Politics and Religion

Just wait until the debates and November will put a end to the Trump.regular_smile
bigguy30 201 reads

I look forward to the debates and November 8th.
So sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Trump and Russia will not be running this country in 2017!

Posted By: BuffetBoy
Trump now leads in Florida, Ohio, Nevada and even Colorado. Didn't we have Colorado in the bag just a few weeks ago? WTF!?!?!?!?  
 Can he really win this thing? Please tell me no.  

Trump now leads in Florida, Ohio, Nevada and even Colorado. Didn't we have Colorado in the bag just a few weeks ago? WTF!?!?!?!?

Can he really win this thing? Please tell me no.  


saltyballs203 reads

Where I suspect, Trump will be exposed for the con-man he is. Right now we have HRC and Trump each with 40 percent support, leaving 20 percent of the electorate that is undecided, these undecided will make up their minds one way or the other right after the first debate.  

Posted By: BuffetBoy
Trump now leads in Florida, Ohio, Nevada and even Colorado. Didn't we have Colorado in the bag just a few weeks ago? WTF!?!?!?!?  
 Can he really win this thing? Please tell me no.  

I think the undecideds are well short of 20% though and that is why I am worried. Mrs. Clinton just doesn't seem to have any good days, let alone good weeks.  

The media could care less about her policies.They are obsessed with emails, servers and her health.

Who is talking about the minimum wage? Single payer? Free college? It is all drowned out by the incessant tabloid journalism practiced at Fox of course but on CNN as well.

Everyone wants to kiss Trumps ass for that next interview to boost ratings but they have no time to inform an uninformed public about the dangers of Trump.

I am officially concerned he can win this. I didn't think so last week but the fascination with her pneumonia over the weekend was so hysterical that Trump may be able to ride all this irrelevant bull shit to the White House, god forbid.

And heaven forbid if HRC sneezes at one of the debates.  It will mean she has terminal lung cancer to the dopey press.

I think one of the main areas of concern for Mrs. Clinton are the Hispanics. Sure they are totally lost to Trump but according to polls Mrs. Clinton carries over 40% unfavorable rating among the Hispanics too and that means that over 40% of Hispanics consider Clinton a "liar" i.e. "corrupt".  

If you ever lived in South America then you'd know that if you ask a local what would they consider as their country's main problem, most of the time poverty would come second. You know what would come first? "Corruption". One country after another the same question, the same answer probably 70% of the time. Many believe that they come to the United States to escape corruption. It's very hard to have a Latin American voting for a politician that s/he considers corrupt.  

So the issue for many Hispanics would basically boil down to this: am I so scared of Trump that I would be willing to put up with feeling disgusted with myself for voting for corrupt politician? Trump would never even come close to winning Hispanic vote but if Hispanic vote is minuscule because many just can't see themselves voting for a "corrupt" politician, Mrs. Clinton would have a big time problem.  

In general it will all depend on the turn-out. If turn out is small I have little doubt that Trump wins. Trump's support is hard, people who like him, they really like him. They will vote, rain, shine, snow or flood.  
Mrs. Clinton's support is mostly soft, many of her supporters would rather vote for somebody else. Many would vote for her because they'd see her as the only alternative to hated Trump. Sometimes reading the comments on this forum I feel like I'm one of the very very few Mrs. Clinton's "hard" supporters here. Most of those who go after Trump on this forum sound to me more like a Bernie crowd which is bad news for Hillary. Bernie crowd chances are will more important things to do on Nov 7 then go to the ballot box.

saltyballs230 reads

IMHO, there will be a huge surge of Hispanics to the polls in November to vote against Trump. HRC will probably do a little better with Hispanics this year than Obama in 2012.

I hope you're right but you say it so confidently that if I had to guess you've never been to Latin  America let alone talked to a shop owner or a friend there. Hispanics are not as one-dimensional or monolith about things as they may seem to you.

saltyballs222 reads

Seriously? For a Republican to win the WH, he or she will have to win at 40+ percent of the Hispanic vote. Trump is polling in the mid teens with Hispanics.

Duh... You don't even know what you're commenting on when you're commenting, do you? No wonder we're going to have Trump as president. With friends like that it's better for Hillary to have enemies. I bet you're Bernie supporter.  

I said at least twice that Trump might not be winning the Hispanics but nearly 40% of Hispanics still think that Hillary is corrupt. Many of them escaped their own countries so they wouldn't have to vote for corrupt politicians. If we had compulsory voting Hillary would run away with Hispanic vote but since we don't, many Hispanics (like maybe 25%-30% of LIKELY Hispanic voters) would rather not vote at all then vote for Hillary, Trump or no Trump. If that's the case then Hillary is in big trouble. Because you can take it to the bank that those who like Trump (whether Hispanic, black, white or martian) will vote come Nov 7th whether it's hurricane or tsunami.  

About a week ago I asked an African-American friend of mine if he would go and vote for Hillary if it rains. He responded "Well no-u! Would you?" (I actually would). Then I said what if it would've rained and/or snowed in 2008, would you still have gone to vote for Obama? "Hell yes!" he exclaimed.  
Well, that's the problem. Trump supporters feel about Trump in same way and with the same intensity as African-Americans felt about Obama. I'm afraid that on Nov 7th many (like too many) Hillary supporters are gonna look for an excuse not to go to the polls, and I'm afraid many of such supporters would be Hispanics. It doesn't mean that Trump would win the Hispanic vote.

bigguy30202 reads

I look forward to the debates and November 8th.
So sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Trump and Russia will not be running this country in 2017!

Posted By: BuffetBoy
Trump now leads in Florida, Ohio, Nevada and even Colorado. Didn't we have Colorado in the bag just a few weeks ago? WTF!?!?!?!?  
 Can he really win this thing? Please tell me no.  

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