Politics and Religion

It's definitely flowing through the rancid rooms of the Capitol Building...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 98 reads

... too many of these cretins still think the status quo will be maintained.

As for South America... have you seen what the fuck is happening in Venezuela? Talk about a State of Denial!
Posted By: GaGambler
Just to see how many humorless fucks would take me literally. lol

Why ? Perhaps it's because it'll show that he's worth far less than the 10 billion net worth that he claims ?

GaGambler154 reads

You file a return each year, right? All you have to do is look at your last return, find the part where you list your net worth and tell us what line it's on. This should be a snap for you to do.

Come on Choosy, I expect idiocy from a lot of people bashing Trump, but you hold yourself up as one of the "smart guys"

He claims he's worth 10 Bill; Forbes says 4; my guess is that he's worth considerably less than the latter figure

Lastly, GaG, something we agree on; let him release his fucking tax returns. What's he hiding ?

GaGambler107 reads

I guess you quit looking.

Let me ask you once again, just where in a person's tax return does it show net worth???

I'd rather have a straw man argument than no argument at all. Just admit your post makes no sense and lets move on.

I want to hear Hillary's highly paid speeches, but I don't expect to find the answer to her emails in the transcripts, that would be the equivalent to what you are you suggesting about his tax returns. You do know the difference between income and worth I hope.

So I guess you fit right in.

Like I said, GAG, totally understandable that you don't wanna vote for HRC, but to hook your train to an unstable, ignorant, racist demagogue who changes his economic policies as often as he changes his underwear is beyond me. I would guess that because of that, HRC will get a larger share of the business community than usual for the dems., but will see how that shakes out in Nov.

GaGambler111 reads

The dems have millions of people who just want "free shit" The GOP is full of racist xenophobes. There is nothing newsworthy about either statement, but that has nothing to do with the point we are discussing, you just are ducking for cover after making a dumb statement that you can't walk back. I see you have graduated from the laffy school of debate, "when caught in a lie or just plain stupid statement, DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT"

You fervently support the idiot, which, is the height of stupidity, don't cop to it & you're calling what I do "dumb"?! LOL. I expect that sorta stuff from brainless partisan hacks, but you, Gag?! Disappointing , to say the least.

Posted By: GaGambler
The dems have millions of people who just want "free shit" The GOP is full of racist xenophobes. There is nothing newsworthy about either statement, but that has nothing to do with the point we are discussing, you just are ducking for cover after making a dumb statement that you can't walk back. I see you have graduated from the laffy school of debate, "when caught in a lie or just plain stupid statement, DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT"
-- Modified on 5/14/2016 10:47:04 AM

GaGambler105 reads

There is a difference between voting for him, which I most certainly plan on doing and "fervently" supporting him, which until now only laffy has ever accused me of.

You made a dumb statement, just own it or risk looking just like the guys you mock.

Or you can prove me wrong and just point out the part of the tax return that deal with net worth.

Goddamn funniest thing I've heard all day.

"Not fervently supporting him ?! The evidence on this board shows otherwise.

Voting for him is idiotic on innumerable levels, including the fact that on a business level, you may be cutting your own throat. Not to mention untold scandalous shit that has YET to come out on him, sinking his candidacy.

Tell ya what------you cop to saying that voting for him MAY be a dumb mistake. I can't picture you as part of his "trailer trash brigade". Say that & the possibilty exists that you may vote 3rd party or sit out the election & I may cop to my "faux pas"

I ain't holding my breath.

Posted By: GaGambler
There is a difference between voting for him, which I most certainly plan on doing and "fervently" supporting him, which until now only laffy has ever accused me of.  
 You made a dumb statement, just own it or risk looking just like the guys you mock.  
 Or you can prove me wrong and just point out the part of the tax return that deal with net worth.

You just can't stand to admit you were wrong can you?

Obama stating that there are 57 states can be excused as a "faux pas" no one seriously thinks that Obama really believed there are actually 57 states. Your statement was just made out of ignorance, and you aren't the only one who made the same mistake, or even the only person on this board to make the same mistake, but to call it a faux pas only proves you either don't know anything more about a faux pas than you know about tax returns or that laffy and Mari have competition as the least honest posters on this board.

Posted By: GaGambler
You just can't stand to admit you were wrong can you?  
 Obama stating that there are 57 states can be excused as a "faux pas" no one seriously thinks that Obama really believed there are actually 57 states. Your statement was just made out of ignorance, and you aren't the only one who made the same mistake, or even the only person on this board to make the same mistake, but to call it a faux pas only proves you either don't know anything more about a faux pas than you know about tax returns or that laffy and Mari have competition as the least honest posters on this board.

Just to see how many humorless fucks would take me literally. lol

... too many of these cretins still think the status quo will be maintained.

As for South America... have you seen what the fuck is happening in Venezuela? Talk about a State of Denial!

Posted By: GaGambler
Just to see how many humorless fucks would take me literally. lol

GaGambler148 reads

What a beautiful country that the lefties who installed a "workers paradise" have completely fucked up. Willy Wonka would be proud. The last time I was there my friends insisted I hide my phone and not carry it in the little holster I have for it, they told me that a phone was worth killing for in their country and that showing that I had a phone would put a huge target on my back. Obviously I left my watch back in the US.

First I'd like to set the record straight for anyone in doubt,    
  I adamantly, fervently,  passionately,  support Trump  over Hillary.
      I have the passion for President Trump against evil failure Hillary,  like  the born again preacher hoping  to save our  country from Hell, though my idea of Hell would be a  Hillary Presidency.  

You will have learned and discover by the outcome on election day, the majority of Americans  had the presence of mind to realize, voting for Hillary is lunacy.  
   A  trailer I entered many times  during Slick Willie's  administration,  was  owned  by a public school  teacher I was dating.  
   She didn't act trashy and she isn't white though she could  be self identifying as White by now.  
    You might know how that goes, with choices of change in today's World  :-D  
   Unfortunately, she lost her undisputed love for me, when she heard me laughing, listening to Rush Limbaugh mock slick Willie.   When she asked me what I thought about Bill, I told the truth.  
    Bad move on my part.  
 I miss that lady,  she looked great in any dress.  
    I doubt she's a Trump supporter, on the other hand she's  smart enough to see the sanity in a vote for  Trump..    
 You will see  evidence and receive  an education you'll never forget, on election day, when voting  results show there are tens of millions more President Trump voters than trailers in America.  

You are truly ignorant beyond compare in your denial,  if you honestly believe buying an education is a guarantee of knowledge, or the  rich in Lefty mansions, don't have an equal  share of trash in their ranks.    :-D



Check link at the bottom of the page. I guess your enlightened "street smarts" are better than all the current pollsters. But we'll see in Nov. who is correct. Lastly, if I'm correct ( & I'll stand corrected if I'm wrong ) congrats on getting the GED you talked about going for several years ago, if you already haven't got it. Quite serious about that. Always good to better oneself.

Posted By: quadseasonal
First I'd like to set the record straight for anyone in doubt,      
   I adamantly, fervently,  passionately,  support Trump  over Hillary.  
       I have the passion for President Trump against evil failure Hillary,  like  the born again preacher hoping  to save our  country from Hell, though my idea of Hell would be a  Hillary Presidency.  
 You will have learned and discover by the outcome on election day, the majority of Americans  had the presence of mind to realize, voting for Hillary is lunacy.  
    A  trailer I entered many times  during Slick Willie's  administration,  was  owned  by a public school  teacher I was dating.    
    She didn't act trashy and she isn't white though she could  be self identifying as White by now.  
     You might know how that goes, with choices of change in today's World  :-D  
    Unfortunately, she lost her undisputed love for me, when she heard me laughing, listening to Rush Limbaugh mock slick Willie.   When she asked me what I thought about Bill, I told the truth.  
     Bad move on my part.  
  I miss that lady,  she looked great in any dress.  
     I doubt she's a Trump supporter, on the other hand she's  smart enough to see the sanity in a vote for  Trump..    
  You will see  evidence and receive  an education you'll never forget, on election day, when voting  results show there are tens of millions more President Trump voters than trailers in America.  
 You are truly ignorant beyond compare in your denial,  if you honestly believe buying an education is a guarantee of knowledge, or the  rich in Lefty mansions, don't have an equal  share of trash in their ranks.    :-D  
-- Modified on 5/14/2016 6:43:36 PM

GaGambler111 reads

yes, Hillary is still the favorite, but you have made a career of being wrong around here. I think quad with his GED, or even without it, is more than a match for you. BTW exactly what kind of a degree do you hold and from what prestigious mail order university is it from. I bet you it's the same one that allowed Laffy to get that high profile job as a copy boy at Kinkos.

if you see otherwise, that your overly cynical & jaundiced view. Btw, didn't you say that Romney was gonna win in 2012 ? Pot-kettle-black.

GaGambler100 reads

and Romney should have won, it's his own fault that he didn't and one of the main reasons he should NOT be listened to now. Remember Romney and Ryan were last cycles losers, with McCain and Palin the losers before them, if anyone should be disqualified from giving advice to Trump on how to win, it's a tie between Dems like you, who don't want him to win in the first place and the losers in the last two cycles who only know how to lose.

and I am sure Quad thanks you for your sincere and heartfelt congratulations about an accomplishment that most likely either happened decades ago or not at all. I am sure Trump thanks you for your congratulations on him being such a good press secretary for himself as well.

Strictly a racially neutral term. Now if I used the term "white trash", I could understand you getting hot under the collar. Not the term I used, though. So why are you getting so apoplectic ?

Posted By: quadseasonal
First I'd like to set the record straight for anyone in doubt,      
   I adamantly, fervently,  passionately,  support Trump  over Hillary.  
       I have the passion for President Trump against evil failure Hillary,  like  the born again preacher hoping  to save our  country from Hell, though my idea of Hell would be a  Hillary Presidency.  
 You will have learned and discover by the outcome on election day, the majority of Americans  had the presence of mind to realize, voting for Hillary is lunacy.  
    A  trailer I entered many times  during Slick Willie's  administration,  was  owned  by a public school  teacher I was dating.    
    She didn't act trashy and she isn't white though she could  be self identifying as White by now.  
     You might know how that goes, with choices of change in today's World  :-D  
    Unfortunately, she lost her undisputed love for me, when she heard me laughing, listening to Rush Limbaugh mock slick Willie.   When she asked me what I thought about Bill, I told the truth.  
     Bad move on my part.  
  I miss that lady,  she looked great in any dress.  
     I doubt she's a Trump supporter, on the other hand she's  smart enough to see the sanity in a vote for  Trump..    
  You will see  evidence and receive  an education you'll never forget, on election day, when voting  results show there are tens of millions more President Trump voters than trailers in America.  
 You are truly ignorant beyond compare in your denial,  if you honestly believe buying an education is a guarantee of knowledge, or the  rich in Lefty mansions, don't have an equal  share of trash in their ranks.    :-D  
-- Modified on 5/14/2016 10:57:04 PM

I wasn't hot in the least, I was merely attempting  to teach you a lesson you failed to grasp.  
   I have no dog in the fight, I've never lived in a trailer or been referred to as  Whitey.  
   However, one time  a  GF commented my butt  is a lot lighter than the rest of my skin.  
  I  looked in the mirror to see if she was jiving my ass and chalked it off as an anomaly    
    I've seen  more middle class and rich white trash than trash of other races.    
   That certainly is no indication the middle class and  white rich are trash.
  Since I  believe you are capable of learning, I'll try again.  
    I can't help but wonder if you've ever met anyone who lived in a trailer?  
  If you follow the lead of generalizing morons, you will find yourself lost, more often than not.  
   Living in a trailer is not an accurate determination of a persons way of life, whether they are good citizens or not, or provide any automatic proof of their education .  
  An education can be bought, knowledge must be learned.  
    Rich people can  become poor from a  fault not  of their own and find their best alternative  
  is to move into a trailer.    
    Thousands upon thousands of citizens temporarily move into  trailers after their homes are destroyed by disaster.  
    Thousands of College grads  in counties all across the United States , prefer to live in  trailers  on acres of land, breathing fresh air, growing vegetables, rather than live in littered cities consumed by smog, while residing in close proximity to  vegetative neighbors.  
   Many poor people do live in trailers .  
  I can't help but wonder, since there  appears to be an abundance of Hillary supporters in large cities, could  smog be influencing their brain to make trashy decisions. :-D  
    There are millions  of people living in trailers with political views similar to you, partisan Hillary voters, I don't believe they are trash, I believe they are merely ignorant of  the facts at hand, or possibly insane.  
    I've personally met many people with College degrees that portray their stupidity quite well.  
     That certainly doesn't mean  College graduates are stupid, but I'd bet there are millions of  ignorant College Grads.      
   The point I am making, when you pigeon hole any segment of society as all of the same, you are proving your own ignorance of reality.  
   In closing, there are approximately twenty million trailers  in America, I expect Trump to  get a minimum of  sixty million votes, including  support from millions of college educated voters.    
    Whether they learned anything of value in College, that's up to interpretation. :-D  
 Never the one to back down from a challenge, I'm going to spend a few hours of this beautiful day, at American University, to see if I can drum up some support to save our Nation from the evils of a Hillary Presidency, and more votes for President Trump.    
                   Have a great afternoon. :-D  

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 12:46:04 PM

that your guess is he is worth considerably lees than 4 billion.

How about you tell us exactly how you come to that conclusion?

My guess is that you are again pretending to be intellectually superior, however it is not working.  

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

followme114 reads

We all know that now as in his past life here he just pretends  to be intellectually superior. Nothing has changed in the past  3 1/2 - 4 years  

Thank you
2016 = 2

Trouble is, unlike a tax return, it's not subject to any IRS scrutiny.  You do know the difference between assets and income, don't you?

GaGambler119 reads

I find it highly ironic that the same people who tell Trump to simply admit he was John Miller find themselves so entrenched when caught in either a lie, a mistake or a misstatement.  

Even you will eventually admit to being wrong when to do otherwise is virtually impossible. Why can't Choosy just suck it up and admit he spoke out of his ass like we are all wont to do every once in a while.

But if he really thinks an income tax return has much info on assets maybe Choosy has no income and has never filed a 1040.  They call it an "Income Tax Return" because it reports on, duh, income.  The only assets reported on the form are ones that provide income.  Their value is not reported in the form. But you knew that.

6-pack_abs106 reads

1. He pays less in taxes ( in terms of %) than the average joe.

2. He gave jack to charities other than his own.

3. He may face scrutiny from outsiders on his income, deductions, write-offs, etc.

4. It contains errors that are difficult or embarrassing to explain.

Al of this, and more, could be political ammunition for the opposition if it were released prior to election.  If he were audited, then his net worth COULD be derived from his Income Statement and Balance Sheet (required for a Corporation). TRUMP is a corporation and his personal net worth can be estimated from his holdings

brooks598 reads

what's your net worth?

oh jesus, stop it, please, you're killing me! ;)

typical lib dumbass, no fact, just allegatio

"If he were audited, then his net worth COULD be derived from his Income Statement and Balance Sheet (required for a Corporation). TRUMP is a corporation and his personal net worth can be estimated from his holdings. " I've never been audited & not "part of a corporation" like the rest of your board mongers are------;) Quoted from a wise individual on the thread. Any takers ?

Posted By: brooks5
what's your net worth?  
 oh jesus, stop it, please, you're killing me! ;)  
 typical lib dumbass, no fact, just allegation  

GaGambler122 reads

I am trying to be nice, I really am, but you are just hemorrhaging IQ points by the boatload AND making Brook look like a genius by comparison.  

Even Jake got it right and I bet you he was shitfaced when making his post. NO, you cannot estimate a person, or a corporation's net or even gross worth from an income statement. Even Mari got this one right and Mari gets EVERYTHING wrong.  Maybe some day if we every have a "wealth tax" instead of an income tax, this will be possible, until then you are just making yourself look stupid. Please, for your own good just stop already.

Your "wise individual" is a fucking moron, How much plainer do I need to state it?

6-pack_abs122 reads

I pulled this document from Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.  Donald Trump would have a similar disclosure.

At the time of this publication, M Zuckerberg owned  – 28.4% of Facebook (Roughly $28B.)

His salary was less than $1M.

If we know how many share he owns (Less what he sold), then that gives us an idea about his worth.  It is an ESTIMATE and not an exact number.

Key Quote:
The above table and discussion are based on 117,097,143 shares of our Class A common stock and 1,758,902,390 shares of our Class B common stock outstanding as of December 31, 2011, as well as the exercise by Mark Zuckerberg, our founder, Chairman, and CEO, of an outstanding stock option to purchase 120,000,000 shares of our Class B common stock..

GaGambler130 reads

Question for the class, What's the difference between a "publicly held" and a  "privately held" corporation?

You really don't know much about business, do you? Do you even know what an S-1 registration is, or why a corporation like Trump doesn't file one? Or why his tax returns won't give us even a clue as to his net worth?

I have one last question. (and it might be a trick question) How do you calculate the market cap of a corporation like Trump?

6-pack_abs114 reads

That is real...  I spend 15 minutes a week on TER. And.. BTW.. I'm looking for hookers and not debating jerkoffs like you..  In fact, you win whatever argument we are having because I really don't care to debate.

 Your life is like an episode of Twilight Zone where the guy keeps waking up in the same fucked up place.  1 year from now, you will still be debating this same silly crap with the same silly people

brooks595 reads

and somehow claim a level of intellectual superiority on a fuck board over a silly, arrogant and simply wrong lib.  beat him all you want, he'll NEVER get it

and I am a genius, at very least by the standards her

brooks5124 reads

your net worth?

unless you find it, YOU are PROVEN stupid!  yet again ;)

I DARE you to show us

SARCASM is lost on the dumb

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 8:45:23 AM

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