Politics and Religion

This is why…
LostSon 43 Reviews 132 reads

The current case in New York against Trump for the Hush Money payment proves that the prosecutions argument does not hold water.

…every single one of these lawfare cases against Trump is just made up bullshit they pulled out of their asses.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: As far as I can tell…
…every single one of these lawfare cases against Trump is just made up bullshit they pulled out of their asses.
Ohhh correct, Megyn Kelly's just explaining that this particular case is not founded legally.  

What the left is doing is giving Trump TONS of free coverage and lots of people are realizing that Trump is right, this is a politically motivated witch hunt.

It doesn't really matter what the law says.  The idea is to get convictions from partisan juries.  That's why they are taking actions in heavy democrat areas like DC, NYC or inner cities in the south.

Lost begins with a post about the legal issues in the hush money case. I think Megan Kelley's argument is wrong. The ACTUAL answer regarding the legal issues (business fraud and campaign finance fraud) will be determined in the courts (current case and all of the ensuing appeals). Trump's attorneys might try to use Kelly's arguments ... they might try some other legal arguments.
Other posts are about facts and evidence:  
willy: the "cases against Trump is just made up bullshit they pulled out of their asses."
durran: "Just more and more made up crap"
Evidence is presented in court. Testimony is presented UNDER OATH. Testimony is usually supported by other evidence (documents, audio, video, ... "fingerprints"). The defendant, TRUMP, has an opportunity to cross examine witnesses. Team Trump can challenge evidence presented by the prosecution and to present their own evidence IN COURT. Trump continues to argue his case OUTSIDE of court. He claims that he wants to testify UNDER OATH but no one believes he will do so. willy? durran? Do you think Trump will testify? (If Trump DOES testify, it is GAME OVER.)  
Presenting "made up bullshit" and "more made up crap" before the court is itself a crime. Which evidence presented in the hush money case is "made up BS" or "made up crap"?  willy and durran should contact Trump's lawyers ASAP to crack this case for them!
Lester complains about jurisdictions: "The idea is to get convictions from partisan juries.  That's why they are taking actions in heavy democrat areas like DC, NYC or inner cities in the south." The laws were written LONG BEFORE Trump committed his crimes. Cases must be filed in the proper jurisdiction. Trump's crimes were committed in NYC (Trump Tower). That is where the cases are filed. Trump's lawyers requested a change of venue but their arguments were not persuasive. (BTW ... What about Cannon's delaying of the Stolen Documents Mar-a-Lago case? Wrong jurisdiction?)  
Back to the key Qs for willy and durran: WHAT IS THE MADE UP BS or MADE UP CRAP that you are talking about. Please be specific.

Posted By: LostSon

The current case in New York against Trump for the Hush Money payment proves that the prosecutions argument does not hold water.

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