Politics and Religion

Leftist lunacy brought to you from down under?regular_smile
MojoStu 14 Reviews 326 reads

I love watching YouTube videos of Sky News segments bashing American leftist insanity  but I don't understand how they get away with it. Australia leans even further left than we do so.............how is this not censored over there? Is anyone over there right now who can tell us........................oh wait, I know!



Like he always does because… he ain’t there. 🤥 🥴  

Like my 94 year old grandmother used to say. Old age ain’t for sissy’s

They can’t decide if you righties are stupid or nuts. I tell them it’s  both .

-- Modified on 3/6/2024 9:51:36 PM

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I’ve talked to a lot of Aussies over the past week.  
They can’t decide if you righties are stupid or nuts. I tell them it’s  both .

-- Modified on 3/6/2024 9:51:36 PM

There he goes again trying to "invoke" others' opinions in a vien attempt to make his stronger.

The folks at Sky News over there would beg to differ with you.  


You never answered me if they suppress the "Lefties Losing it" segments that they do on a regular basis. Do they?

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