Politics and Religion

Interesting fact
bond007 31 Reviews 296 reads

52% of New Hampshire Republican voters think Trump is fit to be President even if he is convicted (of a felony).  Yet, if some person off the street is convicted of a felony, that person isn't allowed to vote.  Very interesting.

The vast majority of states restore voting rights to felons after their time is served.

There are only four states where it is next to impossible to get voting rights restored, Virginia, Tennessee, Iowa and Kentucky.  Most felons get their voting rights automatically restored after completing any prison sentence they were given and a few states also require the complete payment of any fines or restitution.  It seems you are stuck in the last century.  Lol

He's counting on having his voting rights restored after serving his sentence when's he's convicted of ripping off the government by doing no work for  his gubmint salary.

with their piling on of indictments.  If they had picked the one they had the best shot with (probably attempted Georgia election interference), they would have gotten more traction with their claims.  Even many Dems have soured on their own party because they view Trump as a victim.  The heavy-handedness of Dems in weaponizing the justice system will backfire bigtime.  Trump gets into the white house where he will pardon himself, and the Dem deep state has only themselves to blame.

Well, it would seem to me, that if all these indictments were such a huge mistake, why the heck is Trump is Trump delaying, delaying, delaying?  Doesn't it make more sense to get the trials out of the way if he is innocent?  

Posted By: bond007
Re: The Dems made a huge mistake . . .
Well, it would seem to me, that if all these indictments were such a huge mistake, why the heck is Trump is Trump delaying, delaying, delaying?  Doesn't it make more sense to get the trials out of the way if he is innocent?  
All the cases are thin as fuck and are designed to keep or hinder him from running.  

Here is the reality.  

EIGHT long years under Obama. It's horrible. Obama pisses Trump off at the white house correspondents dinner.

Trump says oh yeah? Trump Runs, Trump is elected and the economy skyrockets!

The Dems are in abject shock, THEY whip the media into a further frenzy of, "Let's attack Trump."

The media discovers Trump is super good for business and leans way into "Let's attack Trump."

The media creates people who despise Trump. It's seriously evidenced here BTW.

The country does incredibly well under Trump. Unemployment goes down, wages go up.

Trump defeats ISIS cleaning up Obama's mess. He also starts no new wars, helps Israel, and keeps Putin at bay.

The press continues making record amounts of money attacking Trump... and then they start believing their own Koolaide...

COVID comes along...

The Dems figure out how to steal the election with ballot harvesting, illegally changing the state's constitutions, and so forth.

Trump loses the election in what is, obviously a rigged election.  

There isn't time to properly investigate all the allegations of voter fraud.

the press is complicit in the cover-up.  

Jan 6 happens in what is now looking like a coordinated event to create a riot that the Dems can say "Seeeee he's trying to start an insurrection."

No Insurrection happens. Everybody gets tired and goes home. The only person shot is a protester in what every cop out there says was a bad shoot.  

Biden is now the president.

Trump returns to Florida.  

TIME Magazine openly BRAGS about helping steal the election...


The train wreck ensues that has been the Biden Presidency.  

AND NOW... you idiots on the left want more Biden. This BS that Trump is a danger to Democracy? In the words of the Immortal Elon Musk...


Sorry forgot the ALL CAPS trigger warning.  

People want Trump because he's a known quantity. People don't want Biden because he's a known quantity.  

Simple as that.  

So to answer your question, dragging the bullshit prosecutions out allows Trump to win the presidency and stop this insane attempt to wreck this country.

Do you really, want more Dem policies?

More open borders?

More graft and corruption?

More wars?  

More open theft in the streets and lack of prosecution of crime?

I could go on, but seriously do you want things to keep going the way that they are?

the judges, who are all activist hacks out to use their judicial power to help block Trump from the Presidency.  If they had brought these cases in front of fair-minded judges in places like Ohio of Iowa, Trump would be doing exactly what you suggest.  He will not be found innocent in a rigged game.  The Jurors in DC are all government employees and Biden-lovers.  Biden got 93% of the vote in DC in 2020.  Would you trust the jurors to be fair if you were in his shoes.  

You seem to have forgotten that Hillary's attorney was acquitted by the same jury pool.  The foreman of the jury said afterward that "lying to the FBI didn't seem so bad" even though it is a felony by statute.  Her attorney was a Democrat so the stacked jury let him go when the evidence was overwhelming to convict.

...appointed by Trump.  She is the judge in the Mar-A-Lago classified documents case.  Is she an activist hack out to use her judicial power to help block Trump from the presidency?  Au contraire mon frère, she is an activist hack FOR Trump.  She made such a blatantly erroneous ruling in Trump's favor that she was reversed and REBUKED by the appellate court.  She is doing everything she can to delay the trial until after the election.

It's only January but I don't see anyone catching you in the race for SPOTY 2024.

Assigning judges to cases is not random.  The court does them in strict rotation off of a list of all the judges.  If there is only one filing window open, and you know the rotation, you can get in line, let people get in front of you one at a time and wait until your judge comes up as you step up to the window.  That's how you cherry-pick your judge and it's strictly in the hands of the prosecutor (or plaintiff in a civil trial).  By the time the Defendant is served, the judge is already selected when the case was filed.  

It gets tricky when there are multiple windows open, because you have to have enough confederates with you to delay the other windows when the judge you want comes next on the rotation.  Prosecutors are famous for doing this.  If they get a judge that is known for harsh sentences, it helps them coerce a plea bargain out of the accused.  If there are multiple filing windows and your timing is off, or you can't stall at all of the windows at once, you will end up with a judge on the list just before or after the one you wanted.  This is most likely what happened in Florida.  The prosecutor's office blew it by not cherry-picking the judge properly.  Sometimes, there are lucky mistakes.  Get over it.  

The FACT is you said that "The Dems have cherry-picked . . . .the judges, who are all activist hacks.."  The FACT is you can try and CYA with all your usual bullshit but you clearly said that Aileen Cannon is an activist hack who was cherry-picked by the Dems.  You were 100% wrong but you can't even bring yourself to say: "I stand corrected."  

I've never seen a post where every word is a lie but CDL has managed to do it.  It all starts with the first line:
"Assigning judges to cases is not random."  That's bullshit!!!  According to the Internal Operating Procedures of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida: "All civil and criminal cases...shall be assigned on a blind random basis..."
(IOP 2.01.01)

Incredibly, CDL took that one lie and created a whole imaginary world about how to pick the judge you want.  Getting in line, doing an Alphonse-and-Gaston routine with the person behind you, having "confederates" with you to delay the other windows, etc.  

The entire post is one big lie yet TER righties never question CDL's posts just like Trumptards never question what Trump says -- they're too stupid to know that they're being lied to!

This post was "A quick education to help you understand . . . . "that everything CDL posts is a LIE!

how the procedure is supposed to be used, and how they actually do it.  "Blind-random" sounds good in theory, but trust me, there is a list.  If you know a clerk at the court really well, ask them.  The problem with "blind-random" is that one judge could end up with 20 new cases in one week while there are others who get none.  Yes, there is a statute, but the real world approaches it with more practicality. Don't be so gullible that you think that procedures are not altered from to time out of practical necessity.   I haven't been to Southern Florida, but I have witnessed with happening in Los Angeles.  

Maybe you've been in a state Superior court but not a Federal court.  The difference between Superior court and Federal Court is like the difference between Double A baseball and The Show. To use the vernacular, as willy is wont to do: the feds don't play that.  They are as serious as a heart attack.

Had you bothered to read my link, you would have seen that it also said:
"(b) The Clerk of the Court shall not have any power or discretion in determining
the Judge to whom any action or proceeding is assigned, the Clerk of the Court’s
duties being ministerial only. The method of assignment shall assure that the
identity of the assigned Judge shall not be disclosed to the Clerk of the Court nor
to any other person, until after filing."

I know you can't help yourself but please try to stop lying.

Once Trump is convicted he won't be able to vote either. Not even for himself. Too funny.

Posted By: 100ProofOfLV
Re: Interesting fact
Once Trump is convicted he won't be able to vote either. Not even for himself. Too funny.
HA HA HA very funny.  Why do you want more of Biden's/The Current Dem policies?

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