Politics and Religion

"Lindsey Graham is a community organizer for the Muslim Brotherhood."...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2388 reads

Who said this?

a) A crazy-ass liberal Democrat

b) Lindsey's jilted gay ex-lover

c) His Tea bagger GOP primary challenger

for our greedy leaders.  I pray for our declining country, more importantly I pray for my family.

I know that I don't have to look too far in my own world to see greed, and I pray for all of those I have walked away from without my fair share, that love to fight and think they are just taking enough for themselves.  I am tired of lawyers, writ of survivorships to avoid inheritance taxes, quit claim deeds to protect my very own personal money.  I am tired of life revolving around money, and people that don't wanna work trying to take what I traded for my precious time.  No wonder the mature souls in my family leave early.   I will do it my way, this time.

This song makes me cry.

Greed and ego eventually destroys once great civilizations. Exactly what is going to happen to a pseudo capitalist economy.

Answer one question. The fundamental tent of capitalist economy is that, producers, many of them produce and buyers buy for best price. If that is the case, why do we have 100 million tax pair funded subsidies to large agro corporations such ADM, oil companies like Exxon, feds controlling raisin production in California, sugar production in Florida, etc.


This is an excellent site to track exactly which corporations are funding which politicians and lobbyists.

You mentioned ADM, so let's use them as a practical example.


At the top right hand corner of the page you can see that they have been heavily involved in IL politics, giving campaign donations to mostly Democrats already in office, but contributing to the PAC commitees of Republicans and Democrats alike.

At the bottom of the page, FEDERAL SPENDING- 63 GRANTS; 351 CONTRACTS; 230 LOANS

They have recieved an awful lot of federal funding since Obama has been in office and their stock is reporting at an all-time high this week.

To read a detailed critique of their history of ethanol subsidies-  

The biggest boon dogle since the creation of the Military Industrial Complex. If we were so wanting of Ethanol, we could have imported plenty from Brazil.  

ADM lobbied to stop it. Even today, you cannot import one drop of ethanol from any where. 100% of energy input gives about 70% energy output. What great investment for saving energy.

Indeed, our esteemed government created plutocrats and they created too big to fail corporations backed by ordinary tax payers.

You are right on the energy piece, but wrong on the imports - we can and do import ethanol.  California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard basically requires the importation of (sugar cane based) Brazilian ethanol - even if it means we need to export domestic (corn based) ethanol to Brazil.  This costs much $ and is one factor behind the CA gasoline prices.  As I recall there is either a large import duty on ethanol or the imports do not get the same tax incentive as domestic ethanol.


provides the US petroleum (including ethanol) balances

to corporate America, sitting in a cube all day with everyone in fear of losing their jobs.  Human Resources loved to scare the crap out of the workers bees livihood, so I worked from dark to dark.  And how did I do that?  I saw doctors for everything that was ailing me, from migraines under flourescent lights and computer screens and depression medicine from never getting any vitamin D from the sun.  Never again,never.  There is a better way, you have to work for yourself and make your own way.  but damnit human beings will try to drain all your energy, time and money.

I don't see Americans quitting Wal-Mart, quitting prescription addictions, or ever stop being competitive or lazy.  This is what we have collectively created.  I had come to a place in my life where I was debt-free when an escort.  And now my life is turned upside down, straightening out debt from a gambling addict and dealing with a bunch of alcoholics.  What a life!!  One day I will look back on tis too and say.  Never again, never

GaGambler469 reads

You have no one but yourself to blame when the weight of the world seems to be crushing you.

Take care of yourself first, and then if there is anything left over then and only then should you take on the burden of other people's problems.  If everyone who was capable of taking care of themselves actually did so, I wouldn't have a bit of problem taking care of those who can't

all the co-dependents are dead on that side of the family, go figure.  I am the furthest from co-dependent, hell I even make a terrible nurse for any length of time.  I have learned to say NO and let it come from a place of love.  I have my own life to live.  

Was supposed to go the Braves tonight, but damnit man, this rain is going on for the next 7 days.  Can you believe August in Ga and my air conditioner hasn't turned on all day?

GaGambler337 reads

Which was good for me as I landed in. ATL at about 9 PM and I was able to catch the entire game.

This has been a n unusually mild and wet summer. I am just waiting for the rabid left to offer this as "proof positive"about global warming

Go Braves!!!

FWIW sometimes saying NO is the kindest favor you can do for a person, of course they rarely see it that way

Like a river that don't know where it's flowing, I took a wrong turn and kept on going~  Have a great weekend!  Go Braves!

GaGambler409 reads

I know Sometimes I call you a Nikon and treat you a bit harshly, none of it I am going to take back lol, but I will say that I know you are a good person at heart. I truly hope your ship rightens itself,and Go Braves!!!!

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