Politics and Religion

Joy Reid hot mic Biden "starting another f'n war."

But you lefties love her koolaide so carry on the hypocrisy of the left is on full display!

As much as I dislike The Black Lady on MSPMS, this shows the very real and growing divide between the younger generation of Democrats who are thoroughly pro-terrorist and the older Democrats who are now completely controlled by Bush era neocons who are pro Israel. This is a divide that’s only going to get worse and worse until the pro-terrorist side gains enough power to squash the pro Israel side. So long as Dems keep pushing for immigration from 3rd world hell holes this dynamic will only get worse and worse until the USA is no longer a safe place for Jews.

The neocons originally came from the left, I think someone once called them pro-war socialists. Neo means new, they were the new conservative, except they weren't conservative. But they were homeless as the pacifist socialists took power. Now after a generation of failed wars, Trump populism is decidedly anti-war. So the neocons have moved back into the Democrat party and effectively control it. It's actually a stunning victory. Every progressive extols the virtues of everywhere forever war. From the NY Times, the Washington Post, the major networks, all are pro war. To question the wars get you immediately branded in the MSM as a Putin stooge.

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