Politics and Religion

Michele Bachmann wins the Iowa straw poll, but how does Ron Paul finish second?
Rocket203 3999 reads

I fully expect Bachmann to win the gop nomination, I called that months ago, but Ron Raul really surprised me.

I thought voters thought of him as a clown, but I will say i would really like a Bachmann/Perry ticket!

The only other people I can think of who would like to see that ticket are dems who drool at the easy victory Obama would have over such a ticket.

Care to make a wager on Bachman's chances? Perry is quite another story. He actually has a chance, which scares the crap out of me.

Yes folks, I could actually be scared into becoming an Obama voter, not a supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but given the choice between a shit sandwich loaded with THAT much shit in it, or a giant douche, I may have to pick the giant douche. lol

Rocket2032410 reads

I like Bachman's chances as the GOP nominee, would I be giving you the entire field?

And I never thought I'd see the day when Gamblers brother, would actually consider voting for Obama! Wow you must really dislike Bachmann, from your post I always consider you to be a GOP voter!

Hey if I can't get a Bachmann/Perry ticket, Maybe there's hope for a Bachmann/Gambler Ticket lol.

One of us won't survive till election day. I can't stand religious nut jobs, and anyone who could be married to a guy who makes his living "praying the gay away" certainly qualifies as a fucking nut job.

I will be more than happy to give you odds if you'd like to make a wager.

Rocket2031429 reads

Given the right odds I'd make a wager. I'd like to know the Vegas odds on the GOP nomination.

Priapus532423 reads

particularly w/ an "alias" to conceal their handle. Anyone who advocates a Bachmann candidacy has to be a Dem "plant".

Voters & particularly the GOP establishment, will
NEVER give Bachmann the nod. Iowa straw poll HARDLY a GOP microcosm. However, I will say this---if, in near impossible feat she DID get the nomination, it'd be biggest GOP rount since Goldwater in '64.

Rocket, I'd be willing to bet $ 100 that Bachmann won't be the nomineee---as they like to say in my hometown of Vegas, "put up or shut up".

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 6:03:25 PM

Rocket2032071 reads

Are you serious? In your logic appropriately 4,300 Iowa voters are Dem Plants.

I'm neither Dem or Republican, I'm Independent i vote for which candidate i believe is the best candidate. As of right now, Bachmann has really impressed me.

As for Obama routing Bachmann REALLY? Hmmm lets see the economy sucks, unemployment is 9% S&P downgraded our credit rating. I could also mention the market collapse. Obama will not rout anyone, this election will be a nail biter!  

Priapus531376 reads

"Fringe candidates" can easily win primaries------that's where the committed ( approp. word )activists reside----they are DEADLY for general elections which is why Bachmann doesn't have a chance.

You still havent told me if you wanna take me up on my bet.

The only election that would be a "nail biter" would be BHO vs. Romney------otherwise------

Lastly, didn't Pat Robertson win one of these in
'88 ? THAT's how "reliable" Iowa is-----

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 7:19:45 PM

It was a caucus, where only the "true believers" show up and vote.  A caucus is an even less accurate gauge of broad support than a primary.  Also keep in mind that Bachmann shrewdly positioned herself as a born-in-Iowa hometown girl.
But don't worry, her continual spewing of mis-statements and homophobic, bible-thumping nuttiness will torpedo her as she gains more notoriety, as it did with Palin.  Bachmann is simply a more articulate version of Sarah.  Either one of them is a great insurance policy for Obama's re-election.

HalfHour1367 reads

There is no one with the capacity for abstract thought that could possible believe that Bachman is fit for anything above being President of a local women's church auxillary.

I fear for our country's future when people such as MB who are as disconnected from clear realities of our world both past and present rise in potlical power.

This is not a Dem vs. GOP issue, nor a conservative vs. liberal issue. This a an issue of delusional vs. critical thinker.

The woman is a menace.

IA repubs are indeed retards, but the state went for BHO by 11% in the general

They can't be so foolish to nominate Bachmann.  She is a complete phony!  
As an example;  She claimed "Vista" was a Democratic Reeducation program, but it turns out her son was a Vista volunteer!

in 2008, and where is he now? I think what is significant is that those who the Tea Party-ers  call RINO's didn't fair too well, and the conservatives, be that fiscal or a combination of fiscal and social, did very well. I guess the RINO's like Romney and Huntsman haven't fooled anyone.

But it's always the case that primaries, caucuses, etc. are dominated by the extremes of both parties.  This causes the Reps to run to the right and the Dems to run to the left, and then both run back to the center in the general election.  It's quite a spectable in hypocrisy.

so how would one come to the center, convincingly, during a presidential campaign? Example, Bachmann! Now, Romney start more toward center, shifted to the right for the primaries, and if he shifts back to the middle for the elections, it just fuels his flip/flop image. Huntsman, started out more toward the center, so any further shift will not seem too big of an adjustment. However, there doesn't seem to be much passion for him, from the base. Now, Cowboy Bob, urrp, I'm mean Perry, is a character that many people can project upon their favorite fantasies, much like Reagan, so he can be whatever they want to imagine he is. I say, he has the best chance to win the nomination. They didn't call Reagan the "Teflon President" for nothing, and I wouldn't be surprised if Perry does get the nomination for the same reasons. Any, past dirt they dig up on him will not stick, nore will any of his failures.

Which is why Obama hopes Bachmann or Perry is the nominee, because they will not even try running back toward the middle, which is where elections are won.  That's the way it's always been done, but they broke the mold.

Bush won reelection, not by appealing to the middle, but by energizing his base. He used the "gay marriage" issue to get his bible thumping base to the polls and, embarrassing as it is to admit, it worked.

Obama is in the position to emulate Bill Clinton by recasting himself as a centrist, his conduct during the recent debt ceiling debacle won't help him in that regard though, blaming the Tea Party for his ineffectiveness won't play well in the minds of anyone paying attention. The only people buying that bullshit are already going to vote for him no matter what. It's those in the middle that he is going to lose.

Even though there is a campaign to discredit the Tea Party amongst many in the media and the Dems in particular.... Their message is precisely what a large number of people want done in government.  Her being the only TP candidate made her a shoe in... Think that's unusual, wait till we see what happens with all those spending idiots in Congress.

nuguy461624 reads

think no one should get their panties ina twist over the reults of the straw poll.....very small hardly visible number of people voting.....long way to go.

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