Politics and Religion

Laffy is a fucking moron where it comes to firearms (among other subjects)
GaGambler 38 reads

You only "re-rack" a semi automatic weapon after firing it in the movies. As you mentioned semi-automatic weapons "re-rack" themselves each and every time they are fired until they are out of ammo.

As for storing, or carrying a semi-automatic weapon, either rifle or pistol, I have carried a semi-automatic weapon literally for decades that ALWAYS has a round chambered and I have NEVER had an accidental discharge. The key to not firing your weapon accidentally is simple, just don't pull the fucking trigger, is that so fucking hard???  

For the record, the only kind of weapon where you have to worry about an accidental discharge is a single action revolver,  a single action revolver can accidently fire if the hammer is struck externally, which can happen if the weapon is dropped landing on the hammer with a round in the chamber, or if let's say the user slips and falls and the weapon ends up hitting the ground hammer first. This is the reason many/most people who still carry such a weapon only have five rounds in the cylinder, leaving the one "in the chamber" empty to prevent any kind of accidental discharge of the weapon. Most people with even a rudimentary knowledge of firearms know this, but most libs, Laffy in particular are clueless where it comes to the firearms they hate and fear.

Interesting perspectives here:

The Rittenhouse prosecution is starting to look an awful lot like past examples of incredibly bad cases that were still brought to court seemingly because social media wanted them to
Yep was talking with an editor about this today. The Rittenhouse prosecution is what happens when you think Twitter mobs dictate society.
It is inconceivable to me that any prosecutor had a good faith belief that they could disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt, given the video evidence.
It’s not just starting to—it was always obvious bullshit from Day 1 when the whole world saw the video. I don’t believe for a second the prosecution expected to get a murder conviction.  

Rittenhouse was prosecuted to appease rioters.

Never shoulda been indicted as murder. Classic self defense.  

It’s a weapon charge case

Remember, the prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax was eventually prosecuted for his conduct.  

The same should happen to all involved in the prosecution of Rittenhouse, including those at the FBI who withheld exculpatory video for a year.

That's called witch hunt. You remember the Duke Lacrosse case right? Prosecutors are political creatures not interested in the actual law. If you watched the video then you saw the guys standing over Rittenhouse with a gun in his hand as he laid on the street, right?

…is that the prosecution didn’t dismiss all charges after that idiot Antifa fuck admitted he pointed his own gun first.

Just 40 seconds of cross destroyed the prosecution’s case.

I haven't been following this trial at all, but WHOA!  Also, check out the guy with his face buried in his hands
Rittenhouse trial should be over immediately.
Huge, huge moment at Rittenhouse trial. You don’t get many moments like this as a trial attny

It should be no surprise that the major aspects of this case are heading towards acquittal. Yet the MSM continues to shape another narrative. It’s almost as if they want the public to be outraged when the verdict is announced.

Four major news organizations all describing Grosskruetz as the “lone survivor” in their headlines? Give me a break…

a White Supremacist.  He's the worst White Supremacist that ever lived.   He shot three white guys.  

While Supremacists hate LOTS of white people.
1) Jews
2) Any white person who disagrees with them.
But nice try.

20 sec video of prosecutor asking witness how could he possibly know what Joseph Rosenbaum was thinking. The answer couldn’t have gone worse for the prosecutor.

Trial Trivia Sidenote: Many men will wear an American Flag pin on their jacket lapel. One of the prosecutors has worn a different Star Wars pin for each day of the trial.

That’s a tell that he knows how weak his case is. He’s skirting the limits of legality to sway the jury because he knows the facts themselves don’t prove his case.

Not the case. The prosecutor is inept and it’s taken multiple warnings from the judge to keep the guy in line.


I watched a few seconds of the trial today. One of those Antifa fucks that he shot told him he was going to “cut out his heart”. Fucking Christ. Can I shoot him too?

This kid is an absolute hero. He runs around administering first aid to people while Antifa fucks pepper spray him, he helps injured people get to the hospital, he puts out fires at gas stations, and he ends up having to shoot a couple of these Antifa fucks when they try to murder him for being a decent human being and a hero.

Come to think of it, shooting those Antifa fucks silences them forever. That’s kinda like putting Horse Shit on ignore.

moved for a mistrial on the grounds of the Prosecutor's questioning this morning.  

This little prick is going to walk...but this kids life isn't going to be worth shit. See George Zimmerman..
So, let's go back in time, you're 18 YO...would you have done with this kid did, go from XX amount of miles, with an AK looking to protect what? Now he's no hero just some wanna be mercenary.
Shit, when I was 18 I was bangin stink ass pussy Linda XXX. in my garage.Great ass body but no tits, spoke in Italian when I was ramming her....Good luck to this kid, we'll hear about him in the future and not in a good way.

-- Modified on 11/10/2021 1:23:44 PM

Yes, you continuing to post about someone you claim to be ignoring.

Hilarious(ly sad).

Best response by Rambo today
Prosecutor: " Were you trying to kill him? "
Shitface: "No..I just shot him 4 times"

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