Politics and Religion

lol!!! Unless you are the bizzare one who takes PS's to stripclubs! lol!!!
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 7108 reads

Read my reviews... quite the tale... that one... lol!!!  but there were no photo opps.... lol!!!!

but I LOVE That thought!  hide in obvious places.

too good, or too funny, or too sad to be true!

was this during any point in his terms in electoral office?  during the Attorney Generalship would really look bad.

link, please!

Not enough know as yet.  Saw him on MSNBC giving a 30 sec. statement that he was sorry and he had to make things right with his family and nothing more.  Obviously, no questions.

walking_ATM2156 reads

What part of being discrete does he NOT understand, especially since he's a very public official.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 12:34:21 PM

ter needs to send emails to every pol

if they would use this service, they most likely would never get busted

the guy broke every cardinal rule of hobbying

and what is up with the greed of escort service owners

report the income you stupid fucks

the irs may forgive thousands....but sure as shit gets pissed off when you launder millions

maybe he will support decriminalization!  

my gripe?

Men should not be running prostitution rings...  ever.  I like the canadian system... as long as the woman is an independant contractor... she is good to go.

Jack Daniels2645 reads

If he decides not to resign and a dialogue occurs on the subject of prostitution and how stupid the laws are related to prostitution then it could be a good thing since he is an otherwise good man.  On the other hand, if he resigns prostitution could be perceived to be such a heinous crime that a governor could not govern because he was involved in such an act.  Hopefully, he won’t resign and the news will assist in pointing out how archaic the laws against prostitution are. Let’s hope it’s the former and not the later.

The on-the-surface public opinion will never support any lawmakers who wish to decriminalize prostitution laws, even though beneath the surface there is a wink-wink, nod-nod understanding and at least semi-acceptance by many that this service is utilized by a high percentage of society. Changing the law just won't happen. Whether from the right or from the left, for the most part, the fine folks of the USA want "family values," even though it's been pointed out by many researchers that even the so-called RED states have equally high (and in some cases higher) rates of affairs and divorces as the so-called BLUE states.

The irony with this Spitzer revelation is that if he were a star of a TV sitcom, he would keep his job and his show would get even higher ratings. But we hold our politicians to a higher standard than almost anyone, a standard only a few humans could ever meet. But not only has Spitzer been exposed as a client of a service, they are showing him to be a hypocrit for the fact that Spitzer himself exposed and brought down an escort service in NYC back when he was Attorney General of New York.

It's all a big ouch.

Be safe everyone. And stay smart.

David Vitter (R-LA) among other incidents, but since this time it's a Democrat, no doubt there will be countless calls for Spitzer to resign (Craig & Vitter never resigned)...

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 1:24:25 PM

just too much water under this bridge (pardon the pun Sen. Kennedy).  Perhaps on this issue the French have it correct... what a man (or more accurately in the current race) does with his or her sexual equipment is no ones bees wax.... ok!?  we got that?

kerrakles1915 reads

He should have visited Porn Stars instead of using a local agency.

Guess, smart people do dumb things.

Read my reviews... quite the tale... that one... lol!!!  but there were no photo opps.... lol!!!!

but I LOVE That thought!  hide in obvious places.

RightwingUnderground1577 reads

He announced his resignation, then changed his mind. Then changed it again with the slow and painful resignation of a thoudsand cuts by announcing he would not seek re-election.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 4:17:54 PM

iuballman1468 reads

Hey guys I am new to this board but does anyone know the provider that Spitzer hooked up with? The news says $4,500 for the night and her name was Kristin. Can't wait to hear what's up, he should have read TER for reviews!!

9Benua1498 reads

GOP are on witchhunting, why don't they clean theirs first? Why don't they ask for David Vitter and Larry Craig to quit?

Sen_Craig1997 reads

To paraphrase Bill Clinton, ..." I did not have sex with that man!" But there are many more out there I would love to have sex with!!

-- Modified on 3/12/2008 10:50:49 AM

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