Politics and Religion

Kristi Noem met Kim Jong Un, per her own book.
RespectfulRobert 318 reads

But now she is backing off saying she met him and that it will be retracted from the book. How in the world does a "mistake" like that happen Republicans? And should she still be Trump's choice for VP?

Only a psycho shoots their dog because you’re too dumb to train it. I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire. If she lied about meeting a dictator, then that’s not surprising. Why the hell a North Korean dictator would want to meet with a psycho governor to a state devoid of a population is beyond me.  

Politicians seem to be doing this quite a bit lately. The whoppers Biden tells are a thing of legend. And despite getting caught he just keeps doing it.  

I don’t know why American politicians do this. Maybe it’s because they’re so spectacularly stupid. You see a guy like Putin give an interview and absolutely nothing he says is about him. No bragging. No fake stories to make you sound more impressive than you are. You get carefully planned out comments stating facts and positions. You saw the same careful comments from American politicians throughout the 50’s-70’s. Then ever since the 80’s US politicians have gotten dumber and dumber. Today most Republicans have the intellect of high school students and most Democrats have the intellect of elementary school students. It’s pathetic.

Ahhh ... for the good old 1950s ...
"Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death at age 48 in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in the United States in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread communist subversion. He alleged that numerous communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere. Ultimately, he was censured for refusing to cooperate with, and abusing members of, the committee established to investigate whether or not he should be censured. ..."

Posted By: willywonka4u
... You saw the same careful comments from American politicians throughout the 50’s-70’s. ...
And don't forget McCarthy's right hand man, Roy Cohn, who went on to forge Trump in his image.  
"Roy Marcus Cohn (February 20, 1927 – August 2, 1986) was an American lawyer and prosecutor who came to prominence for his role as Senator Joseph McCarthy's chief counsel during the Army–McCarthy hearings in 1954, when he assisted McCarthy's investigations of suspected communists. In the late 1970s and during the 1980s, he became a prominent political fixer in New York City. ... He also represented and mentored New York City real estate developer and future U.S. President Donald Trump during his early business career. ...  
"Representation of Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch
Main articles: Personal and business legal affairs of Donald Trump and List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
"In 1971, Donald Trump first undertook large construction projects in Manhattan. In 1973, the Justice Department accused Trump of violating the Fair Housing Act in 39 of his properties.  The government alleged that Trump's corporation quoted different rental terms and conditions and made false "no vacancy" statements to African Americans for apartments it managed in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Representing Trump, Cohn filed a countersuit against the government for $100 million, asserting that the charges were "irresponsible and baseless". The countersuit was unsuccessful. Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975 ...
"In 1978, the Trump Organization was again in court for violating terms of the 1975 settlement; Cohn called the new charges "nothing more than a rehash of complaints by a couple of planted malcontents." [As I recall, the 1978 charges involved other Trump properties in other cities, NOT the NYC properties.] Trump denied the charges. ...
"Cohn was allegedly involved in the construction of Trump Tower. Trump Tower was to be built with concrete, however, at the time there was a city-wide Teamster strike and most unions in Manhattan were controlled by or had ties to organized crime. Cohn had represented mobsters in the past like Carmine Galante and Anthony Salerno. Salerno and Paul Castellano at the time controlled the concrete unions in Manhattan and, when Donald Trump needed concrete, he received it from union leader John Cody who was linked to mob boss Castellano. Rupert Murdoch was a client, and Cohn repeatedly pressured President Ronald Reagan to further Murdoch's interests. He is credited with introducing Trump and Murdoch, in the mid-1970s, marking the beginning of what was to be a long, pivotal association between the two. ..."
Ahhh ... for the good old 1970s ...

In an interview on CBS's "Face The Nation" she said: “Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people,” she told her interviewer, Margaret Brennan. “So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?"
You go, Puppy Killer!

Posted By: inicky46
Re: And now she's doubled down, suggesting Biden's dog Commander be shot.
In an interview on CBS's "Face The Nation" she said: “Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people,” she told her interviewer, Margaret Brennan. “So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?"  
 You go, Puppy Killer!
Biden's dog should have been gone LONG ago. At a minimum, the dog was a menace that created a hostile work environment for white house employees and the Secret Service.  After BITE incident #1 at a minimum, the dog should have been removed from the premises.  

As the article states  

"These are not small bites, either: One Secret Service agent required six stitches in his forearm after Commander caused a “severe deep open wound” and a “significant amount of blood loss.” White House tours were shut down." But hey Biden didn't care because he's an old asshole.  

Icky, however, will defend the biting dog because it belongs to his Daddy Joe Joe the Potato.  

Now Kristi Noem shooting her dog? Yeah, she has just ended her political career.

I didn't. So you can't. All I suggested was that he should not have been shot, as Noem said. So it seems we both actually agree about this one. Except you had to lie about what I thought.
Lying Loooooooser. So reflexively combative he can't even think straight.

...and there are no fake stories to make him sound more impressive.  OK, pinko willy, how about the fact that Putin bragged that he "won" reelection in a landslide with 87% of the vote.

Or that Putin scored EIGHT goals in a hockey game against former NHL players.

Dasvidaniya, willy.

I think the only one that has it beat is Raw Dog. Go and watch the interview Putin gave to Tucker.

Remember when you said: "The newsmax link is bullshit" and "...journalists are idiots."

Isn't Newsmax as bad as The Guardian and "Raw Dog" and every other publication because journalists are idiots?

The profession of journalism is pretty much dead. There’s like only 4-5 journalists left in this country. The rest of them are people who wanted to become models or actors, but were too ugly or untalented to hack it. So they became journalists as a fall back career. They are not modern day Walter Cronkites. They’re stenographers for the state, typically for intelligence agencies. They will say or do anything for money. If you had a few thousand dollars to spare I have no doubt you could get them to wear clown outfits and beat each other with hammers while saying Covid causes diarrhea and climate change.

...then why do you post OP's with links to articles by mentally retarded journalists from bullshit newspapers like this:

And what's worse, your fellow righties believed the bullshit even though you didn't.  They repeated the bullshit like a bunch of lemmings.  You made them look ridiculous.  You must have a lot of contempt for your fellow righties.

…because I always try to provide evidence for my claims. Now it’s not necessary all the time, some claims are self-evident.  

What I don’t get is how you can have such a positive view of journalism that you’re one of the few people who aren’t questioning the quality of their work. How many serious errors do you need? Do you still think Iraq had WMDs? Do you still think masks work? Do you still think Putin stole the 2016 election? Do you still think BLM was mostly peaceful?  

Polling continually shows that both Republicans and independents alike have zero trust in the media. Most Democrats don’t either, but the media gets the most trust in their performance from Democrats. I’m guessing you must be one of them. The question I have is how badly do they have to screw up before you get to where we’re on the same page.

they don't like what they're being told because it conflicts with what they want to believe. So they simply say the information is wrong (without having a basis for knowing this) and they therefore don't trust the source. But it doesn't mean the information is necessarily wrong.

But this includes journalists too. The problem is that journalists don’t even practice the *bare minimum* of the ethical standards for their own industry.  

I highly encourage everyone to read the link below. And think about how frequently they’ve seen these rules broken by journalists, and those journalists paying zero cost for doing so.

...questioning the quality of (journalists') work."

ME?!?!  You're kidding, right?  As I said above, you posted an OP with a link that you didn't bother to question:


Mr. Science ignored the first step of the scientific method - OBSERVE/QUESTION.  You didn't bother to question your link which was total bullshit. You and every righty in that thread wound up with egg on their face because you didn't question your link.

Jon Stewart was obviously shown to be a hypocrite. Despite your imaginary eggs.  

And you failed to learn what I taught you. The first step of the scientific method is to form a hypothesis.

"Obviously ..." "Everyone knows ..." "Every single lawyer agrees that ..." "A famous general -- you know who it is but I don't want to name him -- told me, Sir! Everyone knows ..." "Many important people have told me ..."

Posted By: willywonka4u
Jon Stewart was obviously shown to be a hypocrite.

Noem declined to talk about specific meetings she had with various world leaders, and never outright said she didn't meet with Kim during the interview

RespectfulRobert18 reads

She's too gutless and dishonest to tell us she didn't meet with him. She will be a perfect addition to Team Trumpster Fire.

I find it hard to see her getting the VP nod now, but possibly a Cabinet position? Not sure which one though.

Posted By: cks175
Re: Good point.  
I find it hard to see her getting the VP nod now, but possibly a Cabinet position? Not sure which one though.
I'm going to go out on a limb here but I think she has done way more damage with the story of killing the dog and the goat and three horses...

It's one thing to put an animal down on a farm but to do it like she did? Yeah.... Noooooo.  

P.S. Just for Icky, the Secret Service should have called the DC dog catcher on Commander.

followme14 reads

Hillary Clinton.

C'mon it is an easy mistake to make.

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