Politics and Religion

In fairness then, it also shows that hotplants isn't a bit smarter than a 9th grade dropout
GaGambler 100 reads

as Plants got it wrong too, it appears she doesn't know the difference between "34 times" and "34% more likely"  Even in the ninth grade, actually in the 3rd grade a person should know the difference in terms.

Personally I would like to see the raw data as I call bullshit on the numbers. Not that I don't believe that the premise of the study isn't sound, but to claim  

"On the left if you're consuming fake news you're 34 times more likely than the general population to be a college graduate," says Green."  

That number just does not sound believable to me, about 20% of Americans finish college. How do you get "34 times" 1 out of 5? and the same goes for the "18 times" number claimed about the right wing fake news believers.

Now I realize the real reason CNN and other fake news sites with TDS  have a propensity to spew fake news.
    They're  hoping their educated dummies will get out and vote after swallowing garbage  hook line and sinker.  

  In defense of USA  left wing  moron college graduates,  brain washing by left wing professors was very successful.
Most of us know communism thrives with the knowledge, a  weak mind is easy to control  

Right Wing graduates are 27 times more likely to pound their puds into raw meat...

more likely than general population to believe fake news.

What the article says is: "On the left if you're consuming fake news you're 34 times more likely than the general population to be a college graduate,"….And: “If you're on the right, you're 18 times more likely than the general population to be in the top 20 percent of income earners.”

The above does not mean that 20% of ALL top income earners are 18 times more likely to believe fake news------ any more than it means that 34% of All college grads are more likely to believe fake news.  

It means that out of all the people who get sucked into believing a fake news story (a subset of the general population), the people biting on the left wing fake news stories are 34% more likely (than the general population) to have a college degree.  

And, that out of all the people on the right who get sucked into believing a fake news story (a subset of the general population), the people biting on the right wing fake news story are 18 times more likely to be part of the top 20% income earners.  

The whole point of the article is that being susceptible to fake news stories is not dependent on political leaning, college education, or income.

...HE is the one spreading fake news but he's too stupid to know it.  I believe he's so dumb from eating all that bosintang growing up.

GaGambler101 reads

as Plants got it wrong too, it appears she doesn't know the difference between "34 times" and "34% more likely"  Even in the ninth grade, actually in the 3rd grade a person should know the difference in terms.

Personally I would like to see the raw data as I call bullshit on the numbers. Not that I don't believe that the premise of the study isn't sound, but to claim  

"On the left if you're consuming fake news you're 34 times more likely than the general population to be a college graduate," says Green."  

That number just does not sound believable to me, about 20% of Americans finish college. How do you get "34 times" 1 out of 5? and the same goes for the "18 times" number claimed about the right wing fake news believers.

Better educated people tend to be progressives.  Richer people tend to be conservative.  Quad's posts show that Trump worshippers tend to be ignorant insane people.

NYminute57 reads

Am new here but get the feeling, you must have been just a bit tipsy when typing this.  Every word sounds extremely bizarre.  Could anyone truly think this way?  Did you intentionally lace your post with all those grammatical errors for effect?  Not one to stereotype but you certainly put a lot out there to reflect--well I won't say it.   Do not want to be insulting, but truly am surprised at the fiction and anger filled tirade.

Something must have set you off to cause you to spin out of control like this.  Whatever it was, sorry for your loss.

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