Politics and Religion

It will not pass Constitution reviewsad_smile
Stempy 1152 reads

It appears the morons in Congress are too busy covering their collective asses than to worry about such as thing as Constitutionality of the law they passed.

I question whether the search & seizure provisions of the Constitution will be applicable to this new law and if so, will it be struck down/upheld by the Courts?

I wonder what group they will target next?  Baseball players who are have taken steroids in the past?  How about former congressional members who are now corporate lobbyists??

GaGambler3513 reads

The House now firmly in control by the Democrats has fired the first salvo in the war against private enterprise.

The Congress now feels that using the IRS as a weapon against private citizens is now an acceptable way of obsuficating their own incompetence.

What's next? windfall profit tax on author's bonuses might be a good start.

How can anyone justify this?

I don't even know where to begin.  First, the government gives money to mismanaged businesses without conditions.  Then, they re-write legislation to allow the bonuses to be paid.  Then, in response to public outcry, they forget that a large part of the problem was THEIR doing, and blame the CEO (who they basically put in charge).  Finally, they enact punitive legislation and once it's clear that it'll pass, they change sides so that they can claim to their voters that they were for it.

Fucking incompetent criminals!!!

This admininstration, along with the current House and Senate members, are making us the laughing stock of the world. Obama has done nothing but fuck up for his first 50 days. His cabinet appointees are a joke, his spending plans make GWB out to be small time, he's flying around the country as if he is still campaigning with his town hall meetings, and every trip he takes on Air Force One is a minimum, $1,000,000 for starters. Pelosi and Reid are an embarrassment to the country. Pelosi, especially, has shit for a brain. Reid is as crooked as the Grand Canyon. Dodd, Frank, et al., why even that fuckhead, Bill Maher, can find nothing good to say about them. They are coming after our money, and our guns, and welcoming illegal aliens with open arms per Pelosi's off the record comments last week. Will this country survive them? I sure as hell hope so, but I have my doubts.

Obma DOES oppose private gun ownership, Pelosi DID say that illegal immigration was "patriotic"....
facts speak for themselves...

Tusayan1499 reads

President Obama does not oppose private gun ownership. During the campaign he said emphatically that he supports the Supreme Court's Heller decision, which upheld private gun ownership and government regulation of it.

During the campaign, Obama said a LOT of fucking things that are now showing up to be the lies they were to get him elected. The list is long and tedious. The Heller decision by the Supreme Court was quickly disregarded by both Chicago and D.C. Try get a permit to buy a handgun in D.C. today. Ain't gonna happen. Also, what did Eric Holder, the new AG recently say? Private citizens DO NOT have the right to gun ownership.

Tusayan854 reads

The AG's opinion doesn't matter then the Supreme Court has ruled otherwise.

The Supreme Court HAS RULED otherwise, and both Chicago and D.C. have blown that decision off. WTF. With Holder pushing his opinion, Pelosi and Reid in the Congress along with all the other gun haters there, it would only take one Obama liberal judge appointee to the Supreme court for a majority opinion, and we're screwed. Wake the fuck up, man. You think you lost your "rights" under GWB? Hold on to your package, 'cause you ain't seen nothing yet.

Stempy1153 reads

It appears the morons in Congress are too busy covering their collective asses than to worry about such as thing as Constitutionality of the law they passed.

I question whether the search & seizure provisions of the Constitution will be applicable to this new law and if so, will it be struck down/upheld by the Courts?

I wonder what group they will target next?  Baseball players who are have taken steroids in the past?  How about former congressional members who are now corporate lobbyists??

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