Politics and Religion

It appears you are the retarded and not answering a damn thing
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 726 reads

Just keep on posting out dated articles to prove point that is proven to be completely false.  

You are the brain dead Right Wing zombie.  

When you start calling others names, you lost the debate as have all the Republican Nut Balls.  

You don’t hear Ted Cruz, McConnel, et al running around wanting repeal ACA publicly do you? The only venues they talk about are Tea Party and other Republican gatherings.

Accept it, ACA is here to stay, and Nut Balls lost.

JackDunphy673 reads

But here's CNN quoting our lovely gumint on the soaring costs for small business premiums due to O-Care.  

What an awesome law! Go Obama, go! lol

A good example of that is the fact that, unlike FOX, you can't find anything about Reid blocking a vote on rape kits. Before I'd go spouting off what FOX or MSNBC says about a piece of legislation, I'd check with what the Hill has to say about it first.

Articles are before all the numbers were in. The CNN article is from February this year and the other one is an updated article  first written in 2013 and updated march 19, 2014. Just take a look at the last sentence in the march article. The information posted by af contain the most recent numbers. People who are race baiters and suffer from ADD do not look at the dates of publications. They do not have the attention span to do so.

Posted By: mattradd
A good example of that is the fact that, unlike FOX, you can't find anything about Reid blocking a vote on rape kits. Before I'd go spouting off what FOX or MSNBC says about a piece of legislation, I'd check with what the Hill has to say about it first.

Though I still stand by my post that I don't consider the Hill to be a conservative news source.

JackDunphy819 reads

And I guess you don't know what "updated" means do you? Of course not b/c you slobber at the feet of a guy that can't seem to give the American people the number of uninsured that signed up.  

Wait, let me guess...He "doesn't know"..."he wasn't there"..."it wasn't his fault"...it wasn't his "red line"..."we didn't say you could keep your doctor"..."when we said families would save $2500 we meant families in Bangladesh."

And why is it the uninsured disapprove of O-Care? Can't wait to hear that response.  

It really doesn't matter for you and Matt have your man love of Obamacare and its religion and faith based, not fact based.  

And the top cancer centers that barred O-Care won't bother you either. Oh I forgot!  NBC is conservative. Or it's "dated" all the way back to.. a few weeks ago.

You can remove your lips from Obama's ass anytime now. And you never did tell me how fuzzy Sharpton's facial hair was against your cheek. You know, your fav "non" race baiter. ;)  

And since all my numbers are wrong from those silly liberal sites, can you show me the "accurate" and "updated" numbers for the amount premiums will skyrocket next year? Or the number of uninsured? We're all waiting Jethro

Can you provide an up to date link to document your claims? The one you provided again is from mid march before the sign up was complete. This is not fake news were you can used outdated information and think most of us here are low information people. Many of us have advance degrees and are expert researchers and are more than capable of exposing you. As far as the Potus, I do not support him 90% of the time. However, I will defend him against race baiters &haters like you. You really have a hard time staying focused. As I have stated, you are makings this to freakin easy. The more you post, the more you prove just how big of an idiot you are! I can not call you a retard because that is an insult to that group of people.

JackDunphy790 reads

Not shocked at all. But you must of been on google for hours to pull that off.  

Just like a pup, all you needed was a newspaper across your nose for you to go running to the retard comment. I guess it was one of your "advanced degrees" that gave you the brilliance to come up with that one.

But I'm sure being the little puppy you are, you'll pee or poop in the house again and I'll be here to clean up after your b.s.

Typical Obama lap dog. All bark, no facts, no answers. Woof

No you will not. Once you were called out, you did not address your pathetic post, you went into a series of questions to cover your dumb ass post. That is why you have earned the idiotic name Mr. ADD! Once your dumb ass is exposed,  you try and move away from the topic or issue at hand. At no point and time have I used outdated or false in formation in my post. However, you have and refuse to address your dumb ass response and sources used.  You're a village idiot with no debate skills! Go fuck yourself!

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 7:46:53 PM

JackDunphy556 reads

Or in this case, "collar."

Where was that advanced degree from again? Was it Walmart University or the College at Mickey D's?  

I don't know what is more entertaining, an Obama apologist frothing at the mouth with an ad hominem attack or witnessing your total meltdown by using an F bomb b/c you just got (dog) housed in an argument.

You are in a panicked state of hysteria, you are acting a tad vicious and with the frothing noted above, I would suggest you see a veterinarian.  

You do have all the symptoms of rabies.  

Maybe you got it when Sharpton bit you on the cheeck when you kissed him goodnight the other day at the race baitors meeting?

Man bites dog stories are rare, but they have been known to happen on occasion.

I just hope your insurance wasn't cancelled by your hero Barry. And keep your distance from HIM too, as he has been known to eat a dog or two on occasion.

Nighty night, Fido. ;)

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 11:52:39 PM

Debate someone with ADD, a race baiter, who can not stick to the issues, is all over the place, and uses false data to try and prove a point. in essence, you can not debate an idiot! Typical regressive who thinks they are smart but can not stay focused and on point. Any one who can read knows who lacks intellectual ability in this thread. Remember,  words have meaning.  You have passed the pimp as the most outrageous idiot on ter. Your handle should be mr. Add jack dummy the big race baiter. The potus & al have you totally fucked up. They are all in that add brain of yours! Now, where will you take this thread next?  So far, every time you respond, you have proven you have an extreme case of ADD.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Or in this case, "collar."  
 Where was that advanced degree from again? Was it Walmart University or the College at Mickey D's?  
 I don't know what is more entertaining, an Obama apologist frothing at the mouth with an ad hominem attack or witnessing your total meltdown by using an F bomb b/c you just got (dog) housed in an argument.  
 You are in a panicked state of hysteria, you are acting a tad vicious and with the frothing noted above, I would suggest you see a veterinarian.  
 You do have all the symptoms of rabies.  
 Maybe you got it when Sharpton bit you on the cheeck when you kissed him goodnight the other day at the race baitors meeting?  
 Man bites dog stories are rare, but they have been known to happen on occasion.  
 I just hope your insurance wasn't cancelled by your hero Barry. And keep your distance from HIM too, as he has been known to eat a dog or two on occasion.  
 Nighty night, Fido. ;)

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 11:52:39 PM

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 1:04:56 AM

Liberals got not only got under your skin but also WON.

You cannot stand the truth, can you?

Just keep on posting out dated articles to prove point that is proven to be completely false.  

You are the brain dead Right Wing zombie.  

When you start calling others names, you lost the debate as have all the Republican Nut Balls.  

You don’t hear Ted Cruz, McConnel, et al running around wanting repeal ACA publicly do you? The only venues they talk about are Tea Party and other Republican gatherings.

Accept it, ACA is here to stay, and Nut Balls lost.

neither of you any idea what you guys are talking about.  funny  :D

He and Needledick have that in common! They step all over their crank, and when it's pointed out to them they can't own up to it. How sad!   ;)

Looks like in your overzealousness to prove you just read the heading. Obama Care has nothing to with which hospital insurance companies can and cannot include.  

Note the following points:

Before President Barack Obama's health care law, a cancer diagnosis could make you uninsurable. Now, insurers can't turn away people with health problems or charge them more. Lifetime dollar limits on policies, once a financial trap-door for cancer patients, are also banned. The new obstacles are more subtle.

Suppose these hospitals treated cancer patients without insurance for free.  

Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications. Most private insurance and employer provided insurance would not pay for medication not approved by the FDA and are on clinical trials. Clinical trials didn’t cost anything to the patient. Most private and employer sponsored insurance required pre-approvals before hospital admissions.

Article doe not give the whole story.  

It is good thing to exempt these hospitals they needs lower the cost one clear goal of Obama care is to contain health care cost.

JackDunphy671 reads

This just in...Obamacare sucks bro and you are getting cushed in this argument. You want proof? Every single mainstream polling group has O-Care WILDLY unpopular.  

But according to you, it's no longer right wing websites not "giving the whole story" but left ones too?

Could you be any more pathetic??

A little gun shy are ya!  ;)

Here, let me help you out with that!

Notice these points regarding the average difference in polls between those who opposed ACA vs. were for it:

11/25/13 - +18.7 (The highest difference)

03/07/14 - +15.6

04/01/14 - +11.9

04/07/14 - +12.3

Too early to tell, but the difference may be trending downward

JackDunphy565 reads

I just looked at the poll by poll breakdowns and NOT ONE poll finds people approving of O-Care. What a disaster! Thanks for the link!

to help yourself from stepping on your own crank!   ;)

Unlike you, I'm not afraid of the truth. As Tony Soprano says: "It is what it is!" And, that doesn't mean it will always be that way!

"A majority of small businesses that offer health insurance could see premiums rise, according to a new government report”.

What does "could see premiums rise” means to you. Mot people interpret it as, it could go either way. It is like weather person on TV saying 50% chance of rain

You bring new meaning to “grasping for straws” and “refusal to understand reality

JackDunphy639 reads

"In the meantime, consumers like Iorio feel trapped.

I'm paying $500 a month and every doctor I'm calling is saying, 'No, I can't see you,'" she said. "I feel like a second-class citizen."

Sorry the article is so dated. April 10th, 2014 is the best I could do. I also apologize for using a far right wing site like HuffPost. Pravda Quarterly doesn't come out for another week or so.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :

Also, you have yet to address using dated information to prove a point. You are slow as hell!

Posted By: JackDunphy
"In the meantime, consumers like Iorio feel trapped.  
 I'm paying $500 a month and every doctor I'm calling is saying, 'No, I can't see you,'" she said. "I feel like a second-class citizen."  
 Sorry the article is so dated. April 10th, 2014 is the best I could do. I also apologize for using a far right wing site like HuffPost. Pravda Quarterly doesn't come out for another week or so.  
 Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D  

Not sure which planet Ms. Noam Friedlander lives but on this planet and in the Country of United States, patient does not call around to find a surgeon. Typically, a doctor is going to refer to a specialist and specialist is going to decide whether you need to have surgery or not. Typically, in the country of United Sates, all surgeons are affiliated to a hospital where they perform surgery and their staff will make all the arrangements.

If you call around to find a surgeon for a hibernated disk, you are not going to an answers from their staff without a referral because most insurance companies require a referral and pre approval. Surgery for hibernated disk is a pretty serious surgery because a mistake can make you cripple for life.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield has extensive list of doctors on their web site you can look up and you can also call them they will help you set it up. My employer sponsored plan is with Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

People just make this shit thinking that the people reading it are idiots or live on another planet

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