Politics and Religion

Look up 'troll' in the dictionary; you'll find a picture of B_I_B. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 255 reads


situation ...

and expessed me concern about my family there  and  .. and everything what is going on there now ..  
I am deeply touched  by your concerns.....

Hope all be ok and I am very glad I am here  with you :) but ... but yes ..it is painful to see that it might be a second Georgia now there ...

Kissess to all who wrote me emails ab that .. and it was soo many that I decided to post it here . soo bad I can not recognize  by mane those nice men  
But i think they deserved incognito recognition  as the best men in the world .. and yes they do follow world event s..
and keeping it open to women of others culture ...  by the way here is a video of  women on the service   now days from many cultures .. enjoy ha ha ( do nt let word service mislead you !! though !! ) kissess  

 I was looking  for sexy ukrainian women post for you hre clip but come cross tis clip - can t resist ..I think you would love it :)  
 then here all cultures are represented ...
 thank you for those  who expressed concern about Ukraine now  
world is soo small .. I met here in states just on the street people who  know my family there .. can you imagine?! is not it is fascinating  let say you come to Kiev  go to cafe and  meet an american   who knows your family personally ? never know ..
 So  let s  treat each other as one  community .. no matter which language you speak or who  are our presidents .. we are all humans who have same desires :)  
what for you desire ?
 if for strong Ukrainian  hot woman ... I am here :) Kissess

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 7:27:32 AM

What's happening in the Ukraine is very troubling and we all should be concerned for anyone we know there.  In case you missed it, Russia has just formally authorized the use of troops there. It can get worse.  Much worse.

then about politics .. and yes  do you know that  American U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul is resigning from his position ?
 and you know whom Russians want to be an Ambassador there?
 can t now recall his name but this army person who was recently involved in to sex scandal .. remind me his name .. Russians think that  he was jst played- as they put a girl under him and  compromised him  publicly.. posting all his emails online and exposing his private life .. so  it is whom they want have as ambassador.. what is his name ? ..  M Mc Faul said something  as - that he do not see point of all his work in Russia .. so lost a hope in the fixing all and  wants just go home..smart move .. as Ponti Pilat -" I wash my hands and there be no blood on my hands" something like that yes ? and it be worse it  has a lot of potentials get worse ..Iam terrified and am very very upset ..  on other good side about americans and Russians- Russians do not want American troops leave Aphganistan.. it helps to stabilize situation on the East- having American s troops there ..  Russians be better with Americans then Taliban .
may be this concern will rule out starting war with Ukraine ... and will stop Russia from aggression .. what is more important to them - expand on the west or keep east closed .. we will see .. any way I am glad I am here .. just worry about family there .. just was planning to visit .. now have to postpone...
and if will go will go there  on American Passport .. will put my Russian  passport far away ..  feel kind of ashamed .. and not safe travel on Russian passport now. it is also one point  that Ukrainian people do not want reunite with russia then Ukraine would not  part of Schengen agreement..  for travel  in Europe .. yet Europe would not feed them with oil not provide employment ..
My family said they were better off with Russia any way ..
I do not care Russia or Europe for Ukraine - none of my concern now - just worry about war situation  and possible battles and killing of innocent people

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 8:37:47 AM

Back_In_Black399 reads

Posted By: Belebeu
situation ...  
 and expessed me concern about my family there  and  .. and everything what is going on there now ..  
 I am deeply touched  by your concerns.....  
 Hope all be ok and I am very glad I am here  with you :) but ... but yes ..it is painful to see that it might be a second Georgia now there ...  
 Kissess to all who wrote me emails ab that .. and it was soo many that I decided to post it here . soo bad I can not recognize  by mane those nice men    
 But i think they deserved incognito recognition  as the best men in the world .. and yes they do follow world event s..  
 and keeping it open to women of others culture ...  by the way here is a video of  women on the service   now days from many cultures .. enjoy ha ha ( do nt let word service mislead you !! though !! ) kissess  
  I was looking  for sexy ukrainian women post for you hre clip but come cross tis clip - can t resist ..I think you would love it :)  
  then here all cultures are represented ...  
  thank you for those  who expressed concern about Ukraine now  
 world is soo small .. I met here in states just on the street people who  know my family there .. can you imagine?! is not it is fascinating  let say you come to Kiev  go to cafe and  meet an american   who knows your family personally ? never know ..  
  So  let s  treat each other as one  community .. no matter which language you speak or who  are our presidents .. we are all humans who have same desires :)  
 what for you desire ?  
  if for strong Ukrainian  hot woman ... I am here :) Kissess  

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 7:27:32 AM

vulchers from a few miles away .. and it is why I do detect every email you wrote me  before under many other fake emails and fake names ...  so no worry I would know when it comes from you - just smell suddenly become bd and my yahoo stops work so I need delete emails from your fake handle

Back_In_Black310 reads

Donkey rides going ? Know that was some SMELLY SHIT ! sorry bele cheese only 1 handle here ...lol

Posted By: Belebeu
vulchers from a few miles away .. and it is why I do detect every email you wrote me  before under many other fake emails and fake names ...  so no worry I would know when it comes from you - just smell suddenly become bd and my yahoo stops work so I need delete emails from your fake handles  

per normal gentleman with common sense  and heart and brain on its place  ah I forgot a soul .... and It is not too much to ask .. then 3000 not needed .
so I am  doing just  fine .. good to have a choice you know .. choice in life it is everything .. and I well know we are creating own  choices .. not waiting when it be given on the end of the  cock  
 sooo I am just fine just fine .. then as I said 3000 was just to keep such as you are away .. trust me nice man can have me and for less  
you however can not have me and for 1000000000  
how about that?
 any way .. good luck to you in your miserable existence  so you feel a need to post mean things under normal post about general  situation in the world  
 I Not meant to involved with you in the discussion of my clientele  
 those men  coming to me and with no your things which you are saying out there about me you know .. men actually known for analytical state of mind research skills  and critical approach of information they do learn from trolls as you are. So please be happy and relaxed  improve a bit your human skills please for all of us normal people reading it ,, as  to one handle here under my post it is more evident NOT about me but about other people here . and yes fact is  that those who are here not donating 3000 it is sooo correct .. yet I do not require 3000    just as  said eliminating morons so they even would not come close to me  
others are welcome and not for  3000 it is  just .. figural expression to keep away such as you ..
 see how many times I said that ?? Not becuase I am  emotionally abused by you - I just trying to send a message to those who are trying to book already 12+ month.. as lets say NYCAD .. once he was  nice then he gone bad again  toward to me  then again nice then again bad under allies  you know you at lost always same color -  black .  
So I would not reach for words to my pocket  you know such expression ?? They are always on the end of my tong  and my tong as you may read in reviews is the best  ha ha ah !!

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 1:11:50 PM

posted about Ukraine - i am not getting involved  with BB in any conversations  
Please  do the same .. as well always analyze  from whom and want comes .. If you do not know the source  
of information provided to you  better do not rely  on it  
 Simple thing as make own judgment not listen  johns and BB will  save you time nerves and money  so you choose the best not those whom those trolls are promoting and downgrading the  best just because they can t have it..it is ,, well known tactics of weak people  
 Ignore them I not started  trolling I just shared about Ukraine. .. but he is correct actually BB - no one posted one word of  emphasizing besides Inicky ..I would take it not on personal count but just of lack of the interest  to world events ..the best any way already e-mailed me .  

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 1:17:36 PM

I cannot fathom what it must be like to have family in a tinderbox of destruction that exists in the former Soviet Satellite states.  Or anywhere, to tell the truth.    We live in such an insulated country, with the last major land battles taken place in 1865.  

BiB, if you have any bit of humanity, read about Sherman's March on the South during the War Between the States.  The trail of desolation and destruction rivals Hitler's march through eastern Europe. and Stalin's raping of eastern Europe on the way back.  While you are at it, read about the Rape on Nanking, or more recently, the Balkan Wars and ethnic cleansing.  BTW, how did you feel about Rwanda?  Get some jollies off there as well?

I know you take pride in screwing with people, but Jesus Christ!  
We as a people are right on the edge of a really fucked up situation in a part of the world that has been fucked with seriously in the past 98 years.  

I wouldn't ask you to apologize because I'd have better luck pissing in a hurricane and not getting my pants wet.    

But I'd at least ask you to STFU if you want to exhibit the slightest bit of human understanding

are coming and  guns are pointed upon innocent people. My prayers are with you, family, friends and the Ukrainian people.

President Obama is stating platitudes on how Russian hostilities will not be tolerated and blubbering about violations of international law and I cannot help but say : "Mr. President your words ring hollow". Sorry to get political which was not your sweet intention. I was a former soldier in the Cold War serving under President Reagan as my Commander-in-chief. We were taught the sounds of an Ak-47. President Reagan believed the Soviet Union was the evil empire. I believed him. Vladimir Putin is a former KGB agent, and well frankly, I do not trust him.  

Still, one of my future trips is to visit Stalingrad. "Enemies at the Gate" is one my favorite movies ......and yes Ukrainian women are beautiful. I mean look at Mila Kunis and you.  



-- Modified on 3/1/2014 12:37:20 PM

I write more later now from cell phone just let know I am reading and I am soo pleased ! I will post more my feelings and thoughts. I afraid as well ! You know I afraid about global conflict ukraine is europe basically and there is a lot of weapon and european nations would not let it go as it was with Georgia it was far from the eyes of europe but Ukraine is under the nose of Europeans putin would not get away with that what he is thinking about ? !

For the Russian people. It's the government I always dislike. I admit I have conflicting thoughts. Yea, the Russian army invaded and killed and it's hard to reconcile the fact they also were hostile towards Jews. Then again, Russia suffered 26 million deaths. Stalingrad was in fact, an heroic stand.

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