Politics and Religion

In fairness to the Occupy rapists..
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 2327 reads

There are at least two countries in Africa with a higher rape per capita rate.

I may have been over stating things when I said his blood pressure is higher than his IQ. Well, overstating the IQ part.

Snowman39983 reads

Can't argue with the message so attack the messenger.  

Seems you and Pontius Pilate would have been good friends back in the day...

...I'll engage in a debate if the opening premise is rational. I'm sad to say, that lately you've been engaging in plenty of personal attacks against me, which really is not like you. We've (almost) always have managed to keep things civil, but it seems you've abandoned that as of late. What gives?

Snowman391235 reads

I will check my own posts, but do not believe have have gone after you personally. I have attacked your positions, but that is my jub as a rational thinker :-)

Priapus53771 reads

& have stated so in previous posts. But your moronic obsession puts you in same class as "EL Guano & crossdresser." Sounds to me like you're afraid.

Best remedy for you : get a life & get laid.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 10:37:45 AM

I haven't been on this board in a while so I was quite surprised to see how many posters seem to be taking OWS seriously.  I just thought I would pop that bubble.  But the mini-vacation will end soon and you guys won't have poor Cartman to pick on again for a while. :(

PS- I'm glad to see you are still leading the same fulfilling life. Did you post any pics of Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop while I was gone??

Priapus531921 reads

Speaking of fulfilling lives, OC, is that you in the cowboy's lap ?

Don't let the door hit you ass on way out-----might cause woodchips to fly---------;)

I'm not old but I am old school.  I was the last generation to remember Merv Griffin, Mike Douglas, and Dinah Shore.  Lamb Chop was a regular back then.   And let's not forget Match Game PM!!

I watched way too much TV as a kid.

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