Politics and Religion

Kyle Carpenter was no poor black kid. Sounds like your still operating in the 60's
randomvr3012454 reads

US Senate voted to confirm Mr. Julian Castro as Secretary of HUD.   Of the 26 neo cons who voted against his confirmation, one person stands out:

Canadian born Cuban Senator Ted Cruz.    Incidentally Julian happens to be a Cuban American!

Hillary Clinton / Julian Castro 2016 will be an unbeatable ticket which will put the Canadian born Cuban in the dumpster.

...from a mayor to Veep in two years?  But then again, people don't vote for president based on who the VP nominee is.

He has no experience in "Obstruction" but will be a breath of fresh air.

to keep McCain from getting the Presidency. Only a doddering old fool who irreparably bent two fighter planes and got the third blown out from under his ass due to more incompetence could have picked such an imbecilic running mate.  

Come to think of it; thank god he DID pick her. :D

Posted By: BigPapasan
...from a mayor to Veep in two years?  But then again, people don't vote for president based on who the VP nominee is.

"""a doddering old fool who irreparably bent two fighter planes and got the third blown out from under his ass due to more incompetence"""

Is that like Max Cleland playing The Juggler with M-26 grenades?

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 6:53:21 PM

McCain is at best a mediocrity. He got into Annapolis Naval academy thanks to his family's political connections. He graduated near bottom of his class at Annapolis. Fucked-up two fighter planes, then forgot to activate a ground to air missile deterrent device which got his plane blown up and him in his MUCH PUBLICIZED 5 year stay at a POW camp.  I don't think General Patton would have been much impressed.

But it should be said that McCain's military service was certainly more venerable than GW Bush's.      

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
"""a doddering old fool who irreparably bent two fighter planes and got the third blown out from under his ass due to more incompetence"""  
 Is that like Max Cleland playing The Juggler with M-26 grenades?

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 6:53:21 PM

GaGambler644 reads

Not that I am anything close to a McCain fan, nor was I a Romney fan, but neither one of them could have possibly done a worse job than the guy we have in the Oval Office today.

and if you are going to compare military service, why no comparison of Obama's military service? Oh yeah, he doesn't have ANY, does he?

FWIW, as we are now about forty years into an all volunteer armed forces, it's quite likely that many more of our future Presidents won't have military careers. Personally, I don't find it much of an issue.

a rubber stamp for anything and any war that served the Military Industrial Complex. And the tax paying "Middle Class" would of course be financing ALL of it while the plutocrats and their corporations further hid THEIR money from taxation!

The "All Volunteer Military" concept has had a nasty side effect on our system of government. When San Francisco was a sea of war protesters stretching from one side of town to another it spelled the end of the Vietnam War because every one of those protesters was another possible 'draftee' into a purely 'political' but bloody war. Now with an all volunteer military ZERO rich kids nor their parents need worry about them being cannon fodder in some distant political "police" action. The Military Industrial Complex can wage a war anywhere they please for decades at a time and never worry that the "voters" will have a voice in ending it.

Posted By: GaGambler
Not that I am anything close to a McCain fan, nor was I a Romney fan, but neither one of them could have possibly done a worse job than the guy we have in the Oval Office today.

and if you are going to compare military service, why no comparison of Obama's military service? Oh yeah, he doesn't have ANY, does he?

FWIW, as we are now about forty years into an all volunteer armed forces, it's quite likely that many more of our future Presidents won't have military careers. Personally, I don't find it much of an issue.

GaGambler648 reads

So what's your point?

Obama's vision is for a bigger and bigger, and more and more powerful central government. How can you possibly believe that is something that would be good for the middle class in general and you in particular?

and yes I agree, I am in full favor of returning the draft, especially if EVERYONE has to serve, including "Senator's  sons" and all other from the "ruling class"

Speaking of the Vietnam war, I became more and more against the war the closer I came to draft age, and the closer I came to being potential cannon fodder. I also grew up in a very liberal household, coming from that very same San Francisco bay area you are talking about.

IMO he is a total sell-out to the Wall Street Banks and Corporate elite. Unfortunately any candidate/President must be or else you'll end up like Ross Perot or Ralph Nader. The SCOTUS's "Citizens United" decision sealed that deal.  

  All hail the Corporatocracy, the omnipotent ruler of America.  Too bad you won't have a Middle Class to finance government, or a populace able to afford your products.  


Posted By: GaGambler
So what's your point?

Obama's vision is for a bigger and bigger, and more and more powerful central government. How can you possibly believe that is something that would be good for the middle class in general and you in particular?

and yes I agree, I am in full favor of returning the draft, especially if EVERYONE has to serve, including "Senator's  sons" and all other from the "ruling class"

Speaking of the Vietnam war, I became more and more against the war the closer I came to draft age, and the closer I came to being potential cannon fodder. I also grew up in a very liberal household, coming from that very same San Francisco bay area you are talking about.

I don't think any republican would have won in 2008.The nation needed a break from a GOP president. All that was wrong,the economy, the war, unemployment, just about everything was blamed on the republicans. So McCain didn't have a chance, only in the red states.

JackDunphy486 reads

And the McCain camp knew it too. They had their internal polls showing them not being able to get above 48% or so at best.  

They rolled the dice and went with a woman to try and counter balance the "old white dude party" meme and swing some of the women's vote.

Palin was in way over her head from the jump street. It was never her fault. The McCain Inc vetting process of her was a fkn disgrace and they should have passed on her.

The only thing I would add to why the R's lost was the incredible ground swell of support for a chance to vote for history by voting for the first African-American president.

I would agree choosing Governor Palin was a "Hail Marry" tactic.  But they did come out of the RNC with strong momentum.  It may have worked, if the Alaska Governor could have stayed on script during interviews.  VP candidates are usually just a minor story to the Presidential Campaign.  But her miss-statements and obvious lack of knowledge made her a media target and cost McCain any chance to become President of the US.

GaGambler648 reads

They made it a campaign of Obama vs Palin. I can't remember the last election where the POTUS candidate was compared so often to the candidate for VP instead of their counterpart on the other side of the aisle.

To the Dems credit, they not only got away with it, but cruised to victory. To the Reps discredit, they allowed the Dems to do it to them.

Of course, as has already been opined here, even a good GOP candidate didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning, and McCain was hardly a good candidate.

St. Croix563 reads

are more pissed off than usual? They have a progressive President, control of the Senate, Obamacare, gay marriage equality, higher min wage momentum, and they're still not happy. I honestly think if they got an egalitarian xanadu, they'd still be pissed off.

Posted By: GaGambler
They made it a campaign of Obama vs Palin. I can't remember the last election where the POTUS candidate was compared so often to the candidate for VP instead of their counterpart on the other side of the aisle.

To the Dems credit, they not only got away with it, but cruised to victory. To the Reps discredit, they allowed the Dems to do it to them.  

Of course, as has already been opined here, even a good GOP candidate didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning, and McCain was hardly a good candidate.

ibs are essentially utopiacrats. They just know they can craft a perfect world if only reality would just cool it's jets

GaGambler665 reads

That would piss them off even more.

I think many of them have what I call the "afraid of success" syndrome. IOW if they had no villain to blame, they had  financial security, free health care and everything else they could possibly want, but then their life STILL sucked, then who would they have to blame?

It's a lot more comfortable blaming "the man" for everything that's wrong with your life than taking ownership of your life and doing something about it. I really think that's why the libs are always so shrill and downright miserable.

I know speaking for myself, I am a lot happier when I am in the driver's seat rather than giving up control by simply being a passenger. I really don't know how people can be so willing to cede control over more and more of their life for the false promise of a bit more security in their life. These people seem to strive for mediocrity in their lives, personally I want to excel, not just be one of the bit players in life.

St. Croix555 reads

because when Lehman collapsed on Sept 15th, it was game, set, match.

Posted By: Makwa
I would agree choosing Governor Palin was a "Hail Marry" tactic.  But they did come out of the RNC with strong momentum.  It may have worked, if the Alaska Governor could have stayed on script during interviews.  VP candidates are usually just a minor story to the Presidential Campaign.  But her miss-statements and obvious lack of knowledge made her a media target and cost McCain any chance to become President of the US.  

so as to concentrate on how to save America. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at his total lack of understanding of the situation was supposedly/hopefully masked by his running in circles with a look of dread concern.  

  Ironically the Wall Street gamers have made all their money back under BHO, and the plutocracy has further rid itself of those "damn workers" who so consistently cut into their 7, 8 & 9 digit profit margins.  

 What happens when the conspicuous reduction in "Middle Class" and its spending means there is no-one who can afford a home, automobile or respective insurance and maintenance? And are the plutocrats going to make up for the the lost tax revenues from the decimation of the Middle Class?  

Posted By: St. Croix
because when Lehman collapsed on Sept 15th, it was game, set, match.  
Posted By: Makwa
I would agree choosing Governor Palin was a "Hail Marry" tactic.  But they did come out of the RNC with strong momentum.  It may have worked, if the Alaska Governor could have stayed on script during interviews.  VP candidates are usually just a minor story to the Presidential Campaign.  But her miss-statements and obvious lack of knowledge made her a media target and cost McCain any chance to become President of the US.  

salonpas472 reads

.........collapse in 2007. The Financial lobby were simply not going to allow an "old stubborn" hard headed maverick to become POTUS, so they overwhelmingly backed Obama who they thought they could control.  

Posted By: James_Connolly
at Long John Silvers and Bojangles.

Because if people still won't  cooperate, there just may have to be an executive action.

or I'll go to the old folks home and knock over your checker board. How do you live with yorself, you're probably that old grumpy uncle who bitches about everything wrong in the world, the one we all avoid to talk to......bitch,bitch,bitch. Why don't you dig yourself.

who have used "Executive Action" far more often than BHO. The 'Right" is just pissed because he is getting around the Republican Congress's 'Do-nothing' agenda with his "actions".

Posted By: oldted
Because if people still won't  cooperate, there just may have to be an executive action.

JackDunphy530 reads

Have you seen Barry's poll numbers recently? He is WAY upside down with the country in polling in general but with moderates/Indy's specifically on virtually every single issue.

In addition, liberal constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley and liberal legal analyst on CNN Jeffrey Toobin have said Obama has violated the constitution and/or broken the law. Turley has said Obama has done so "flagrantly."

And then of course we have twelve 9-0 SCOTUS rulings against the "constitutional law professor and "community organizer".  

Nice try though.

and Reagan ruled from a position of advancing Alzheimer's disease, and GW Bush bold faced LIED to America about Iraq and WMDs I simply must grade "Barry" on the existing "curve" of impropriety.

JackDunphy540 reads

And you HAVE to grade on a curve. When your hero is the worst Prez in 70 years, what else can you do? :D

They're all smarmy, smiling, backstabbing liars out to pad their pockets at the voter's expense.  

Red or Blue I don't trust a one of them any further than I could throw New Jersey Governor Chris Christi.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And you HAVE to grade on a curve. When your hero is the worst Prez in 70 years, what else can you do? :D

JackDunphy534 reads

He's on Jenny Craig. LOL. He's down about 80 lbs although we have to take his word for it.

Which are okay, provided the POTUS has a big (R) behind his name, right? (No, the Right is always on the WRONG side of history)

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