Politics and Religion

It's a no knock raid, don't be afraid!
mrnogood 468 reads

Showing connections between members in the group and the wide swath of corporations, NGO's, and political organizations they contol, own or influence.  The group met in Chantilly, Virginia earlier this month to annoint Romney's VP running mate and to determine who will win the November election.

Yet another bit of news that the slime-stream media either ignores or covers superficially and with great reluctance.  After all, the same people who own and tell them what to write or say are all members of the group.


and I don't think I ever heard that song before.

I've dialed it back as much as I can.

mrnogood251 reads

our spending is funding this shit!

While you and I, and many others do our part.. MANY people still are sick with consumerism..AND IT IS A DISEASE

mrnogood257 reads

personally, that's part of what turns me on.. who they are, not just what they are

-- Modified on 6/14/2012 2:16:41 AM

Dialing back capitalism sounds damn good to me. I already make as much as possible of what I eat and drink. Another good way to dial back capitalism is to buy things used. That way none of your money is going directly to these scumbags.

Mitt Romney was spotted by 4 separate eyewitnesses attending the Bilderberg meeting recently convened at the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia.  His flaks denied his attendance pro-forma because the meeting is "not public."  To say nothing of the fact that attendance at such meetings as private citizens is not possible for any of the politicians who attend anyway and constitutes a violation of the Logan Act.  It's doubtful that most of these guys would let a small detail like committing a felony get in the way of their fun.


Along with Romney, a few other government felons also attended including Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Daniels is a former Senior Vice President of Eli Lilly and Company.  Daniels worked on a public relations campaign to soft-peddle the side-effects of Prozac, helping the company’s profits soar during the mid to late 90′s.  (You might remember that inscrutible buffoon who was Bush#1's veep, Dan Quayle.  His family practically owns both Eli Lilly AND the State of Indi-fucking-anna, as well, which explains a lot about Dan's political career).

But, I digress.

The blowjob contest to see who will actually be picked as Romney's veep is now over, except fot the inevitable cumshot which will happen a few weeks before the Republican National Convention in August. The race is now down to the two who are "prettiest in pink," i.e., Daniels and Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio has also impressed the elite confab with his recent traitorous activities, including speaking before the sister organization to Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations where he was all warm and runny as he advocated a full-on military assault against Syria.  His views on foreign policy earm him a guttural "atta boy!" from his Bilderberg tops.

The spectre of a foreign power, such as Bilderberg having such an intimate role in the nuts and bolts of America's political process is, by no means anything new. Thanks to them, both Biden and Edwards were picked as veeps-to-be in the 2008 election cycle.  Thanks to their attendance at Bilderberg, both Bill Clinton and Doug Wilder were given the go-ahead to enter the presidential race.  Clinton prevailed in the long run but Wilder was a more interesting than usual "also ran" in that he was the first attempt at creating a serious "black" contender for the office of President to be shoved up the collective American ass.

In 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave reporters the slip to attend the 2008 Bilderberg meeting at the same hotel in Chantilly. On precisely the same weekend as the meeting was taking place, the Washington Post announced that Hillary was withdrawing from the presidential race and would support Obama.

Tony Blair was groomed by the secretive organization in the early 1990′s before rising to prominence. Portugal’s Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster of Portugal.

Regular fucking kingmakers.  Might this explain Spiro Agnew?

nuguy46244 reads

in the spirit of "PRI", guess you willy-boy could be called a racist for slammin' Rubio. How does it feel bro?

"Are you talking to me?"

First of all, it was I, "sappybullfighter" and not "willy-boy' who was bad mouthing/slamming Rubio.  I enjoy holding the feet of that slimy example of politic's underbelly to the fire as much as anyone else, but in this instance, I think willy can rightly claim, "No es Mea Culpa."  In any event, I think you've been around here long enough that you should know how to navigate the board better, don't you?

Second of all, from what pathetic mind controlled paradigm did you manage to come up with that "racist" shit?  His parent were Spanish (meaning "white-not mixed with Indian") Cubans who are naturalized Americans.  Rubio was born in America and is Catholic.  How "hispanic" can he be?  

But, he is claiming to be hispanic for what reason?  Do you imagine that by being "hispanic" he might get some more votes from Latino racists who think they might sooner get something from him than a white candidate?  He is a Florida politician, and that kind of cred goes a long way in a place like that.

This is all merely symptomatic of a larger phenomenon in the American polity that has now gone beyond simply catering to the lowest common denominator.  Politicians now seem to get elected only if they indulge in gobs of racial rhetoric.  They divide the population by appealing to one or the other racial voter blocks and play them off each other by making promises of extending the governmental largess in their direction.

Money.  Race. Class.

We now have such institutions withing the Federal government as the Black Congressional Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Conference,  and the Supreme Court currently has a member of "La Raza" (The Race) sitting.  Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue were any congressional nitwit foolish  enough to suggest formation of something called the "White Congressional Caucus?"

The fact is that the concept of "equal protection under the law" has been obsoleted by our politicians.  Every racial group is now the recipient of "extra" protection under the law and is safe within the semiotic lacunae of what has become politically-correct newspeak.  Dykes, kikes, poofters, wops, coons and beaners now enjoy immunity from criticism under this system.  Eveyone is protected by politically-correct newspeak except for one group of people.  It is still quite within polite usuage to criticise the people in this group for any and all of their transgressions.  And, when this criticism does arrive, they never receive the mitigating support of some snot-nose know-nothing claiming "racism" has reared its ugly head.  If anyone in this group should happen to commit the unforgivable sin of uttering a politically-incorrect racial slur the members of the offended-upon group will quickly form a line on the right to begin the lynch mob.

Test question:  What is the identity of the "one group of people" mentioned earlier in the text?

Extra credit:  Where is Pri? Fact-finding junket?  Well-deserved sabbatical?  Online at the Bellagio buffet?

You're a better comedy writer than I thought. it's hard for me to nap with Martin's air show going on.

I wonder if AWACS is picking up this chater?

nuguy46183 reads

for the past few months, anytime a view that did not agree with that of Pri and Willy, the first words out of their mouth, was 'racist'...they called the poster a racist....just asking willy-boy if he is the racist?  not about you..

Posted By: sappybullfighter

"Are you talking to me?"

First of all, it was I, "sappybullfighter" and not "willy-boy' who was bad mouthing/slamming Rubio.  I enjoy holding the feet of that slimy example of politic's underbelly to the fire as much as anyone else, but in this instance, I think willy can rightly claim, "No es Mea Culpa."  In any event, I think you've been around here long enough that you should know how to navigate the board better, don't you?

Second of all, from what pathetic mind controlled paradigm did you manage to come up with that "racist" shit?  His parent were Spanish (meaning "white-not mixed with Indian") Cubans who are naturalized Americans.  Rubio was born in America and is Catholic.  How "hispanic" can he be?  

But, he is claiming to be hispanic for what reason?  Do you imagine that by being "hispanic" he might get some more votes from Latino racists who think they might sooner get something from him than a white candidate?  He is a Florida politician, and that kind of cred goes a long way in a place like that.

This is all merely symptomatic of a larger phenomenon in the American polity that has now gone beyond simply catering to the lowest common denominator.  Politicians now seem to get elected only if they indulge in gobs of racial rhetoric.  They divide the population by appealing to one or the other racial voter blocks and play them off each other by making promises of extending the governmental largess in their direction.

Money.  Race. Class.

We now have such institutions withing the Federal government as the Black Congressional Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Conference,  and the Supreme Court currently has a member of "La Raza" (The Race) sitting.  Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue were any congressional nitwit foolish  enough to suggest formation of something called the "White Congressional Caucus?"

The fact is that the concept of "equal protection under the law" has been obsoleted by our politicians.  Every racial group is now the recipient of "extra" protection under the law and is safe within the semiotic lacunae of what has become politically-correct newspeak.  Dykes, kikes, poofters, wops, coons and beaners now enjoy immunity from criticism under this system.  Eveyone is protected by politically-correct newspeak except for one group of people.  It is still quite within polite usuage to criticise the people in this group for any and all of their transgressions.  And, when this criticism does arrive, they never receive the mitigating support of some snot-nose know-nothing claiming "racism" has reared its ugly head.  If anyone in this group should happen to commit the unforgivable sin of uttering a politically-incorrect racial slur the members of the offended-upon group will quickly form a line on the right to begin the lynch mob.

Test question:  What is the identity of the "one group of people" mentioned earlier in the text?

Extra credit:  Where is Pri? Fact-finding junket?  Well-deserved sabbatical?  Online at the Bellagio buffet?

Chipotle?  Really?  They are to Mexican food what Subway is to Philadelphia Cheese Steak subs.   Who knew?

I checked-out the management of Chipotle and didn't find anything overly suggestive of any connection to either Bilderberg or BuildaBear (whatever that is-sounds like a company making do-it-yourself bobblehead dolls marketed to fat, 12 year-old girls with bad complexions).

I have to ask.  While you indulge yourself the guilty pleasure of plastic-mexican food, do you ever see any actual Mexican/Latino people in there, as well?  I've eaten there only once and it was like the Brady Bunch reunion in the place.

Solimente Para Los Machos! Top Round Chimichangas with Guacamole, Sliced Avocado, Fresh Tomatos, Pico de Gallo Salsa, Sour Cream and Green Onions

-- Modified on 6/14/2012 11:25:19 AM

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