Politics and Religion

Killing police officers is terrorism!
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 136 reads

White supremacist yelling anti Muslim rants and killing 2 people is terrorism!     His killings were in the name of skin color and religion.     Killing law enforcement officers is an act of terror.

If these two guys were Muslims you would be the first asshole to call it terrorism!

Get real !

Domestic terrorism in rural Mississippi kills 8 people including a deputy.    Comes only 2 days after another domestic terrorism incident in Portland, OR where 2 innocent people were killed.

-- Modified on 5/28/2017 8:30:38 PM

GaGambler116 reads

Ok, curiosity has gotten the better of my common sense, so I will play along. Just how in the fuck do you get "Domestic Terrorism" out of a domestic dispute like this?  

I know it's early in the year, but you are about to literally lap fg in the race for SPOTY this year.

Ok, PLEASE tell us how this possibly qualifies as "domestic terrorism"

He killed a police officer!    Portland, OR was terrorist attack by a white supremacist!    

JakeFromStateFarm125 reads

The Portland incident you can at least argue but I say it was a racist nut not affiliated with any group.  So stop vaporing.

Police officers are killed every day, and very rarely, almost NEVER actually is it due to an act of terrorism.

The white supremacist who killed the two guys in Portland was also not a terrorist, he was a whacked out skin head who should spend the rest of his life getting butt fucked by actual Muslim Terrorists in prison, but he himself was NOT a fucking terrorist.

Please Hadji, I know you desperately want to dethrone fg for SPOTY this year, but you don't have to use up all your best material before the year is even half over.

bigguy3048 reads

This is why the FBI has launched investigations into white supremacist working as cops.

Here we go....racist racist racist chant will soon begin.

And what has the FBI found.....zero zip nada.

Can't wait for them to investigate the NAACP and BLM......now that should be a hoot, especially when Obama's name is involved.  

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: You never learn and continue missing the larger points!
This is why the FBI has launched investigations into white supremacist working as cops.

And Hillary's mentor was in the KKK.

The Tribal King invited 2 racist organizations to the White house.......NAACP and BLM.  

Where is your race baiting bull crap on those issues snow flake?

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Well as usual you have nothing and your racist cult was expose already.
It seems to be a theme with you and your fellow race baiting Trump cult members!  

bigguy3097 reads

Well this sums up Trump supporters like yourself.
You sound like a parrot that keeps repeating himself and race baiting!  
We all can see you have nothing and this is your only fall back response. Lol

-- Modified on 5/30/2017 9:44:18 AM

balller99 reads

Other that we all are racists!

Kind of like his answer to everything.

-- Modified on 5/30/2017 3:22:24 PM

White supremacist yelling anti Muslim rants and killing 2 people is terrorism!     His killings were in the name of skin color and religion.     Killing law enforcement officers is an act of terror.

If these two guys were Muslims you would be the first asshole to call it terrorism!

Get real !

balller43 reads

Someone get this dumbass snowflake a dictionary.

Crime is killing to rob someone!.    Killing a LE is terror as they get in the way of terrorists committing terror acts!    You dumbass +1.    You got no balls asshole,

and the dumbass STILL didn't get it right. lol

Classic lib distinction without a difference.

Merriam-Webster is your friend you fool.

You know when libs fuck-up - they call YOU names! ;)

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