Politics and Religion

Interesting how some people are so concerned about what other people believe.
Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1456 reads

Use to be they did not allow evolution to be caught in school.  So the argument then was why not allow more than one theory?

Now they are still teaching one theory, evolution this time.

The problem is the lack of tolerance of other people's beliefs and freedom to choose.

I'm sure there will be yet another theory in the future.  But only one.  On that you can be sure.

Here's a link that shows on a state by state level, the percentage of Americans that believe that evolution is true.


Here's a link that shows a nation by nation breakdown of the acceptance of evolution. Take note of where the United States falls.


For those on this board that think Creationism has any merit, why is it that no atheist ever says that Creationism has any credibility? Why should religious beliefs, that are grounded in nothing, have any relevance on a purely scientific field?

Use to be they did not allow evolution to be caught in school.  So the argument then was why not allow more than one theory?

Now they are still teaching one theory, evolution this time.

The problem is the lack of tolerance of other people's beliefs and freedom to choose.

I'm sure there will be yet another theory in the future.  But only one.  On that you can be sure.

Caerus1359 reads

God woke up in the niddle of the night
 He decided to make the Light
 For two long days he made the Heavens
 Trillions of planets, only one Mars
 His reach extended beyond the Stars
 On the third day, God had a plan
 Conjured up Earth with water galore
 The winds started churning with a loud uproar
 He slept through the night wanting much more

 On the fourth day he invented the Fly
 They flew from the clouds high in the sky
 Flies explored all over the Earth
 Their excretement soaking the rock
 With high winds and wetness some turned to dirt

 On the fifth day God was still bored
 He made the jungles and banana trees
 He thought to himself there must be more
 He took two flies, changed them to monkeys  
 He named them Willy and Pri
 They swung from the trees
 Up high in the sky
 On the sixth day God thought to himself
 I need someone to talk to me
 He looked at his monkeys in the tall trees
 He gave them a voice,
 The monkeys were pleased

 All through the day and longer nights
 The Monkeys would scream for attention
 Look at me over here said Willy,
 No look over here said Pri
 They slobbered on each other like pigs in mud
 Willy and Pri truly best Buds
 Though they still felt neglected
 God had no time to feel their rejection
 He thought to himself
 I need a correction

 On the seventh day six thousand years ago
 God thought of a better plan
 The monkeys are starting to stink
 And get on my nerves
 He sat down to think
 I will make two humans
 One that is strong
 And one with curves
 Suddenly he made everything right
 In the flash of a light
 God made Adam and Eve
 Renamed his monkeys Missing and Link

          signed Neptune



Priapus531357 reads

evolved from a monkey-----:)

...but it's slow as hell at the office.

And since we're at the level now of exchanging poems, I figured I'd throw this in the pot.

Full disclosure, this is copied from Dawkins' The God Delusion.

1) The creation of the world is the most marvellous achievement imaginable.

2) The merit of an achievement is the product of
  a) its intrinsic quality, and
  b) the ability of its creator

3) The greater the disability (or handicap) of the creator, the more impressive the achievement.

4) The most formidable handicap for a creator would be non-existence.

5) Therefore if we suppose that the universe is the product of an existent creator we can conceive a greater being - namely, one who created everything while not existing.

6) An existing God therefore would not be a being greater than which a greater cannot be conceived because an even more formidable and incredible creator would be a God which did not exist.


7) God does not exist.

Happy Holidays to Charlie the commie, wherever you are!

The primacy of existence over consciousness rules.

That is, people inherit artifacts the evolutionary process whether they believe in it or not.

But the existence of evolution doesn't automatically contradict the existence of a creator who created the laws of physics as they are.

If you'd like some fun, read Sir Isaac Newton's work on what is even now known as Newtonian Physics. A very brilliant mind, and he accepted the premise of a creator whose work was accomplished through the creation of rules.

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