Politics and Religion

It's possible, but I don't see it happening.
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 40 reads

At least for now.

GaGambler472 reads

Wise move, it spares him the embarrassment of still only getting 15-20% in a two man race.

Which shows how meaningless polls are at this point. If GOP primary voters don't want you, then you're toast.

Would be a good VP pick for Trump, if Kasich goes along with it.

Kasich might be a good pick because of his popularity in Ohio, but Trump really needs help with women and minorities, I don't know how well two "old white guys" are going to play.

Susana Martinez once seemed like the ideal running mate for him, but she needs some serious vetting as she could end up being Trump's "Sarah Palin" which would doom him. Trump is in the unenviable position of having to do just about everything right from here on out and hope that Hillary fucks up. Kind of like a football game where you go in as a 28 point underdog, you still have a chance, but you know the ball is going to have to bounce your way a few times.

This shit goes on forever. Time to get to the Finals.

On CNBC, a strategist compared Trump to a heavily shorted momentum stock. People keep trashing him, but his stock keeps rising.

Posted By: GaGambler
Wise move, it spares him the embarrassment of still only getting 15-20% in a two man race.

...I suggest progressives better start to get worried. Trump is not your typical GOP candidate, he muddies up the electoral map as he will attract disenfranchised men, women, Black and White, a few Latino's, few Asians etc. Trump also puts Midwest states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana Michigan in play for the GOP.

For him to suspend his campaign.

I still say he would have done a better job than trump.

Not sure why he did not get much traction. He did enter the race late but that cannot be the only reason.

Kasich would be a good VP choice.

In my opinion trump has a lot of negatives but the bulldyke has 1,000 negatives for every one trump has, so I'll have to get on the trump bandwagon, that is to say I'll hold my nose and vote for trump in November.

Having said that there will be one good thing with a trump victory is that al sharpton and a number of other scum bags have promised they will move out of the country if trump wins. that alone will be a very good reason to vote for trump.

Thank you  
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