Politics and Religion

Indeed, you certainly seem to have my number. No fooling you anymore. -END
Dr.Hackenbush 122 reads


LasVegan625 reads

So, Trump's campaign put out a communique that he believes "Obama was born in the U.S."

This morning he refuses to say "Obama was born in the U.S."

Seems as if his campaign is attempting to reach out to a different segment of voters.  He on the other hand, seems satisfied with those he has attracted already.

Could this be a, although vague,  sign he does not really want to win?

He and his staff want to have their cake and eat it to. for political reasons, and because, personally, Trump disdains the thought of ever having to admit he's wrong.

bigguy30150 reads

Trump built his whole campaign on white nationalism.
He started this birther lie to get attention and votes for his campaign.

It worked and the racists ate it up.
So why would he stop now and lose over ninety percent of his base?
This is not happening, but Trump will pay a price on election day!

Posted By: mattradd
He and his staff want to have their cake and eat it to. for political reasons, and because, personally, Trump disdains the thought of ever having to admit he's wrong.

LasVegan146 reads

So now he is beginning to "mildly" admit Obama was born in the U.S.  But what happens to all of his previous "very well documented" false claims?

Do his followers simply delete those from their memory banks?

Come on isn't there even some remote semblance of honesty/logic involved here?

bigguy30154 reads

So your question cannot apply to a person like Trump.

Posted By: LasVegan
So now he is beginning to "mildly" admit Obama was born in the U.S.  But what happens to all of his previous "very well documented" false claims?  
 Do his followers simply delete those from their memory banks?  
 Come on isn't there even some remote semblance of honesty/logic involved here?

LasVegan126 reads

clock is correct, twice a day.  How can he so adeptly contradict this principle?

bigguy30138 reads

The press and media are fools for running with the garbage!

Posted By: LasVegan
clock is correct, twice a day.  How can he so adeptly contradict this principle?

When he talked about not losing any followers if he shot someone, he's right. This latest ploy is in hopes, bring back to him, those white Republicans who don't want to see themselves voting for a racist. It's this group that you need to ask the question about do they "simply delete those from their memory banks?"

JakeFromStateFarm150 reads

Because if you're ignorant enough, you just don't care.  No matter how many times is blatantly lies to you.

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 5:45:51 PM

Trump is a master manipulator and deceiver. He wants to be able to tell people he changed his stance on being a birther on his terms, not the media's. A bully hates to be bullied sort of thing. I think Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are making a mistake here. Now Trump can say he no longer believes Obama was born out of the country while simultaneously say HRC and the President arent talking about issues voters care about (jobs, healthcare, college, etc.) while he is.

Mrs. Clinton should forget Trump and be optimistic and lay out her plans for the nation each and every day. Let her subordinates and her superior air war trash Trump and she should remian above the fray. Everyone who gets into the dirt with Trump only gets dirty themselves. Be optimistic, hopeful, and a uniter and let Trump be the racist and divider. I feel she is making a mistake for now and needs to right the ship. The polling in Iowa, Colorado, Virginia and Michigan, along with Ohio and Florida, is terrifying and they need a quick course adjustment

There's an unusual amount of sound thinking and insight on this thread. Can't let that happen without me interjecting a bit of irrational nonsense! Lol

First of all, I have to agree with Matt that Trump can't bear to admit he was wrong. That's also a sort of Andrew Carnegie type rule for being successful in political and sales pursuits. This is amplified by the personality disorder that many say Trump displays. So it doesn't look very good when he has to retract anything.

Bigguy30 puts forth the view that this reversal will hurt him voter-wise, and if his cult base were not so completely smitten with him and so very, very unhappy with their lives, it might work that way. Though I don't think many of them are going to see the light and make a last-minute decision to vote for Clinton, it MIGHT deflate their enthusiasm enough that some of them will just stay home and drink beer on election night.

BuffetBoy sees Trump's gambit here, and his suggestion that Clinton keeps above the fray, stick to laying out her proposed policies both domestic and international seems very wise. The attack on Trump could be more effectively fought by Biden, Sanders, Bill Clinton and President Obama. In truth, a Trump coronation would be disastrous for our country, for the world, but when that is stated by his opponent directly, it seems less an urgent appeal to citizens to prevent such an atrocity and more a political rant.

As for me, I think Trump should have his nose rubbed in it. What if everyone just ignored Trump's retraction and continued to hammer the absurdity of the birthers and ridicule Trump for holding that position? Trump might be forced into a corner where he has to repeat louder and louder that he no longer believes that crap, maybe even admit that he never did actually believe it himself. This would reveal his whole game of appealing to the very worst aspects of human complexity.

I'm waiting for the birthers who frequent this board to rush in and explain to us how even if Obama was born in the United States, that it's still wrong for him to be president because he allowed the "appearance on impropriety" by being of Kenyan ancestry and as such it was "only natural" for them to question his eligibility.

Dr.Hackenbush164 reads

I missed your morning clip (no link) but the one I saw today where Trump said President Obama was born in the U.S. indicates Trump won this round.

Do Clinton supporters not remember that it was her supporters or campaign that started the whole birther movement? Yes, it was not her saying it directly but when she was given the opportunity on 60 Minutes to confirm Obama's not a Muslim she could not help but add, in classic Clinton-speak, "as far as I know".

She played this card far too soon if she should have played it at all, but that's the indication she's desperate. Trump defused it today. His supporters don't care that he "admitted it" but now it's difficult for Clinton to bring it up again

bigguy30125 reads

This is why Trump and his supporters can't be trusted.
So this was fact checked and proven a lie.
Just like everything that usual comes out of Trump mouth.

Posted By: Dr.Hackenbush
I missed your morning clip (no link) but the one I saw today where Trump said President Obama was born in the U.S. indicates Trump won this round.  
 Do Clinton supporters not remember that it was her supporters or campaign that started the whole birther movement? Yes, it was not her saying it directly but when she was given the opportunity on 60 Minutes to confirm Obama's not a Muslim she could not help but add, in classic Clinton-speak, "as far as I know".  
 She played this card far too soon if she should have played it at all, but that's the indication she's desperate. Trump defused it today. His supporters don't care that he "admitted it" but now it's difficult for Clinton to bring it up again.  

Dr.Hackenbush139 reads

I correctly stated it was NOT Clinton that made the statement. I evaluated the net result of where things are today. You are the epitome of wrong headed thinkers in that you accuse anyone that doesn't agree with you of being your enemy.  You have ZERO evidence I am a Trump supporter. I am quite the opposite, but I DO support the truth.

bigguy30134 reads

I provided the link and you can see for yourself.
It's clear what you are doing too.
This is the same type of bullshit Trump and his supporters do all the time.

Posted By: Dr.Hackenbush
I correctly stated it was NOT Clinton that made the statement. I evaluated the net result of where things are today. You are the epitome of wrong headed thinkers in that you accuse anyone that doesn't agree with you of being your enemy.  You have ZERO evidence I am a Trump supporter. I am quite the opposite, but I DO support the truth.

Dr.Hackenbush142 reads

My goal was clarity. I'm sorry you find what I said difficult or impossible to understand. Since I lack ability to make myself clear, would you please post the 2 contradictory things I said?

I am myself confused in not understanding how you won't accept my agreement with you regarding the fact there is absolutely no evidence Clinton herself ever called President Obama's birthplace into question. Trump certainly did so.

Clinton did though, in the 60 Minutes interview, leave the door open regarding President Obama being a Muslim. Watch the video I provided. The link is just 4 rows above.

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 3:08:11 AM

bigguy30129 reads

This is the typical response from Trump supporters but your earlier comment.
Plus some others in this area, already exposed you.
If anyone is confused is you.

Posted By: Dr.Hackenbush
My goal was clarity. I'm sorry you find what I said difficult or impossible to understand. Since I lack ability to make myself clear, would you please post the 2 contradictory things I said?  
 I am myself confused in not understanding how you won't accept my agreement with you regarding the fact there is absolutely no evidence Clinton herself ever called President Obama's birthplace into question. Trump certainly did so.  
 Clinton did though, in the 60 Minutes interview, leave the door open regarding President Obama being a Muslim. Watch the video I provided. The link is just 4 rows above.  

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 3:08:11 AM

Dr.Hackenbush144 reads

I do admit to confusion after reading your response. If you can't answer my questions, that's OK.

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 5:56:51 PM

bigguy30126 reads

The comments you post confirm everything and using a Allen West blog is more confirmation.
You are not fooling anyone on here.

Posted By: Dr.Hackenbush
I do admit to confusion after reading your response. If you can't answer my questions, that's OK.

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 5:56:51 PM

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