Politics and Religion

Is it even perfect then?
9-man 4325 reads
1 / 5

Despite huge deficits, our treasury is now "investing" in 9 major banks.

You know, with all this trouble and expense, why didn't they just buy houses for the poor?

Democrats are too responsible to enact social programs during a deficit, and Republicans therefore, have deliberately run up deficits.

Maybe liberals should just ignore the deficits the way Republicans do. Universal Healthcare, here we come.

no. 6 1592 reads
2 / 5

How much would it cost to buy 12 years of private school for every poor child in America? Which is a better investment?

GaGambler 1594 reads
3 / 5

it would no longer be "private" school.

Food for thought, why would a parent want to work hard and live frugally to provide a "better life" for their children when everyone else just wants the government to pay for everything?

Socialism in a perfect world is a perfect system, however we live in a far from perfect world.

little phil 37 Reviews 1882 reads
4 / 5

Why would I want to work long hours, and take entrepreneurial risks, if I wasn't going to benefit financially?

Doesn't socialism make us all DMV clerks?

harryj 2010 reads
5 / 5

The meat heads who are sucking at the government tit believe that everything is free. Just send the bill to the neighbor. Socialism gets you mediocrity along with the warm fuzzy feelings and is great for the lazy bastards who flock to the left like a bunch of sick sheep.

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