Politics and Religion

Jeb Bush still does not know it
mattradd 40 Reviews 1172 reads
1 / 23

the persecution of Christians, but are unwilling to buy racism.   ;)

What must it be like to live with a name like Doocy?!? One can only imagine. Naawwww, I don't think I'll bother!  ;)

JackDunphy 152 reads
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You will correct my facts if they are wrong but isn't that show on in the early morning i.e. just 9-10 hours after the shooting?

Seems to me all they were doing is providing an alternate explanation other than it being a racist act. The authorities pointed to it being called a "hate crime" within an hour of the shooting.

Now after the facts were ascertained, it turned out to be a race related crime (barring any news we don't know yet) but that wasn't known to be factual at the time of the shooting, just speculation.

How many times does the liberal media "jump the gun" (sorry bad pun) on these type cases? They were incredibly wrong on Trayvon, Ferguson, Cambridge, Duke Lacrosse Case, VA Rape, etc.

The difference I think you will see ( I haven't watched TV today) is that all on that show will concede it was due only to race, not re: religion whatsoever.

Sharp contrast to the many African Americans and liberals who STILL believe Zimmerman tracked down Trayvon and shot him in cold blood and that the Ferguson police officer was exonerated by Holder's DOJ.

-- Modified on 6/19/2015 12:25:37 PM

thisbud4u 126 reads
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By now the whole world knows the guy wanted to kill black people in that church.    However for the NRA poster boy and conservative neither guns nor racism does not make any impact.

The shooter was clear about his motive, the mayor of Charleston has said it is a hate crime, the DOJ and FBI have opened up civil rights investigation.    How can dumb can one get to please their base of religious and racist bigots.?

Good luck winning those big blue states in 2016.

MsLeilaLovely See my TER Reviews 135 reads
4 / 23

This was definitely a terrorist attack by America's home grown terrorists group.

But more than that, I believe it was an attack made to try & begin some kind of race war.
It sickens me dearly :-(

Ms. Leila Lovely

nuguy46 172 reads
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Five years ago this month Jeanne Assam shot a gunman at New Life Church in Colorado Springs and saved countless lives. The man had entered her church and began to kill people. She pulled out her legal, concealed gun and shot him several times. The gunman then proceeded to turn his gun on himself. Her action saved countless lives. She was called a national hero. The liberal media ignores her story. Why?

JackDunphy 151 reads
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That was Jebs answer when the HuffyPoo asked him if he thought it was racially motivated.

Nice try playing the race card though.  

You must be exhausted. Take the weekend off. LO

thisbud4u 165 reads
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If people have to take guns to pray in a church or temple or synagogue or a mosque, then the country is a TERRORIST country.    What happened in Charleston, SC is DOMESTIC TERRORISM against people of color carried out by a white supremacist.

The guy is no different from Osama Bin Laden, Boko Haram, the Boston bombers and the terrorist who attacked worshippers at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI.

It is politically not correct for Republican and Tea Party politicians to accept the facts and say so lest they lose their ignorant, racist and hate mongers who make up their base

JackDunphy 147 reads
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Intel first and a gun second.  

Since there was no intel, a gun in the hands of a good guy/gal was the only thing that would have saved lives in that situation

MasterZen 33 Reviews 125 reads
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I do not want to live in a nation where every busy-body neighbor is a spy for the government or where every word said in anger must be reported to the "thought police" or "pre-crime police" (remember Minority Report?) under penalty of law.  

We have misprision of felony at 18 USC Sec. 4, as well as mandatory reporting for certain people in at least 18 states. We also have aiding, abetting, acccessory and conspiracy statutes if a person's involvement reaches certain levels.

The average citizen commits 3 "arguable felonies" a day. Do we need more ways for the authorities to manipulate, control, debase and abuse us?  

I hope not

thisbud4u 148 reads
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I already answered your question with my post.    Guns in sacred praying places belongs in a TERRORIST country.

How do you stop domestic terrorism using guns to attack skin color and different religions?    Start at your home.

thisbud4u 172 reads
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Jeb Bush displayed ignorance about the motive today, Friday the 19th after the whole country were told about the suspect, his motives and the charges he faces.    NRA poster boy and a racist

thisbud4u 109 reads
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Well unless if all were Muslims, all of his friends would have been rounded up and charged with "aiding a terrorist".

thisbud4u 107 reads
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I agree with you 100%.   Unless these dudes are Muslims, it is not going to happen.    This country discriminates even killers.    Most of the time, a killer is a terrorist if he is a Muslim, and he is a deranged and mental wreck if he is an American.

Sen. Lindsay Graham called the killer of 9 people in Charleston, SC a "deranged" individual and the killing "an isolated" incident.    The song would have been different if the killer was a "Mohammed".   It would be a failure of President Obama's Middle East foreign policy!   LOL.

thisbud4u 189 reads
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There will be no civil suits.    The victims families have forgiven the killer.    They are not looking for money out of this tragedy.     I can imagine hundreds of Attorneys weeping at this.

JohnyComeAlready 105 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 99 reads
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Which is by far the worst.

thisbud4u 161 reads
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I meant your home, LOL.    Have you ever seen an Asian domestic terrorist?    They are all national spelling bee champions for the past 10 years or mastering science and technology at Stanford, MIT and MIT.

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 11:57:47 AM

GaGambler 128 reads
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There won't be many attorneys weeping over this.  

There were no "deep pockets" to go after in the first place.

Even "if" the victims families were looking for money, there was none to be had.

mattradd 40 Reviews 156 reads
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Given they have researchers investigate to get as much detail as possible about the circumstances and context of the incident, they would, or should have known the historical significance of the church in which the murders occurred. Given that, there should have been questions regarding why that church and not another, not a diatribe on Christian persecution. They obviously knew the historical significance of the church, since they invited a Black Pastor as a guest. Most blacks will see him as an Uncle Tom, because he allowed, even supported the discussion to be generalized to Christians being persecuted, vs.the real question on most peoples minds; why this church, at this time.

JackDunphy 132 reads
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You seem to want to imply hat somehow the R's are racist for not immediatley saying it was a racist act.  

Can you imagine the audacity for people to wait until the actual facts came forward before making a final decision?  

If the R's are saying from this point forward that it wasn't a racist act, then you would have a valid point

mattradd 40 Reviews 83 reads
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indefensible, you are twisting in the wind!  ;)

No where I'm I implying that R's are racist!  ;)

And, where did I say they should have come to a final conclusion, though they seemed to want to push the final conclusion as being christian persecution. I just wanted them to not to turn a blind eye that, given the circumstances that ii was a historical black church.   ;)

Time to stop making shit up!   ;)

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