most in 5 decades - Wall Street Journal

The Whooping Cough's Unnecessary Return

"Parental concerns about vaccine safety are mostly wrongheaded. Plaintiffs' lawyers, eager to translate junk science into jury awards, have long spread misinformation about the dangers of vaccination. They've been especially successful among the affluent and well-educated, presumably because those groups have greater access to vaccine pseudoscience. Last October, the National Committee for Quality Assurance issued a report finding that vaccination rates among privately insured two-year-olds declined by nearly 4 percent in 2009—even as rates among enrollees in Medicaid, the government-run insurance program for low-income families, increased. In fact, 91.2 percent of children in Medicaid received the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, compared with 90.6 percent of children in private plans. In California's wealthy Marin County, public health official Fred Schwartz reports that parents are "signing waivers to opt out of immunizing kindergarten-bound children." About 7 percent of all children entering kindergarten in Marin County are unvaccinated, the seventh-highest percentage among California's 58 counties. It isn't surprising, then, that Marin County accounts for 15 percent of all California whooping-cough cases, despite having just 0.67 percent of the state's population.

Today's anti-vaccine hysteria can be traced in part to a 1974 British study that appeared to link the whooping-cough vaccine to rare brain injuries. The study was later debunked, but vaccination rates plummeted for a time in the United Kingdom, Japan, and Sweden. In the United States, rates held steady until 1982, when Lea Thompson's documentary Vaccine Roulette stoked fears—and won an Emmy. Though scientifically unfounded, Thompson's film provoked hysteria, congressional inquiries, and a rash of lawsuits against the pharmaceutical industry. By the mid-1980s, plaintiffs' lawyers were seeking billions in damages, and the price of the whooping-cough vaccine shot up 10,000 percent."

"If the germ theory of disease were actually correct, there would be nobody left alive to believe in it!"

We've all seen photographs of Bill Gates, right?  Nerdy glasses, always parts his hair on the same side, buttoned-down and altogether not very dangerous-looking looking, considering that he is one of the "richest men in the world."  Right?  You could never tell just by looking at the photos that his father spent his entire career as an apologist and footsoldier working for eugenics, could you?  Well, the nut doesn't fall very far from the tree, once again.  Under the cover of "humanitarianism," the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also working to eliminate as many people as possible from the planet.

The main focus of the foundation is to commit eugenics via vaccination programs aimed at eliminating the "useless eaters" living in the Third World. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is financially backing and endorsing mass polio virus vaccinations in India.

In case you didn’t hear him yourself, Bill Gates publicly announced that vaccines could help reduce the world population by 15%.  

The foundation came up with a snappy sounding name for their project in India: “The Last Mile: Eradicating polio in India.”  By 2010, the number of cases of polio in India had dropped to 42.  "The Last Mile" in India had the effect of trading 42 cases of polio caused by naturally occurring virus for 47,500 cases of polio and Non-Pollio-Acute-Flaccid-Paralysis (NPAFP) caused by the administration of the polio vaccine.

Some experts argue that wild virus polio rarely caused paralysis, especially before the creation of the pertussus vaccine which initially started the occurrence of paralysis now associated with polio. Polio was declining on its own before the Salk vaccine. Ironically, the Salk vaccine contained SV-40 (Simeon virus 40) associated with cancer’s surge since the 1950s.


In neighboring Pakistan during 2011, 136 children came down with polio after receiving vaccinations from the foundation. Yet 107 of them had been vaccinated multiple times with oral polio vaccines (OPVs). That’s over 78% of those supposedly “immunized” against polio getting that same disease!


Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV's) have been eliminated or banned in most industrialized nations due to the high number of adverse reactions caused by them. As a result they, along with many other overstocked, outdated, and untested vaccines are instead regularly dumped on the populations living in the Third World as soft-kill, Biological Warfare agents.

All done under the cover of humanitarianism commited by a nerdy and soft-looking, mega-rich American-"wanting to give something back."

When outbreaks of vaccination-related polio occur, the slithy toves who administered them are quick to hire phalanyxes of cooperative and willing clinicians who think of new names for polio and any other diseases they wish to hide.  Thus, polio caused by vaccines becomes "viral meningitis," or "NPAFP," or "Guillain Barre Syndrome," or some other, less-threatening name nobody has ever heard of.

When the attenuated viruses contained in OPV are administered to healthy people, the host then provides an optimal growing enviroment to the viruses which them mutate into a more virulent form which is them spread via the process of "viral shedding" into urine and stool-thus causing even further spread of the disease to those coming in contact with these nasty critters.

This spread by the process of viral shedding is a factor whenever OPV's are administered to Third World countries and occurred with deadly abundance in Nigeria, India and Pakistan among many others.

Thanks to "The Last Mile" many people in India actually walked their last mile due to the vaccine they were given.  47,500 at last count. I doubt that the Gates foundation will rethink its core principle of mass eugenics, but it should raise the suspicion of any and all living in those countries when these foundations show-up wanting to spend massive amount of money to provide vaccinations to them and not massive amounts of money to improve their water supply and sanitation systems-which would actually have the effect of eliminating these diseases.


Sapdung at the nexus of stupid and congenital CNS defects in one head.

Sapdung has no medical training. Sapdung's medical involvement consists of futily trying to wipe it's ass  and use it's peepee. The sites the right wing cretins here use are imbeciles just like they are. Imbeciles like to quote imbeciles, and say they are superior to the CDC where they couldn't literally get into the front door, let alone work. Med school isn't something Sapdung has as an option with good reason.

Proof Sapdung is full of shit as are his imbecilic non medical websitees. Sapdung is your typical redneck moron; with an educational equivalant of 5th grade level drop-out.


Improvements in Polio Vaccine Safety (5 Reactions per year)

In the last decade, numerous changes in vaccine production and administration have reduced the number of side effects and resulted in safer vaccines. A more purified acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine has been licensed for use and has replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine used in DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine). Several studies have evaluated the safety and efficacy of DTaP as compared to DTP and concluded DTaP is effective in preventing disease, and mild and serious side effects occurred less frequently when the DTaP vaccine was given.
Recent changes in the schedule of polio vaccines also have resulted in fewer reports of serious adverse events. In 1997, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended a change in the vaccination schedule to include sequential administration of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and oral polio vaccine (OPV). [13] This sequential schedule was expected to produce a high level of individual protection against the disease caused by wild polio virus, while reducing by 50 to 70% vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) that occurs in 8–10 people a year who receive OPV. [14] Today, only IPV is on the recommended childhood immunization schedule.

Stopping vaccination against polio will leave people susceptible to infection with the polio virus. Polio virus causes acute paralysis that can lead to permanent physical disability and even death. Before polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported each year in the United States. These annual epidemics of polio often left thousands of victims--mostly children--in braces, crutches, wheelchairs, and iron lungs. The effects were life-long. UPDATED April 2007

In 1988 the World Health Assembly unanimously agreed to eradicate polio worldwide. As a result of global polio eradication efforts, the number of cases reported globally has decreased from more than 350,000 cases in 125 countries in 1988 to 2,000 cases of polio in 17 countries in 2006, and only four countries remain endemic (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, Pakistan). To date polio has been eliminated from the Western hemisphere, and the European and Western Pacific regions. Stopping vaccination before eradication is achieved would result in a resurgence of the disease in the United States and worldwide.

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 1:42:14 PM

Naw!  It is a partial list of some of the ingredients found in the vaccines that Jeffy-Poo and many others of his ilk insist you need to prevent diseases.  

Consider this for a moment. The skin is our largest bodily organ.  It has many functions including eliminating bodily waste products through sweating. One of the primary functions of our skin is to provide a barrier against microbial infection.  Every moment we are alive, millions of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses are living on our skin-just hoping for a cut to open the barrier so that they can begin the septic process of infecting ther host.

In light of that, why would anyone calling himself a doctor who well understands the various mechanisms of human infection actually use a hypodermic needle to bypass the body's natural, first-line-of-defense and inject a patient with a substance made from the causative agents of various diseases?  

What do you imagine the results would be if you tried to prevent a gonorrhea infection by shoving your wee willywonka into an oozing, pustulant, quivering quim?

Some more information:


I do notice that you confined yourself to one of your humorless insults and expressed a wish that I put myself out of my misery with a "cap to head."  How like a caring, competent physician!  You know that it is frequently observed that medicine is the second oldest profession.  I'm pretty sure that someone with your exhaustive collection of unpleasant personality traits would not have very much success in the world's oldest profession.

Are you man enough to admit that you didn't refute any of the points I made as to the list of vaccine ingredients because they are true?  

Everything I listed has been thrown into the same trunk and fed to unsuspecting patients-often with disasterous results.  As I learned in one of my "whackjob sites" MD's suggest that children be given a course of 35 shots (plus "boosters" when the firsts shots wear off).  These expose the immune systems of children to 59 different chemicals, 113 different kinds of disease particles, DNA from 4 different animals, and DNA from aborted fetal tissue (thanks to the efforts of the "abortion industry," another highly profitable sector within your profession-remember, "It's not a child, it's a product to be exploited for the profit of BigPharma!").

What have been the results of the practice of this particular variety of "scientific" witchcraft? The Cal/Oregon Project surveyed 11,817 households with one or more children age 4 to 17. From those 11,817 households, data on 17,674 children was gathered. Of the 17,674 children inventoried, 991 were described as being completely unvaccinated.  The survey found that:

Vaccinated children had 120% more asthma.
Vaccinated boys had 317% more ADHD.
Vaccinated boys had 146% more autism.

read all about it here:


I imagine that it is very comforting to you when you assert that, "Sapdung has no medical training."  Variations on this theme are often repeated by you as the opening salvo in many of your corrosive rants against anyone questioning your demonstrably poor ideas.  You utilize this as a buffer for your bizzare thinking process to kneecap the argument or position of anyone disagreeing with you-as if anyone who hasn't gone through the same education as you has no right to an opinion contrary to yours, and they should simply lay down and let you or someone like you inject them with whatever irradiated monkey pus or mind poison you happen to have on hand.

Jeffy-Poo, this is the internet.  By it's nature it is very anonymous. You really have no idea what kind or how much training and/or education I, or anyone else might have in the various subjects about which you fondly and so profusively blather.

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