Politics and Religion

Interesting post on the Legal board. It said if you go to Canada...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1884 reads

...they will look through your computer at the border to see if you're a sexual tourist.

Does the U.S. do the same to visitors arriving here - not to look for hobbyists, but perhaps to search computers/smartphones for items such as "how to build a bomb?"  Are they even allowed to conduct such a search in the U.S?

GaGambler373 reads

I have NEVER seen this happen, not to me, and not to any of the thousands of other people that I have seen clear customs either.

Keep in mind I travel to countries where there are many "sexual tourists", and I still have never seen this happen. I would take this with a HUGE grain of salt.

That said, I have not been to Canada for several months, and I will concede that it's much easier to go through an airport famous for drug trafficking like say Bogota, Colombia, than it is to get into or out of Canada. That said, I have been to Canada at least a half dozen times over the last 3-4 years and this has never happened, but I can vouch for the part of the post about NRA stickers, a friend of mine was not refused entry into Canada for that reason when trying to cross into Windsor, but they gave him so much shit he finally told them to fuck off, Not a wise move. They gave him a choice of either going to jail, (on what charge I am still not clear) or signing a paper saying that he would never try to enter Canada again.

Where it comes to Canada, I guess I really wouldn't put anything past them.

normally keep stuff in the cloud and don't leave much trace  on my laptop.

I'd still get pissed off if they peeked through all my personal stuff tho

salonpas428 reads

.........visits to a country where child sex tourism is rampant, you will be questioned and your computers/smartphones etc confiscated and searched, if you do NOT answer all their questions. This fact has been well documented. I doubt they care if you are a "regular" sex tourist, after-all Montreal is the largest sex tourism capital in North America.

GaGambler336 reads

and since when is Montreal  "child sex tourism" capital? Please get your terminology straight, and quit buying into the bullshit being peddled by the MSM trying to make headlines.  

I have made hundreds of trips to dozens of countries, many of them known as "sex tourism" destinations and I have NEVER even seen anything of the sort happen. As a matter of fact when coming back from Costa Rica last week I was asked what I was doing in Costa Rica, my answer was "I was doing ticas of course" all I got was a laugh and a welcome back to the USA.

I will concede that Canada is one country where their border control has ZERO sense of humor, but I have never been asked a thing about "sex tourism" in the many times I have either come or gone to Canada. Frankly I call bullshit on the whole thing. and please don't give me one anecdotal example as proof of a trend. One incident out of millions of travelers is all but statistically meaningless.

salonpas286 reads

.........a child sex tourism destination. Please show me! Montreal is definitely a "regular" sex tourism destination, as I stated in my OP.  There is child sex tourism, which I consider an abomination and "regular" sex tourism. Two different things in my opinion.

salonpas261 reads

Several trips to a "known" child sex tourism area is reasonable suspicion. Again, if you cannot answer an ICE officer's questions satisfactorily they will temporarily confiscate and search your laptop, smartphone or any other digital instrument.

A Memo from ICE: Notice to US citizens: Your actions abroad may have serious consequences

WASHINGTON – American tourists, with twisted overseas travel plans to engage in child sex tourism, may think they are beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement. However, they should know that it is a priority for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to apprehend and prosecute U.S. citizens who engage in sexual acts with minors in foreign countries.


GaGambler295 reads

because I will concede you are correct, my apologies for misreading your post.

By "child sex tourism destinations" I can only conclude you are talking about places like Thailand and a couple of other countries in SE Asia. Here is the basis for my confusion about your post. I consider Thailand a "regular" sex tourism destination as well, and for the life of me I cannot think of a single country that sticks out as a "child sex tourism" destination. Any country where child sex is rampant is also a mecca for us "normal perverts" as well.

I will also agree that child sex, whether by tourists or any other sickos is an abomination and should be dealt with harshly. I remember it wasn't that long ago that poor families in Colombia would send their 13 and 14 year old daughters down to Cartagena to "service" the mainly European child molestors that would flock there to do so. Those days are hopefully firmly in the past, and I hope you don't consider Colombia a "child sex' tourism destination.  

This all brings me to a question, what countries do you consider "child sex tourism destinations" for the purposes of this discussion?

wrps07263 reads

Do they search your bags for condoms ? I keep them on my work backpack all the time.

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