Politics and Religion

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 1959 reads
1 / 16

A little refreshing thought from fact

Lie about their age
Lie about their education
Lie about their name
Lie about who they are
Live in a profession of lie

You must tell the escort your full name
You must tell the escort what you do
You do not lie about your age
You are require to be truthful to your escort
You must respect the escort and everything she says

Hmmmm... how is that equality for both sexes turning out these days for you guys :)

A hooker's view of feminism is no for equality but to make themselves the one in control.

Lets explain how you feel to be treated like that, where they can tell you all lies while you can't do the same in return :)
They want control and every time you submit to them you enable them to continue such bad behavior

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 265 reads
2 / 16

...You've accidentally stumbled onto something - even a broken clock is right twice a day.

On this board, guys disagree with each other and insult each other all the time.  No problem.  But if you dare to disagree with the opinion of a hooker or return an insult if she insults you, then the losers turn into white knighting manginas, riding to the rescue to defend the honor of what they perceive to be a poor, defenseless hooker.  They think if you say anything negative to a hooker, the frail creature will get "the vapors."  It makes them feel manly since they can't get it up anymore.

LOL!  What a bunch of cucks!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 117 reads
3 / 16

looks like the GD board was not good enough for his toxic shit..

mattradd 40 Reviews 142 reads
4 / 16

The system has worked well for me; no complaints. Perhaps their feminist attitudes apply more to their non-professional activities, or the vicissitudes of their daily lives, while the illegality of their professional lives dictate an uneven playing field between provider and providee!

So, it seems your complaint attempts to mix apples and oranges! ;)

mrhuck 15 Reviews 130 reads
5 / 16

...is how some hobbiest posters tend to group all providers into one behavior or another when in fact they are all just individuals trying to make a living in an illegal trade where the law wants to throw them in jail.  I find it no suprise that some of these women act out of fear in a manor that may be offensive to some, but I believe most often they are just trying to protect themselves .

GaGambler 146 reads
6 / 16

I disagree with hookers all the time, and I do it right here on this board without a bunch of white knight riding in. We have had some seriously BSC hookers on this board over the years and I don't pull my punches as I believe in "equal" rights, not "special" rights. We've had some female nutjobs from both sides of the aisle here,  anyone remember Hunter, or TJLooneytunes, how about our angry Tranny, RiverStark and don't forget someone with several posts right here on the front page, MaddyOhara, the "stoner broad"  

I have "gone at it" with every one of these women and I will continue to treat them "equally" and not with kid gloves.

Now as far as the OP, the worlds oldest lemon-aid stand CEO, he's a lot like our very own LTM&L, it's not that he's always wrong,  it's just that both of them are annoying and one-trick ponies. Are there a bunch of BSU's, spineless jellyfish that constantly suck up to even stupidest, homeliest and most BSC hookers on the boards? Of course there are, but that's all he ever posts about. It was old after the first couple of times he posted this, much less dozens of OP's on the subject.

The reason I don't agree with either of these tools is not because I am "afraid" to be seen agreeing with them, it's that I don't want to encourage them to post even more of their banal drivel, thinking that they have a receptive audience. I know "ignoring a board troll so he will go away" is only a pipe dream, but I am certainly not going to encourage them to post more of the same by responding to them with agreement.

GaGambler 144 reads
7 / 16

I dislike the OP at least as much as anyone else on this board, but I dislike you even more for proving his point.

Hookers are not Goddesses to put on a pedestal, nor are they scum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, but they do need to be held accountable for their actions just like everyone else. Hookers don't get a pass when they act entitled or BSC just because they are involved in an illegal business.

Now please turn in your man card before I have to send Guido out to take it from you forcibly. lol

JackDunphy 117 reads
8 / 16

The system has worked very well for me too, with complaints really so minor as to not being worth mentioning.  

This dude would win the lottery for 100 mil and bitch about having to pay taxes. lol

Good lord. Of all the things to whine about, you would think NSA sex with hot, young women of your choosing wouldn't be one of them, but there is a Debbie Downer in every facet of life I guess.  

One would think if it was so bad, he would leave this realm but then he wouldn't get the infantile attention he so desperately seeks.

mattradd 40 Reviews 189 reads
9 / 16

However, the cry-fest reminds me of the stages my kids went through. After the infantile stage was the "NO" stage, typically known as the "Terrible Two's stage. The forth word typically expressed after momma, dadda or vs. versa, and mine, was "NO" to everything. Even when they sometimes meant yes. Then after that was, usually from about 3 continuing on into the teens was "IT'S NOT FAIR" stage. This was they cry when they didn't get their own way, but was intensified during eruptions of sibling rivalry.  If I were a betting man, I'd suspect he had an older sister, due to her maturity over him, got to do the things he wanted to do, sooner than he was allowed. That, and also, she may have consistently slapped the snot out of him. That, or he had a younger sister who got the attention he felt he was entitled to! ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 171 reads
10 / 16

...white knights for his favorite hooker, I'll remind him and his fellow manginas of what you said.

GaGambler 135 reads
11 / 16

and it comes from the OP's home board. Here's a hooker lashing out at a client and getting what she has coming to her without a gaggle of BSU's vying to be the first and the loudest to defend her honor. Actually the WK's are completely MIA on this thread.

See, not all of the guys here are spineless jellyfish and not all the guys are scared to call out a hooker for bad behavior.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 203 reads
12 / 16

...butt hurt righties (and Jake) tired of getting their asses kicked by me so they're looking for some way to strike back.   Sucking up to, and white knighting for a hooker is how TER rightards lick their wounds to make them feel better about themselves.

I couldn't read that guy's review.  I'd blacklist him for not using paragraph breaks.  Oh wait, maybe he did if he's as dumb as Jake and would claim that "indentations" on the right side of the page are "paragraph breaks."

mrhuck 15 Reviews 111 reads
13 / 16

...Go ahead GaG send whoever you choose because you are TOO chicken shit to come yourself. All you know how to do with your posts is slaam anyone who isn't insulting  anyone ells who posts here, you fucking TROLL.

GaGambler 160 reads
14 / 16

Do you feel better now that you got a chance to act all tough on the internet?

You are still a BSU however, I would suggest you just learn to live with it. lol

borabora 15 Reviews 92 reads
15 / 16

Huck, I am sure there are many others who share your view.

Cottonmouth 76 reads
16 / 16

more than one has ended up hanging by their feet in a shed , field dressed like a deer or deacapitated and quartered in a swamp . Or maybe they lie because you think you're smarter than your wife and the hooker doesn't appreciate having her name brought up in the Alabama State House during discussions on whether or not to dump a sitting Governor.

Just saying

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