Politics and Religion

It seems Ed understood what you were implying!teeth_smile

Well, perhaps not! I've heard the same baseless rhetoric here.

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 11:03:54 AM

Show us where someone here calls him a narcissist because of the frequency with which he says "I".

Posted By: mattradd
Well, perhaps not! I've heard the same baseless rhetoric here.

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 11:03:54 AM

There goes another gnat!  ;)

I guess gnats are bug fuckers, yes? And, they must have very, very small genitalia, yes?

Be specific.

We don't want you to be misunderstood, now do we, pretzel boy?

Oh, and that splat? That was camelshit, landing on your head!!!

but, definitely, implicitly. But, the link you shared is implicitly saying he's a narcissist in the same way George Will and Charles Krauthammer were saying it explicitly.

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 5:07:31 PM

You said:
"I've heard the same baseless rhetoric here."

And I asked you to clarify by asking:
"Show us where someone here calls him a narcissist because of the frequency with which he says "I"."

So you jerked off all over yourself with your Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz SPLAT bug jokes with a link to an author who expressed the same opinion you call baseless. Was that your point? Just wondering because if THAT was your point then yes, the same opinion has been expressed by other authors here before. THAT hardly makes them "baseless" as you call them.  

So then I'm left to conclude you can't..."Show us where someone here calls him a narcissist because of the frequency with which he says "I"." Right?

Ed inferred what he thought I meant.

Do you know the difference?

Do you give higher prioity to the implied or the expressed, camel boy?

BTW, my OP was actually focused on Obama's demeanor in the video rather than the Terry Jefferies commentary. I just could'nt find that video by itself.  
My point of it is, is that from the beginning he has been a sophomoric smartass.  
"WE won" was his MO and nothing has changed.  
His lemmings are puzzled "why dont they like him"??? and can only come up with his race. Which for a narcissist who has ZERO ability of critical self examination, makes sense. Fact is, he''s a demagogic smart assed liar. He's taking a wrecking ball to all aspects of our society and economy (JUst like he promised)..anyways, im preaching to the choir...  

You see, just as I predicted  

"""His lemmings are puzzled "why dont they like him"??? and can only come up with his race"""

That would be YOU;) and your author!!!;);)

You've really got me convinced!  Bzzzzzzzzzzzz!   ;)

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 7:38:00 PM

St. Croix816 reads

One of my favorite quotes that I use on regular basis is, "success has many fathers, failure only knows an orphan".  I use that line when talking to other sales executives. If you are taking the lion's share of the risk and responsibility, then you should get ALL the reward and recognition. But when you fuck up, I don't want to hear the word "WE".  

I wonder if Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Steve Jobs were a bit narcissist?  

Posted By: mattradd
Well, perhaps not! I've heard the same baseless rhetoric here.

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 11:03:54 AM

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 2:06:35 PM

Exactly! There's healthy narcissism vs. pathological narcissism. A person with a healthy ego and who is more extroverted than introverted may come across to someone, more on the introverted depressed spectrum, as being narcissistic. However, that can be because of the mismatch of affective states between the two people. Another, famous saying: "Misery loves company."

someone saying there is such a thing as healthy narcissism; me agreeing with St. Croix that a certain level of narcissism can be useful, vs. someone (Obama) is a narcissist! You've just gone on my WTSTRT list, again. The only twisting there is going on is you twisting my words into your own meanings.  Nice try but GONNNNNNNNG! You've been gonged.

That you've been exposed for contradicting your OP in which you proffered "experts" to say Obimbo is not a narcissist!!!

Nothing like being hoist by your own petard there PretzelBoy.

Too cute by half once again!!!

Thanks for playing!!!


Thanks for proving just how ignorant you are!   ;)

And, the only one playing is you with yourself!  ;)

One more time, too slick by half there PretzelBoy!!!

I'll give you the last word because we all know you need it!!!

It's not so unless you make a case for it.  

But I'm going to help you out with that "slight distinction" you mentioned. That was an untrue statement. You could have been dishonest or ignorant in saying it. I linked information to enlighten you, but it seems you didn't read it, understand it, or ignored it for your own purposes.  So, here it is again. I'm even giving you the pertinent portion for you to read again. Read it very slowly just to make certain it registers: "Some amount of basic narcissism is healthy, of course, but this type of narcissism is better termed as responsibly taking care of oneself. It is what I would call 'normal' or 'healthy' narcissism." Now, for you to pretend like I was saying anything else, when I was responding to St. Croix, is being totally dishonest

If as you say a bit of narcissism is healthy, then what the hell was the intent of your OP but to contradict the diagnosis? It is clear that Krauthammer based his opinion on his experience as a psychiatrist (which the author is not) AND more upon the breadth of Obamas comments.  So the word counting was irrelevant. Yet you tried unsuccessfully to imply "others here" (yet undefined) made the same analysis. I clearly stated my dislike for Obama had to do with him being a Class A smartass.  

You're just trying to talk out both sides of your neck and having a tough time selling.  

So Krauthammer was right? Obama is a narcissist. But you find it a positive trait?

Make up your mind PretzelBoy!!

BTW, don't you have family to be paying attention to on Sunday or do you find this exchange to be the camel?

acknowledge, that as brilliant as Krauthammer is, according to the article, he's not too good at counting. And, he made that statement about Obama being a narcissist on his error in counting. And, he made that comment based of being a commentator, not a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists do not give diagnosis without speaking to the person directly, through giving a psychiatric interview and mental status exam.

You really don't have a leg to stand on on this issue

"It is clear that Krauthammer based his opinion on his experience as a psychiatrist (which the author is not) AND more upon the breadth of Obamas comments."

Really! I read just the opposite!  ;)  

"I’ve foresworn psychiatry simply because you really can’t do it at a distance."

"Psychiatrists, doctors and others who use their science, or even the global warming folks, you know, you have your expertise, and some people just use it to try to bludgeon other people with their authority. So I decided when I left psychiatry never to use my authority. But let me just say as a layman, without invoking any expertise, Obama is clearly a narcissist in the non-scientific use of the word."

So, you can't use his words as an expert, since he's not.  Nice try!   ;)

Still just as dishonest as ever!   ;)


And you and your dishonest psychopathic journalist race hustler want to make his comments all about the use of the word "I".


Hear that flush? Thats's whats left of your credibility!!!!;)


Again you said: "It is clear that Krauthammer based his opinion on his experience as a psychiatrist (which the author is not) AND more upon the breadth of Obamas comments.  So the word counting was irrelevant."

Both in the utube clip and the transcript of it he says: "I’ve foresworn psychiatry simply because you really can’t do it at a distance."
"Psychiatrists, doctors and others who use their science, or even the global warming folks, you know, you have your expertise, and some people just use it to try to bludgeon other people with their authority. So I decided when I left psychiatry never to use my authority. But let me just say as a layman, without invoking any expertise, Obama is clearly a narcissist in the non-scientific use of the word."

He's saying just the opposite, and for you to make your assertion is dishonest. Of course he goes on and does exactly what he accuses others of doing knowing that you and others will do exactly what you did. He did exactly what he accused those psychiatrists did with Goldwater. But, to him it's OK, because he doing it from "a layman's" perspective. He knows he can get away with it, because you and others want to hear and believe what he is saying. Can you show me anywhere where there is scientific proof the Obama is any more narcissistic than any other president? No, it's all just opinion! And, I have no problem with it being your opinion. Just don't trying to bolster you opinion by using Krauthammer's opinions as a professional opinion, when he clearly says he's not basing it on such.

St. Croix825 reads

The article in question really only referenced the killing of bin Laden. I'm going to give Obama credit for it. He made the decision. Irrespective of what the Seal team did, failure to kill bin Ladin would have been the end to Obama's career. He would not have been re-elected. Obama took a significant risk. For that I applaud him.  

There are different definitions to narcissism. I'm referring to ego, excessive belief in one's abilities, arrogance in a good way. Some, not all, are people with power, ability, fame, influence. Jordan, the greatest basketball ever, knew it and had a huge ego. Same about Brady, and Jobs created one of the greatest companies ever, and was the definition of ego. Narcissism can manifest itself by a total career, or by singular event. In retrospect, I probably should have added someone like Felix Baumgartner, the guy who jumped from space. He was pretty narcissistic.  

So am I OK w/Obama pumping his chest, using the word "I"a lot, fuck yeah. Because at the end of the day, it's about results and performanc. Now could Obama pump his chest and be slightly narcissistic about his foreign policy or the economy? NO!  

Posted By: User1994
Please tell me you are.

You now support the opinion of the opinion you do not support.  

No need to explain your opinion here.

You can hardly blame him considering that his faithful media have been openly worried about how each and every event will effect their beloved messiah. We've all been bombarded for 6 years with "how will this effect Obama?"

Aside from his bizarre belief that his election alone would somehow result in both Utopia at home and foreign enemies who would no longer hate us, there are more dangerous character traits: his refusal to accept the failure of his ideology, his susceptibility to anti-American propaganda, his lack of critical thinking ability, his ability and willingness to exploit his race for political gain, and his natural tendency to pit his countrymen against each other.


Posted By: mattradd
Well, perhaps not! I've heard the same baseless rhetoric here.

-- Modified on 9/18/2014 11:03:54 AM

You seem preoccupied with his skin color. You are quite the racist useful idiot.

I just spit it all over my monitor after seeing this post of yours. LOL. It was only only 2 months ago that you wasted 5 days of my time arguing that such an analysis that counts words should be classified as "why bother," and "who cares?".

Now that you've found an example that appears to tip the scale in your favor, all of a sudden it's post worthy?

Is there a term for counting the number of times a person uses the word hypocrite?

the camel and strained at a gnat. In the analyses, yours and that of others, I find no value in counting the number of times a person says "I" as a legitimate means of categorizing someone as being a narcissist.   ;)

The research that the author quotes just shows how baseless it is. Nothing hypocritical about that. I didn't do the counting!  ;)

you talk about it incessantly. Trust me, nothing was missed. Indeed you did none of the counting then or now.

You are one of the few people I know that wastes their time on issues they deem meaningless.

BTW, the hypocritical label is based on the fact that you considered it meaningless (i.e. "why bother," and "who cares?") when I did it, but now it's just fine for you to broach the subject.

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 1:48:09 AM


But I understand why you'd want to only address that minor issue. We must be in agreement then on the hypocritical issue.

I do not find it hypocritical to argue the case, with you or anyone else, that counting the times a person uses the word I is not a reliable means to determine whether the person is narcissistic. Nor, do I view it as being hypocritical to use an article that points to the same conclusion. As far as the time spent on the issue, your responses to me, plus the time you spend on same said exercise of counting I's, I would think you got me beat!   ;)

When I did it (counted words), you claimed it should be classified as  "why bother," and "who cares?". Now you point to the same type of analysis as useful to make your point.  

Your problem here is that I came to nearly the SAME conclusion as you. I NEVER made any claim that my analysis showed Obama to be a narcissist.  If anything, my data was contradictory to NDTBF's claims. At most I labelled my results as "weird".

So you see, we came to the same conclusions using the same type of analysis yet yours was valid and mine was not.

In addition to showing you as a hypocrite, the most enlightening aspect is that it also demonstrates to everyone that you argue the PERSON and not the TOPIC.

"Your problem here is that I came to nearly the SAME conclusion as you. I NEVER made any claim that my analysis showed Obama to be a narcissist.  If anything, my data was contradictory to NDTBF's claims. At most I labelled my results as "'weird'".
"So you see, we came to the same conclusions using the same type of analysis yet yours was valid and mine was not."

So you go from having "came to nearly the SAME conclusion as you," though you labeled your results as "weird" (that's a real clear definition of what you found), to "we came to the same conclusions." Reminds me of the term "mission creep."  ;)

So, I guess then, perhaps you're saying that you and the researchers, in the article I linked, came to the same conclusion. So, what's the problem. Seems like the only problem is that you wasted your time on what I knew all along, study or no study on counting words; you can't make a judgement whether someone is a narcissistic by counting how many times they say "I." And, that was my second point, and in that you are entirely correct, in part, I was arguing with the PERSON, in that, as I said, if someone had made statements about how narcissistic or arrogant Bush was, because of all the times he says I, I would not have wasted my time in the same exercise you partook in. However, being truly dishonest on your part to claim that I exclusively argued the person, and did in no way argue the topic.

"In addition to showing you as a hypocrite, the most enlightening aspect is that it also demonstrates to everyone that you argue the PERSON and not the TOPIC."

And finally, you or your argument is so weak that you can not make a personal ownership of your statement, but need to have me believe that whoever reads my words views me as a hypocrite and that they demonstrate "to everyone" that I "argue the PERSON and not the TOPIC." Why do you feel so weak as to imagine that "everyone" see's me the same as you? I have no doubt that there are those who do so. But, I doubt if it's everyone. Making such statements just make you, in my eyes, look weak; it doesn't make me believe you!   ;)

that you are back at your old game of pretending to be Shahrazad.

Say good night Gracie.

You feel you and your arguments can't stand on your and their own, so you have to imagine "everyone" sees me "demonstrating" what you think you see!  You have to imagine "everyone" backs your point of view or arguments. Why is that?  ;)

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