Politics and Religion

Is UN military here in the US?
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 5325 reads

I have several reasons for believing this video.  I will try to name a few things I have witnessed personally.  One of my customers in the National Guard just told me last week that he didn't understand it and know why, but they are in "riot training" right now with the face masks, billy sticks, mace.  I also live close to railroad tracks, and about two weeks ago, I watched must have been over a 1,000 National Guard Hummers pass by my home. (this looked very strange to me)  I want to say that I have the upmost respect for our military.  I have a brother myself that is about to head to Afghanstan in May, this will be his 4th tour overseas.  He goes for a year and comes home for a year.  I have had conversations with my brother, and have been told that a lot of military are joining an organization called Oath-Keepers.  They are a group of military, veterans, police that have swear to uphold their oath to the Constitution (which means they will not turn their weapon on us when we don't turn over ours)  I am aware that people may think this is crazy, but I fear that it is happening.  I hope all this is just a waste of tax-payers dollars, but I think it deserves the research if UN military are here when our military won't shoot or take us prisoner to these intermittent FEMA camps.

Priapus531523 reads

Madison----prior to you, we had another Atlanta Provider named TJ throwing the same "swill" around-----do you know her ?-------LMFAO !

The "Oath Keepers" are a far right paramiltary group-----info on them can be found in link below.

Btw, I think you mean "FEMA INTERNMENT Camps ( a ludicrous enough thought-------LOL !)

Madison, after reading this laughable thread, you might wanna hitch a ride on the black UN helicopter buzzing around the trailer park that you live in, to take you to a nearby pharmacy to get your psych meds-----better yet, you might wanna take the truck below-----;)

-- Modified on 4/4/2011 6:46:29 PM

maybe not grammar correct, but I know something is terribly, terribly wrong.  It just deserves the research.  

Posted By: Priapus53
Madison----prior to you, we had another Atlanta Provider named TJ throwing the same "swill" around-----do you know her ?-------LMFAO !

The "Oath Keepers" are a far right paramiltary group-----info on them can be found in link below.

Btw, I think you mean "FEMA INTERNMENT Camps ( a ludicrous enough thought-------LOL !)

Madison, after reading this laughable thread, you might wanna hitch a ride on the black UN helicopter buzzing around the trailer park that you live in, to take you to a nearby pharmacy to get your psych meds-----better yet, you might wanna take the truck below-----;)

-- Modified on 4/4/2011 6:46:29 PM

Priapus531793 reads

Below another link ( I would think more middle of the road than previous one ) about the "Oath Keepers", which is indicative of the mindset of Madison & many more like her.

Get help, hon.

-- Modified on 4/4/2011 8:58:44 PM

Madison "maybe not grammar correct, but I know something is terribly, terribly wrong.  It just deserves the research."
I agree, no harm in research and keeping an open mind, no matter what others want you to believe.
 I'm not knocking your typo, only wondering if you are an optimist and it was subliminal?.
  Intermittent Camps sound a whole lot better than Internment camps.
Like county work release versus State prison.

Anyone that doesn't believe it could happen to innocent people should ask the 60,000 American mainland citizens in 1942 ,who were held as prisoners in war camps by FDR, because they were Japanese Americans and not pure blooded Apple Pie .
With help of the census bureau and the Supreme Court.

Too many Japanese Americans for FDR to include all the Hawaiian citizens, though there was some dandy picking and choosing.

I couldn't help but notice, the same guy who mocks your questions, has FDR on  his best Prez list.

Welcome Madison. I hope you enjoy your stay.

LMAO..I had some serious spelling mishaps before I modified.  "optomistic"  ..Is that someone happy to go to the eye DR?  I better get some sleep while I can still keep my eyes open.


-- Modified on 4/4/2011 11:10:00 PM

Are we all on the same planet or you happened to be on some other?

St. Croix1667 reads

For Christ's sake Pripaus, give her a little slack. Hell, I don't know what's worse, reading about the Oath Keepers, or watching a Democracy Now video with the reporter looking like a UC Berkeley reject from the 60s. Nevertheless, she is trying to play nice and maybe learn a thing or two in this P&R cesspool, if that's even possible. There should be a 30 day grace period before the vultures attack. Save it for Holey and FU, and then hit her with your 2 by 4 if she repeats some of the same stuff in May.

And speaking of a 30 day grace period, how about a 30 day reprieve on your picture collection. I'm still trying to figure out if you actually have 10,000 pictures stored on your hard drive, or you can quickly scan the internet to find these ridiculous pictures.

-- Modified on 4/4/2011 8:58:22 PM

Priapus532097 reads

If someone brings up "Fema Internment Camps", they're "off the charts". I sincerely thought the young lady needed help & said so. Hopefully, she'll seek some "attention"

Speaking of my pic collection, I'll do as I please, as long as I don't violate TER guidelines. Maybe I can find a pic of a dipshit like Donald Trump or Herman Cain that you're supporting for POTUS in '12 ?------;)

-- Modified on 4/4/2011 9:06:59 PM

St. Croix1170 reads

You've been in the cesspool too long. Go back to your pic collection and cosmos.

And "Go Fuck Yourself".

pria, you call that fucking help? Oh yeah, while you're at it, being the impartial individual you are, why not post some pics of those dipshits, Bill Maher, Keith Olberman, and Rachel Maddcow. LMAO.

to this lady who has just started posting and you are back to doing "two for one" by bringing TJ into it.

     Just like the way you insulted Octavia after her first post; of course, she has not been heard from again.

   Come on - it is just unnecessary, petty, and mean.

GaGambler2337 reads

Of course she doesn't scream at the rest of us, and she does phrase her posts in the form of a question rather than screaming that the sky is falling, but I believe her head could fit into the same tin foil hat that TJ wore. lol

Speaking of TJ, anyone else remember the martial law she predicted during the last swine flu "pandemic"? haven't heard much about that one lately.

There are no FEMA internment camps. Glenn Beck is lying to you.

There are paranoid conspiracy theories and this one is even beyond... UN does not have a military, UN forces are put together with member states defense personnel, mostly army and commanded by one of the states and the command changes periodically.

Way too many dumb shits making things up to look informed and intelligent while their dumbness is only concealed by them not opening their mouths.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I have several reasons for believing this video.  I will try to name a few things I have witnessed personally.  One of my customers in the National Guard just told me last week that he didn't understand it and know why, but they are in "riot training" right now with the face masks, billy sticks, mace.  I also live close to railroad tracks, and about two weeks ago, I watched must have been over a 1,000 National Guard Hummers pass by my home. (this looked very strange to me)  I want to say that I have the upmost respect for our military.  I have a brother myself that is about to head to Afghanstan in May, this will be his 4th tour overseas.  He goes for a year and comes home for a year.  I have had conversations with my brother, and have been told that a lot of military are joining an organization called Oath-Keepers.  They are a group of military, veterans, police that have swear to uphold their oath to the Constitution (which means they will not turn their weapon on us when we don't turn over ours)  I am aware that people may think this is crazy, but I fear that it is happening.  I hope all this is just a waste of tax-payers dollars, but I think it deserves the research if UN military are here when our military won't shoot or take us prisoner to these intermittent FEMA camps.  

Thanks for the info.  But I'm afraid you have informed the rest of us.  Its not going to work the other way around.  Get use to that.

Wow, F_U, you have a remarkable definition for "accurate."  The charges in this video are wild and the footage of government "black SUV sites" completely undocumented.  Not to mention that the references to UN troop-training missions are dated 1994.  And the stuff about Northern Command dates back to about 2004.  If this stuff is still going on, why isn't there more recent activity cited?  Believing this video is about the same as believing Britney Spears is having an space-alien's baby because you read it in the National Star.
Cue the "Looney Tunes" music.

GaGambler1305 reads

yeah, saying that Madison has actually informed us about UN interment camps pushes the "batshit crazy" meter to it's limits. lol

I still disagree with most of what you say, so Fuck You anyhow. lol

oh yeah, and the whore you rode in on

I was a provider for several months before I ever set foot on this board. (I was intimidated enough on the other boards to start with, because occasionally mean posts went up in answer to a rather innocuous question - or rather a totally newbie-type question.)

Then came time and tides (eep! cliche!)... I finally gained enough courage to start posting here. I don't post to threads where I really don't know what they're talking about - and care even less to find out. Mainly, I don't often agree with most of the posters here, and many times they don't agree with me, but meh... (shoulder shrug and eye roll).

As a poster above said, you'll need to get used to it. But, you'll get used to it faster if you don't take any of it personally - and if you push back when necessary.

Welcome to the rowdy boisterous pig-headed Politics & Religion board!

If you choose to believe it, go right ahead.  It's too bad people clog up their brains with this crap instead of enjoying life.

some crap on You Tube and other similar sites, it is not truth. In this case seeing is not believing, but seeing is deceiving. Most of the crap posted on these sites are doctored make shit up. Editing software is pretty damn cheap these days and you can pull different pieces from different clips and make the crap look real.

OK, these are liners into which a coffin is to be placed, sort of like a vault, so the grave won't collapse.  So what?  And supposedly they're owned by the Centers for Disease Control (which, by the way, is headquartered in or near Atlanta).  Then the implication is there could be a nuclear strike by terrorists using lost nukes from the USSR.  If that's what the gov't. is worried about, why would they ask the CDC to stockpile this stuff?  Oh, right, so we won't find out!  That's why they're in a field next to a public road without even a fence! And who says it's even the CDC?  Some guy Bohannon talked to.  I guess we're just supposed to trust him on that one.  Finally, there's a preacher who starts talking.
In other words, this is incoherent and not credible.  If you want to believe it, fine.  If so, why not start building a fallout shelter and stockpiling water and food?  I say it's all crap.  Just my opinion.

Priapus531737 reads

I understand tinfoil keeps "outside thought commands & voices" from being "screened out".

Also, it will make her look fashionable at the FEMA internment camp that she's headed to----;)

were for placing the coffins in, leading them to believe they were coffins themselves, and that they could not remember, nor look up who this very important person was, who was a Congressman and Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, makes me wonder what other parts of the story are they confused and cloudy about.

They do stockpile viruses, and vaccines but it is not kept in Atlanta. It is some where else, that's all I am going to say on the subject.

Just like UN not having an army, CDC does not have stockpiles of coffin.

Irrational thinking together with conspiracy theory is a potent combination.

I don't know what the truth is.  I am way out of my element on this politcal board.  I don't live in a trailer park like popeye or whatever the fuck his name is, but I am very much in the real world and see desperate people everyday.   Some of you are probably extremely wealthy, but It's ugly and I see beggars everyday, still trying to keep their dignity.  Ya know I help who I can and when I draw the line and say no more, they come back and burgularize my home or rob my business.  It's so frustrating and I try to stay positive.  I don't pysch drugs like popeye said either, but maybe that is what is exactly wrong with this country........the world is dopped on anti-depressants.  I am neither extreme right or left.  And like Alan Jacksons song, I don't know much difference between Iraq and Iran.  I am not political correct like you guys.  But I am obviously not the only one paranoid or AK 47's and weapon sells wouldn't be soaring right now.  Take care everyone.  Whatever your belief is in a Higher Power, I wish the best for all!

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I have several reasons for believing this video.  I will try to name a few things I have witnessed personally.  One of my customers in the National Guard just told me last week that he didn't understand it and know why, but they are in "riot training" right now with the face masks, billy sticks, mace.  I also live close to railroad tracks, and about two weeks ago, I watched must have been over a 1,000 National Guard Hummers pass by my home. (this looked very strange to me)  I want to say that I have the upmost respect for our military.  I have a brother myself that is about to head to Afghanstan in May, this will be his 4th tour overseas.  He goes for a year and comes home for a year.  I have had conversations with my brother, and have been told that a lot of military are joining an organization called Oath-Keepers.  They are a group of military, veterans, police that have swear to uphold their oath to the Constitution (which means they will not turn their weapon on us when we don't turn over ours)  I am aware that people may think this is crazy, but I fear that it is happening.  I hope all this is just a waste of tax-payers dollars, but I think it deserves the research if UN military are here when our military won't shoot or take us prisoner to these intermittent FEMA camps.  

Priapus531900 reads

nothing meant to be taken literally or seriously, but it was in poor taste. I apologize for the remarks & don't leave the board on my account.

Thank you.

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