Politics and Religion

In an often used phrase by our friend "Exactly"
ed2000 31 Reviews 854 reads

I'm actually a bit surprised PEW didn't point that out regarding Fox, maybe a little hidden bias on their part.

Consistently conservative watch Fox = 47%

Consistently liberal watch predominantly left CNN (15%) + predominantly left NPR (13%) + predominantly left MSNBC (12%) + predominantly left NYT (10%) = 50%

If there's a smidgen of a difference to be seen, observe that:
Mostly liberal watch Fox = 5%
Mostly conservative watch CNN = 9%

I haven't looked the over the entire survey yet but here's one to maybe wake up some liberals to reality:
The far left is 50% more likely to dump a friend due to politics than is the far right.

bigguy304417 reads

1-Fox fake News lies
2- kock brothers adenda and money
3-House and Senate members of congress lazy asses and blocking everything
4-working for the rich and don't give a shit about the average American
5- Supreme Court backing there extremist laws
6-Stealing elections since 2000, if not before this year
7-voting laws trying to stop people of color, woman or young people from voting
8- playing the race card to scare white people, to vote for them or else
9- redistricting laws to favor themselves, in local races
1o-voter intimidation at polling places
11- try and divide people to keep power for the rich
12- tax policy-low taxes for the rich and maybe everbody else will get some crumbs

So I can go on, but we get the point.  
These people just want power, by any means possible.
It not country first, it's really power first and we will see what happens!

bigguy30802 reads

They know it's true and that is the sad part!

DamienScott809 reads

Just cos your life's a failure.........

Posted By: bigguy30
They know it's true and that is the sad part!

bigguy30923 reads

You conservatives are all the same, lie and assume things about people with no facts to back it up! Lol
I guess this is why, you have to steal elections and block people from voting.
Well Damien you know what they say about people who assume right?  
So you have the ass part down already.Lol
Thanks for keep proving my points earlier and looking like a clown.

case of DENIAL:

 Company co-owned by husband of Sen. Kay Hagan allegedly kept unspent stimulus money
That is why I have asked Vice President Biden to lead a tough, unprecedented oversight effort – because nobody messes with Joe. I have told each member of my Cabinet as well as mayors and governors across the country that they will be held accountable by me and the American people for every dollar they spend.”
–Barack Obama, 2/24/09
Here’s N.C. Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan in 2009 explaining why she voted for the stimulus bill:
Most important, though, this legislation delivers on our simple promise to change the way things work in Washington — for working families and not for special interests.
So how did that work out?
Gee, what a, uh, surprise. Hagan’s going to have to borrow some of Harry Reid’s muscle to keep people asking about this away from her until after the election.
The story about Sen. Hagan’s husband’s company getting a stimulus grant isn’t new, but according to the Carolina Journal they made a neat little profit off an overcharge that wasn’t repaid:
JDC Manufacturing, a company co-owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s husband Charles “Chip” Hagan, lowered the total cost of a 2010 stimulus-funded energy project but kept all of the savings, sending none back to taxpayers who had funded the stimulus grant.
The company’s original application stated the total project would cost $438,627, and said JDC would contribute “leveraged funds” amounting to $187,983, or 43 percent of the total. As the project reached completion, however, JDC revised the total budget downward by $114,519 and applied all the savings to its share, keeping all the taxpayer funding.
Read the whole story here and remember it for the next time Sen. Hagan says the stimulus worked, because it did — for some.
“Sheriff Joe” might want to look into this after he’s done rooting out “Shylocks” elsewhere.

clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle.

bigguy30927 reads

I am sorry did not these big banks almost destroy the world economy, back in 2008?
We the taxpayers had to bail them out, with billions of dollars of welfare or so called loans?
While this stimulus bill tried to help average Americans a little bit.
So even the stimulus bill was held hostage by republicans for more tax cuts.  
When they got it, most of them still did not vote for it.
Thanks for proving my point smart guy

child who has HuffyPoo and Media Matters on direct feed into your brain.

FYI, "conservatives" were AGAINST the government meddling into the banks lending practices IN THE FIRST PLACE. You are just so frigging dumb, I'm sure that makes no difference to you.

Bank in Maxine Waters case was weakest to get TARP help
Boston institution was slammed by collapse of Fannie, Freddie
By Wendell Cochran
Investigative Reporting Workshop, American University
updated 8/9/2010 6:49:46 PM ET

The bank at the center of a House ethics investigation of U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters was the weakest to receive funds from the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program at the time of its rescue, according to an analysis by the Investigative Reporting Workshop.
When then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced creation of the so-called "Capital Purchase Program" in October 2008, he said it was directed at "healthy institutions." Nevertheless OneUnited Bank of Boston received a $12.1 million capital injection from the Treasury Department on Dec. 19, 2008. The money has not been repaid, according to Treasury Department documents.
Records show that as of Sept. 30, 2008, the latest quarter before the investment, OneUnited had "Tier 1 capital" of just 1.8 percent of assets. Of the 363 banks that got TARP money in the fourth quarter of 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, that was the lowest Tier 1 ratio.
In fact, none of the 987 banks that got TARP money between October 2008 and December 2009 reported a lower ratio in the quarter before they received federal cash. As of March 31, 2010, 16 TARP banks had lower Tier 1 ratios then OneUnited's 4.98 percent.

You should quit while you're behind.

JackDunphy824 reads

And being as smart as you are, you would know how outsourcing can help U.S. workers and that's why Obummer did shit to try and stop it. ;)

And the point is obvious. Our economy sucks as you agreed just weeks ago with me. Or was that moderate Matt? So confusing lately. Lol

get outsourced? He isn't in China. Yes, outsourcing can help, but you can always overdo it. The proof is in the puddling; the income inequality gap, which byi, in the food industry, is worse than in other sectors.

JackDunphy776 reads

And yes Matt, non skilled laborers who don't know shit about biz don't get paid much when flipping burgers. Wanna change it? Open up a burger place and pay $15 hour. Let me know how that works out for you.

How ever he wants the owners of the franchises to pay their employees a higher wage.

That is the most hypocritical thing a person can say.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And yes Matt, non skilled laborers who don't know shit about biz don't get paid much when flipping burgers. Wanna change it? Open up a burger place and pay $15 hour. Let me know how that works out for you.

The food service industry is not designed to provide a living wage.

I will add that capitalism isn't designed to shrink the inequality gap.

DamienScott720 reads

He won't get outsourced dumbass. He'll get replaced by a machine that won't need insurance and a $15 an hour living wage.  

Posted By: mattradd
get outsourced? He isn't in China. Yes, outsourcing can help, but you can always overdo it. The proof is in the puddling; the income inequality gap, which byi, in the food industry, is worse than in other sectors.

Increasing minimum wage will only accelerate their replacement by automation. Fast food delivery is a perfect business sector primed for replacement of workers with automated kiosks.

Just look at what used to be Blockbluster Video. The closet thing to a walk up video rental store today is Redbox.  

Why does the Redbox kiosks sit out side of Mcdonald's restaurants? Beta testing for the delivery of fast food products

all other news organizations  including Conservative FIX News missed such a scandal and corruption.

Dude, have anything else?

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
case of DENIAL:  
  Company co-owned by husband of Sen. Kay Hagan allegedly kept unspent stimulus money  
 That is why I have asked Vice President Biden to lead a tough, unprecedented oversight effort – because nobody messes with Joe. I have told each member of my Cabinet as well as mayors and governors across the country that they will be held accountable by me and the American people for every dollar they spend.”  
 –Barack Obama, 2/24/09  
 Here’s N.C. Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan in 2009 explaining why she voted for the stimulus bill:  
 Most important, though, this legislation delivers on our simple promise to change the way things work in Washington — for working families and not for special interests.  
 So how did that work out?  
 Gee, what a, uh, surprise. Hagan’s going to have to borrow some of Harry Reid’s muscle to keep people asking about this away from her until after the election.  
 The story about Sen. Hagan’s husband’s company getting a stimulus grant isn’t new, but according to the Carolina Journal they made a neat little profit off an overcharge that wasn’t repaid:  
 JDC Manufacturing, a company co-owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s husband Charles “Chip” Hagan, lowered the total cost of a 2010 stimulus-funded energy project but kept all of the savings, sending none back to taxpayers who had funded the stimulus grant.  
 The company’s original application stated the total project would cost $438,627, and said JDC would contribute “leveraged funds” amounting to $187,983, or 43 percent of the total. As the project reached completion, however, JDC revised the total budget downward by $114,519 and applied all the savings to its share, keeping all the taxpayer funding.  
 Read the whole story here and remember it for the next time Sen. Hagan says the stimulus worked, because it did — for some.  
 “Sheriff Joe” might want to look into this after he’s done rooting out “Shylocks” elsewhere.

Posted By: bigguy30
1-Fox fake News lies  
 2- kock brothers adenda and money  
 3-House and Senate members of congress lazy asses and blocking everything  
 4-working for the rich and don't give a shit about the average American  
 5- Supreme Court backing there extremist laws  
 6-Stealing elections since 2000, if not before this year  
 7-voting laws trying to stop people of color, woman or young people from voting  
 8- playing the race card to scare white people, to vote for them or else  
 9- redistricting laws to favor themselves, in local races  
 1o-voter intimidation at polling places  
 11- try and divide people to keep power for the rich  
 12- tax policy-low taxes for the rich and maybe everbody else will get some crumbs  
 So I can go on, but we get the point.  
 These people just want power, by any means possible.  
 It not country first, it's really power first and we will see what happens!

RaymondDonovan705 reads

Haven't been in long enough to collect from the lobbiest. Isn't the riches Congressman Darrel Issa, a Rep from..shutter to think, from Claifornia...ouch!

And, one would think the Republicans would want a person of impeccable reputation to sit in the committee chair he heads. But then, perhaps it's hard to find such a Republican in the House of Representatives.  ;)

bigguy30845 reads

1-Fox fake News lies  
2- kock brothers adenda and money  
3-House and Senate members of congress lazy asses and blocking everything  
4-working for the rich and don't give a shit about the average American  
5- Supreme Court backing there extremist laws  
6-Stealing elections since 2000, if not before this year  
7-voting laws trying to stop people of color, woman or young people from voting  
8- playing the race card to scare white people, to vote for them or else  
9- redistricting laws to favor themselves, in local races  
1o-voter intimidation at polling places  
11- try and divide people to keep power for the rich  
12- tax policy-low taxes for the rich and maybe everbody else will get some crumbs  
So I can go on, but we get the point.  
These people just want power, by any means possible.  
It not country first, it's really power first and we will see what happens!

When I first saw this I was saying to myself, "Oh shit it's on now". All these conservatives will pile on like sharks on blood. But so far I haven't seen the usual players, only weenie but he rambles about shit that I can't figure out so he don't count. But where's the JCA,JD, and I was going to add Gunny but he's wound too tight. I mean the dudes that just love to hear themselves talk,where are they? I was expecting drama here.....now I'm bored.

Standing to the right of righteousness. I don't actually need a reason to do so, I'm going to vote a full Republican ticket.

I've classified him as WTFHTRLART (way too histrionic to read let alone respond to). I put Gunny there to. After JD's histrionics over the CCN coverage regarding Palin, he's got one foot on the line!  ;)

When you finish it, I'll get back with you.  But, you do have one foot on the line!   ;)

I will admit to a typo when I used any vs. many regarding hospital administrators. Jacks point regarding Obama's appointee was that he had no medical experience, no M.D., no experience with contagious diseases, no experience with Ebola. Yes, most hospital heads have background in health science, but having an M.D. doesn't make one an expert on Ebola. That was my point, and you tried to make it otherwise, even when I told him I have no issue with his any charge of cronyism, just the criterion he was using for his logic. If you want to keep beating this dead horse, you'll have to do it alone!  ;)

Yet, even now in your tepid confession you still hedge and attempt to lay the responsibility for your errors at my feet. This is not the first horse you have killed and I suspect it won't be the last. Keep on killing them and I'll keep my whip handy.

Ya, right! My experience is, simply=only=just, which usually is much more. So, sorry if I don't believe you, but I can't recall you giving me the benefit of the doubt, so I will choose not to give you the same. If you had clearly address my error in using any vs. many, I would have owned it.  And, you could have saved all that time you spent on your incomplete homework, which was addressing a gnat, not the meat of the discussion.

It's very difficult to have discussions when there is no trust on one side. I'll continue to simply address the words you use, but I suppose you will also continue your inaccurate attempts to interpret what you think I meant. I look forward to ignoring your future "homework assignments" to try to keep me occupied while you go about killing more horses.

well, maybe your mommy.  


Posted By: mattradd
I've classified him as WTFHTRLART (way too histrionic to read let alone respond to). I put Gunny there to. After JD's histrionics over the CCN coverage regarding Palin, he's got one foot on the line!  ;)

86H13LTP1045 reads

? Does the liberal NYC mayor tossing out stop and frisk cause you the fear of having a hatchet stuck in your head by radical Muslims like the NYPD officer did the other day

Midterms are for the blue hairs and the uneducated voter that scare easily.I mean you can only play checkers so long and dye your hair....Fox News will blast that "Isis will come to your farm and cut your head off"..fear, fear and more fear to scare.

The Republican Party is like the 'Little Dutch Boy' with his finger in the dyke. They will hold for 2014, but watch out for 2016; when the youth and minorities will be more interested in voting. The Republicans may not even get much of a wave they hoping for; just a slim majority at best.

JackDunphy956 reads

And become wiser, they turn to conservatism. With age, comes wisdom.

Can't blame them when they're pounded by lies after lies,they just get spooked very easy. And the Republican party knows how to prey on it. Hell they're just very good at it.

with educating yourself regarding conservatism vs. Republican "partyism", actually watch Fox News just a tad instead of just Media Matters and MSNBC and recognize that Democrat "partyism" also plays a large role in most of your points.

Oh, let me correct that, you're only suggesting what would constitute an honest discussion! My bad!   ;)

And, why would someone watch any particular news source, let alone Fox News for the truth on anything?

Notice, in the Pew study, where the 'Consistently' Conservatives drank their cool-aid from. At least the 'Consistently' Liberals went to more than one source. And notice, there were classifications in between.

However, you do make a valid point about conservatism vs. Republican "partyism." One does not equal the other. I can't imagine that there are many conservative democrats, but there are conservatives in the Libertarian party. But, lets be honest, how much air time does Fox News give to Libertarian candidates. And, how many conservatives vote for the Republican candidate for President vs. the Libertarian. So, it's quite understandable for most people to equate the Republican party as being the party of the conservatives.

JackDunphy811 reads

Liberals have tons of more choices to choose from as all but Fox on TV are liberal! You couldn't figure that out?

I'm actually a bit surprised PEW didn't point that out regarding Fox, maybe a little hidden bias on their part.

Consistently conservative watch Fox = 47%

Consistently liberal watch predominantly left CNN (15%) + predominantly left NPR (13%) + predominantly left MSNBC (12%) + predominantly left NYT (10%) = 50%

If there's a smidgen of a difference to be seen, observe that:
Mostly liberal watch Fox = 5%
Mostly conservative watch CNN = 9%

I haven't looked the over the entire survey yet but here's one to maybe wake up some liberals to reality:
The far left is 50% more likely to dump a friend due to politics than is the far right.

We need more news outlets similar to FOX News. We (and FOX) could benefit from some similar news outlets competing with FOX for the right, center AND LEFT viewers. If there were 1 or 2 more or similar networks, the quality of FOX and the whole lot would be higher.

JackDunphy764 reads

I would love to see Fox have competition on the right. They have a monopoly, basically.

The real funny thing though is our liberal friends here where 90-95% of the TV networks are left of center (CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, HBO, SHOWTIME, MSNBC, etc )and they constantly cry and bitch about ONE....ONE conservative network.  

Imagine it was reversed? Then they would know how we feel. Lol

Those in the middle who get 20% of their news from CNN, 16% from local news, and 8% from Fox News vs. the 47% consistently conservative? Notice who many of the sources you view as liberally biased are more trusted than not.

For the Mixed category, they also "trust FOX more than not". The point is not to remove any source but to add right of center TV and Cable sources that would compete with FOX. There is no reason that some or many of them could also share this trait with FOX and CNN.

1) The competition would improve FOX.

2) FOX would be less of a target as they would not be alone.

I think there is a huge market for some outlet to be right in the middle of the road in coverage, and by that I mean HONESTY in ALL their coverage, the SUBJECTS they cover as well as the REPORTING QUALITY. They need to cover all sides but honestly. The only problem in achieving this is people (everyone has some bias). I believe that in the news department (not opinion departments) FOX does this better than most, but then of course I have a bias.

But sadly the Democrats are owned by the same corporatocracy that owns the Republicans.  

Republican ideals embrace fear-mongering, war-mongering and authoritarianism through endless legislated prohibitions on the citizenry.

Democrat ideals embrace fear-mongering, war-mongering and authoritarianism through omnipresent government and regulations.  

The GOP is fervently for one's right to defend them self; but cares little over one's rights over their own body.

The DNC wants us autonomous over our own bodies; but is adamantly against one defending them self.

If a third party enters into a General Election championing both 2nd Amendment rights as well as personal reproductive rights the DNC and GOP team up to discredit anything and everything about the third party candidate.  

Presidential elections are now simply an expensive circus staged for the entertainment and deception of the citizens, with a small but powerful oligarchy of banks and corporations profiting on either outcome.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."  
                                                                                        (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


Posted By: bigguy30
1-Fox fake News lies  
 2- kock brothers adenda and money  
 3-House and Senate members of congress lazy asses and blocking everything  
 4-working for the rich and don't give a shit about the average American  
 5- Supreme Court backing there extremist laws  
 6-Stealing elections since 2000, if not before this year  
 7-voting laws trying to stop people of color, woman or young people from voting  
 8- playing the race card to scare white people, to vote for them or else  
 9- redistricting laws to favor themselves, in local races  
 1o-voter intimidation at polling places  
 11- try and divide people to keep power for the rich  
 12- tax policy-low taxes for the rich and maybe everbody else will get some crumbs  
 So I can go on, but we get the point.  
 These people just want power, by any means possible.  
 It not country first, it's really power first and we will see what happens!

"Presidential elections are now simply an expensive circus staged for the entertainment and deception of the citizens, with a small but powerful oligarchy of banks and corporations profiting on either outcome."

That's why you often see them giving political donations to both sides at the same time, so the winners will be beholden to them.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 3:37:08 PM

Posted By: mattradd

 That's why you often see them giving political donations to both sides at the same time, so the winners will be beholden to them.

  "Citizens United" was the last straw. If there was ever any moral or ethical compunction or rules about a big moneyed power 'hedge funding' their bets it's gone now.  The idea was "One man, one vote"; but now one man can literally buy the election simply by unfettered campaign financing.  

  A small, N California desert town that was devastated by a Chevron Oil refinery explosion and sued Chevron for the damages has an incumbent mayor with a $22,000.00 campaign fund fighting against a resident attorney who works for one of Chevrons retained law firms and received $2.2 million campaign contribution from Chevron.  
The corporations have learned that "Citizens United" isn't restricted to only national or Federal elections. We'll soon be living in every sort of industrial filth and corruption as like dominoes municipal governments fall to local big business agendas.

But running around in circles, dreading like Henny Penny because 3 people in 350,000,000 contracted the germ would come under successful "fear mongering".

86H13LTP779 reads

It's always somebody else's fault that you failed .  

End of story , Pack Salt !

But the fact is Conservatives are the only ones keeping you from being an impoverished slave of the state, as is the case in every country throughout history where people with your political views rule.

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