Politics and Religion

Loser - did you see the subject line of my post?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 30 reads
2 / 8

Look at the legislation the Senate produced this week. One bill gives 60 billion to Ukraine and leaves our border wide open and the other just gives money to Ukraine. With legislation like that, I’d rather Congress just go home and stay there until Election Day.

LostSon 43 Reviews 29 reads
3 / 8

He’s just pissed that the complete BULLSHIT poop 💩 legislation they are trying shove down the American public’s throat ain’t goin down so easy.

Jabba! Why do you want to contribute mass human suffering? I’m super curious as to why?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 26 reads
4 / 8

"GOP House"
Let me explain so that even YOUR pea brain can understand.  The Republican Party is the majority party in the House.  That means that the Republicans are the ones who are trying to shove the "BULLSHIT poop legislation" down the American public’s throat.  That means you’re so dumb that you’re saying your own party is full of shit.

I’m so glad you’re in the GOP, the House of the Rising Dumb.  Democrats sure don’t want you.  

Loser!  Why do you keep posting?  Why do you want to keep contributing to the accurate perception that righties are the biggest morons on Earth?
I’m super curious as to why?

BTW - “BULLSHIT” and “poop” are the same thing so saying “BULLSHIT poop legislation” is redundant. And putting in a poop emoji is even more redundant.  But I guess you put it in for your righty brethren who can’t read.  

You, durran and Lesser are the Three Stooges of this board.  I know it's not nice to laugh at the mentally challenged but I can't help it.  ROFLMAO!!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 24 reads
5 / 8

I hope he at least gives you a reach around for your efforts.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 29 reads
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…Democrats are having severe trouble passing the most horrific legislation imaginable in response to a problem solely created by Biden, and there’s now enough free speech on X that the legislation is going down in flames. That’s what upsets lefties like BigMoron the most. A total loss of control over the narrative. They even tried to blame the immigration issue on Trump only to have people pull up Biden’s comments in 2015, saying he wanted a never ending flood of illegals.  

Meanwhile we now have on the ground reporting from the Darian that there are two distinct groups making their way up through the southern border. Not only is it a flood of illegals from Central and South America, but Africans, Indians, people from the Middle East, all trekking through our southern border freely. But there is a second distinct group that keeps to themselves. Young Chinese males of military fighting age.  

Biden’s invasion by design is putting this country at risk of a foreign invasion from hostile countries, for the sole reason that he wants to import as many Democrat voters as possible.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 23 reads
7 / 8

so you use mine like the second grader you are:
“No, you are!”

You are such a sad sack.

LostSon 43 Reviews 26 reads
8 / 8

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: This legislation marks the first time…
…Democrats are having severe trouble passing the most horrific legislation imaginable in response to a problem solely created by Biden, and there’s now enough free speech on X that the legislation is going down in flames. That’s what upsets lefties like BigMoron the most. A total loss of control over the narrative. They even tried to blame the immigration issue on Trump only to have people pull up Biden’s comments in 2015, saying he wanted a never ending flood of illegals.  
 Meanwhile we now have on the ground reporting from the Darian that there are two distinct groups making their way up through the southern border. Not only is it a flood of illegals from Central and South America, but Africans, Indians, people from the Middle East, all trekking through our southern border freely. But there is a second distinct group that keeps to themselves. Young Chinese males of military fighting age.  

 Biden’s invasion by design is putting this country at risk of a foreign invasion from hostile countries, for the sole reason that he wants to import as many Democrat voters as possible.
Yep all true. Brett and Tucker discuss it at length here.

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