Politics and Religion

Lester, I am going to let you in on a little secret.
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 452 reads
1 / 13

Trump declared the winner of Nevada primary caucus minutes after official caucus closing time.  He also won US Virgin Island vote earlier in the day -- 74 to 26 against Haley.
That's four wins in a row for Trump.  Zero for Haley.  Next up, South Carolina -- her home state.

RespectfulRobert 28 reads
2 / 13

Trump will be your nominee. lol. If he isnt convinced that is. It doesnt concern me that Trump won Nevada, what bothers me is that Trump is currently beating Joe there by 7 points on average, in a state that has been a regular blue one over the past 4 presidential election cycles. Lots of time for that to change, but that is a big lead for DT in a state Joe won in 2020.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 43 reads
3 / 13

It's not clear that Biden will be the nominee.  And I say that with all seriousness.  The DOJ just called him cognitively incompetent in an official report.  

RespectfulRobert 32 reads
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He could be convicted. Today was not a good day for Team Joe as the last 48 hours has been terrible and hypocritical by the Rs. Crazy week.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 27 reads
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I believe Trump will be convicted, if they can get a trial started before election day.  Potential democrat jurors are lusting after the opportunity to throw him in prison (execute him if they could.)

RespectfulRobert 31 reads
6 / 13

There are quite a few out there who could make several of these juries. But I have said this before. I don't think Trump will be convicted in any of the cases as the defense will make sure there are 2-3 Trumpettes on the court. Many experts think trials are won and lost, or greatly affected, during jury selection and these trials more than most.

impposter 49 Reviews 42 reads
7 / 13

Jury packing is one of my (many) concerns in the Mar-a-Lago documents and obstruction case. I can easily see Cannon winnowing the jury pool with questionaires and then packing it with one or more MAGAs in order to guarantee a hung jury. Unless Smith is able to get her removed as a result of her recent decision about unsealing CIPA for Trump and his lawyers to see (and leak).

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: You may be underestimating the number of Never Trump Rs on the jury.
There are quite a few out there who could make several of these juries. But I have said this before. I don't think Trump will be convicted in any of the cases as the defense will make sure there are 2-3 Trumpettes on the court. Many experts think trials are won and lost, or greatly affected, during jury selection and these trials more than most.

LostSon 43 Reviews 32 reads
8 / 13

Posted By: impposter
Re: You may be underestimating the number of Never Trump Rs on the jury.
Jury packing is one of my (many) concerns in the Mar-a-Lago documents and obstruction case. I can easily see Cannon winnowing the jury pool with questionaires and then packing it with one or more MAGAs in order to guarantee a hung jury. Unless Smith is able to get her removed as a result of her recent decision about unsealing CIPA for Trump and his lawyers to see (and leak).
Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: You may be underestimating the number of Never Trump Rs on the jury.  
 There are quite a few out there who could make several of these juries. But I have said this before. I don't think Trump will be convicted in any of the cases as the defense will make sure there are 2-3 Trumpettes on the court. Many experts think trials are won and lost, or greatly affected, during jury selection and these trials more than most.

That’s beyond rich!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 30 reads
10 / 13

hypothesizing that Trump juries will ignore the evidence presented and vote to acquit or convict on the basis of partisan politics?

impposter 49 Reviews 36 reads
11 / 13

I think this is a Q for me. I think that Cannon (if she hasn't been removed by the 11th circuit) will, first, write a questionaire that will favor pro-Trump jurors being selected for the jury pool. Second, although a long shot, I think she might keep the jury pool anonymous so that the DoJ team can't vet them. The thing is, Trump WILL want to vet them to make sure they will challenge / reject bigly anti-Trumpers or anyone who has ever voted a Dem in any election. So I think the names of the jurors will be released ahead of time. Third, I think Cannon will find ways to overrule or reject DoJ juror challenges and let the Trump team eliminate anyone who they think has even a slight Dem leaning.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Do you realize that you are . . . .
hypothesizing that Trump juries will ignore the evidence presented and vote to acquit or convict on the basis of partisan politics?
And "yes" to that, too. As Trump himself has said, 'I can shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.' MAGAs are known to ignore facts like that vote for Trump = vote in favor of Trump = acquit.

3492205 39 Reviews 29 reads
12 / 13

So 60,000 voted for a criminal defendant who is about to be convicted and sentenced to prison.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 33 reads
13 / 13

You can say that again!! 😆

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