Politics and Religion

It seems you are confusing national trade deficit with government fiscal deficit ~END
Dr.Hackenbush 60 reads


...Charles Krauthammer commented earlier today on Trump's plan as it relates to the national debt:

"Trump himself brings up the deficit and debt all the time as a sign of our decline, as a sign of government out of control and having incompetence in government.

How many Democratic Parties do we need?  We already have one.  During the primary season, the argument for Trump was he was the guy who would stand up to the Republican sold-out establishment that refused to stand up to Barack Obama on higher spending; refused to stand up to Barack Obama on entitlements; refused to stand up to Barack Obama on executive actions.  Therefore, we need an outsider, a disrupter named Donald Trump who would not do this.

What he is proposing is to out-Democrat the Democrats.  This is an enormous new entitlement.  It will blow up the debt, and when he says "the mandate," he's going to mandate from Washington DC.  Isn't that the one thing that Republicans all agree upon - of the government stepping in and telling private industry what to do?  

He says (the child care plan) will be paid for by taking out waste, fraud and abuse from the unemployment insurance system.  If you believe that, you will believe anything!"

Krauthammer is right - Trump is a pander bear and the dumb shits who support him DO believe everything he says

If you own any T-Bills--first of all, you have my sympathies--then to that amount, the "Government," Federal Treasury, is in "debt" to you. Meanwhile, back on the waterfront, the longshoremen are unloading one hell of a lot more containers being imported to us then they are lugging goods on board to be exported back to other countries. That difference between what they're shipping out and what they're unloading from the ships coming in represent the trade "deficit." The deficit is indeed huuuggee. But don't make it seem even more huge by adding on all the debt the Government owes to bond holders and other financial instruments.l

So if we could find some kind of widget that only we could manufacture in our factories, we could put a lot of people to work by making exportable goods. EVERYBODY wants to do that, Clinton, Trump, Obama, all the way down to John P. Moore. Problem is, Trump wants to do that by killing the ethanol corn market and threatening tariffs, which will start a retaliation that will drag down ONE of the few sectors that sell a LOT of goods overseas, and that's agriculture. So tonight Trump is in Iowa telling the farmers how he's going to "save" them. Will they buy it? We'll see.

BTW, I just heard an NPR promo. Quoting what Clinton said about half Trump's supporters being in the basket labeled 'deplorable,' then adding, "But was she right? We'll ask that question at..." So, this is getting spin and counterspin in a lot of ways.

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 8:02:11 PM

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