Politics and Religion

Link : Why Ryan is a shitty VP pick
Priapus53 1794 reads

One could boil it down to the fact that his "Mediscare & Social Security reforms" will frighten  many older & blue collar whites ( stalwart GOP demographics ), defecting them over to the Dems & losing the election. In re to seniors, you don't think AARP is not gonna make a big stink about this ?

Rubio woulda been a great pick & could have greatly aided Mitt in winning; puzzled to why he wasn't on the ticket. Did he simply opt out because he didn't wanna be on a losing ticket, or did Romney not pick him bceause he "didn't feel comfortable with him" ?

According to polls, Rubio was the preferred choice of a plurality of Republicans, who seem to know better than their standard bearer.

-- Modified on 8/12/2012 8:58:11 AM

I was channel surfacing and focusing on something else at the time, and heard this voice that sounded like a woman, or adolescent male. When I looked up, it was Ryan. And, as others have mentioned, him giving a power-point presentation about his budget proposal and economic views, like he's comfortable giving to think-tank groups, will be a killer; not to Obama, but to himself and Romney. Of course Romney, like McCain's handling of Palin, may try to keep him out of the spot light, and have him just preach in private to the choir (far right).

sufferinSuccotash249 reads

Just quickly scanning the national news today, I am noticing that Ryan is attracting a lot of press attention wherever he appears.  

Seems like Ryan will quickly overshadow Romney, and no presidential candidate wants a running mate who does that.  Mitt is already beginning to look like an afterthought in the campaign.

Don't be surprised if the RNC leadership changes its mind and orders a last minute switcharoo at the convention to a softer, gentler choice like maybe Pawlenty.  If Ryan does stay on the ticket, as he probably will, it will be Ryan who is Mitt's major headache, not Obama.

Cheney and Bush were almost similar, except Cheney loved lurking behind the shadows and didn't care for the spotlight.  Ryan, however, can't seem to do that, he loves the attention, and who knows, maybe sees this as a stepingstone to his own presidential run in 2016.

Timbow194 reads

Posted By: sufferinSuccotash
Just quickly scanning the national news today, I am noticing that Ryan is attracting a lot of press attention wherever he appears.  

Seems like Ryan will quickly overshadow Romney, and no presidential candidate wants a running mate who does that.  Mitt is already beginning to look like an afterthought in the campaign.

Don't be surprised if the RNC leadership changes its mind and orders a last minute switcharoo at the convention to a softer, gentler choice like maybe Pawlenty.  If Ryan does stay on the ticket, as he probably will, it will be Ryan who is Mitt's major headache, not Obama.

Cheney and Bush were almost similar, except Cheney loved lurking behind the shadows and didn't care for the spotlight.  Ryan, however, can't seem to do that, he loves the attention, and who knows, maybe sees this as a stepingstone to his own presidential run in 2016.

It demonstrates that the GOP is, without a doubt, in full favor of the elimination of Medicare, expanding the military budget, and cutting taxes for the rich. For some reason, they call this "fiscal discipline".

Or maybe there's another reason for this. Maybe the GOP wants even more of our health care to be run privately. That way, if you get sick, your options are to don't get sick or die quickly. Given the proclivity of the pro-life crowd, and that Presidential candidates like Santorum keeps his dead fetus hanging around his family, then I will soon expect to see the GOP coming out with this public announcement.

-- Modified on 8/12/2012 1:51:41 PM

sufferinSuccotash205 reads

Just when I think the GOP leadership can't get any more stupid they prove me wrong, time after time.

They're too stupid to vote, and too stupid to pick a national ticket which runs together, instead of away from each other.

Pass the popcorn, the next 2 1/2 months should be entertaining.

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