Politics and Religion

It'll be fun and funny to watch Trump arm-wrestle w/P.Ryan
Mr.M.Johnson 1656 reads

and M.McConnell etc.  

Trump thinks he dictates the budget to McConnell and P.Ryan
McConnell and P.Ryan think that Trump "is the guy who signs our bills"
No one except The Donald  is predicting 3% GDP growth - not even his team

When GDP growth is 2.1% in 2017 Trump will announce "fake number - real number is 4%"

McConnell, L.Graham, Rubio are saying "Trump's budget is dead on arrival"

Donald will get frustrated....aka pissed off, and hopefully he'll resign and go away - I can hope!


to win the election. He's going try and dictate to Congress, but when they shoot him down, and draw up their own proposals, knowing that they can override his veto, he'll save face by capitulating. Only time will tell if he's up to the challenges to his immense ego!. ;)

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 3:21:09 PM

He is a negotiator, not a dictator.

"Capitulating" to you is "win/win" to him.

He has worked with people his entire life and always "gave" in order to "get."

It is amazing after all this time libs still don't know this about the man, although he has made it very clear to anyone who was listening.

"He has worked with people his entire life and always "gave" in order to "get."

Is that why he has been taken to court, and sued so often. This shows you've totally drank the Trump cool-aid, and have no credibility on this subject whatsoever! ;)

TwoMints320 reads

You guys really don't get how optics work.

He's the leader of the party, he can and will shit all over the R's if they fail to do their jobs.  He has the microphone, the bully pulpit.  

McConnell and Ryan will squirm but they'll back down. They already did on the Wall.  

You think it was different when Obama forced Obummer care down their throats? They knew better. They knew how fucked up it was. How it's bankrupt, how they've had to divert moneys to keep it going.  Obama wanted it. He got it. And in the process he fucked his party over.  So happy you all think he was such a good president.. Only thing he was good at was reading a teleprompter.  He destroyed your party.  

I mean 1200 seats lost and you lost an election to a reality tv star. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Supreme court will go right for the next 40 years. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Posted By: mattradd
to win the election. He's going try and dictate to Congress, but when they shoot him down, and draw up their own proposals, knowing that they can override his veto, he'll save face by capitulating. Only time will tell if he's up to the challenges to his immense ego!. ;)

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 3:21:09 PM

Ryan, with enough votes could FORCE trump to release his tax returns. Dem would be all in, get some closet "Never trump" reps and viola...things could look very embarrassing, wouldn't you say?? But that would be putting country before party and that's not in the Republican DNA.

The Russians have one of his nuts, and Congress has the other. And, when push comes to shove, they win, he capitulates!

Larry..Moe and Curly are reborn..

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
and M.McConnell etc.    
 Trump thinks he dictates the budget to McConnell and P.Ryan  
 McConnell and P.Ryan think that Trump "is the guy who signs our bills"  
 No one except The Donald  is predicting 3% GDP growth - not even his team  
 When GDP growth is 2.1% in 2017 Trump will announce "fake number - real number is 4%"  
 McConnell, L.Graham, Rubio are saying "Trump's budget is dead on arrival"  
 Donald will get frustrated....aka pissed off, and hopefully he'll resign and go away - I can hope!  

to then make deals with Trump. Very unlike Obama's illusions of attempting to work with Republicans, Trump would be totally willing to make deals with Democrats but I'm sure they will not be able to accept that fact.

I don't think the Dems. have the numbers to exert any leverage on many, if any legislative agenda's, so Trump will ignore them. They've got no room at the table so to speak. Perhaps, after the midterms, that may change. ;)

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