Politics and Religion

I'm not sure if this is the culture they are defending? (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 445 reads


By making a martyr out of Brown, when he was a punk who robbed a store and was killed after he attacked a cop, you did start the fire.

By having marchers chant "What do we want? Dead Cops?  you started the fire.

When the mayor of NY did not tell people changing that to not chant it, he stoked the fire.

If Michael Brown had shown respect and stood down, when Officer Darren Wilson approached , Mr Brown would  still be standing.  
  It's been proven numerous times for all to clearly  see, Most criminal suspects who resist arrest, won't  have a good day.  
  Millions of parents don't teach their children to never resist arrest, assault police, or threaten police with weapons, lest they end up justifiably  beat up or deceased.  
  If parents don't teach their children the  basic ABC keys to longevity in a civil society,  schools should.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXlu-hwPrrw
  While all  thugs aren't  shot for  threatening police with death, criminals should never  hope to find reprieve, for their  reckless assaultive nature, when criminal suspects should  simply shut up without resisting arrest.    

Posted By: dncphil
By making a martyr out of Brown, when he was a punk who robbed a store and was killed after he attacked a cop, you did start the fire.  
 By having marchers chant "What do we want? Dead Cops?  you started the fire.  
 When the mayor of NY did not tell people changing that to not chant it, he stoked the fire.

First off that is the only way an individual can earn respect.

Even with out respect, there should be some level of commonsense, perhaps commonsense and respect are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps I give thugs the same credibility as organized criminals, and shouldn't.  

Back to my point about commonsense, most people should know or at least be educated to the fact. The only place you can ever beat the criminal justice system, is on their turf, and on their terms, with in the confines of the court room.  

This is fact not opinion and people can disagree if they like, which has been made evident by the  protests. The protests themselves are the biggest exercise of irony, because the system which is being protested, is the same system that guarantees the people's right to protest

bigguy30623 reads

1-We were told that Mike Brown charged Darren Wilson like a bull and yet the witness who said that turns out, wasn't even there to see it:  
2- Then we were told Tamir rice threatened officers with his toy gun, and yet video showed they drove up and shot him immediately.  
3- Also we were told John Crawford was threatening people in a Wal-Mart, when video evidence reveals he was shot on sight while merely shopping.  

4- How can we forget Eric Garner choke hold video:
I can go on but we all know it's good and bad cops.  
The problem is cops unions protecting the bad ones!  
So cops around the country are not above the law either and hopefully more will learn that in 2015!  
Just like the NY Times wrote:  
1. Don’t violate the Constitution.  
2. Don’t kill unarmed people.  
3. Do your jobs.    

-- Modified on 1/1/2015 9:12:39 AM

-- Modified on 1/1/2015 9:17:55 AM

The facts are according to you, cops systematically shot unarmed black men. Let us forget the left/right arguments just on my comments below. Let us even ignore what we've been told, when we have video conformation.

1.) - Tamir Rice, and John Crawford, were both holding what were perceived by police, and citizens to be firearms. Toy/Replica firearms to be exact.  

1.(a-1). - The Tamir Rice incident was called in by an overzealous citizen(perhaps more than one) reporting that a man was in the park brandishing a firearm, which could be fake? The police take that as a serious incident

1.(a-2). - Tamir Rice fit that description, and pulled the replica firearm on LE.

1.(b-1). - The John Crawford incident was also reported by a citizen as a man inside of a Walmart, brandishing a firearm. Most likely as a man in possession of an assault style weapon.  

1.(b-2). - John Crawford fit that description, and had the replica firearm in his possession.  

Were mistakes made by the police? I would say yes. Were mistakes made by the two young men were killed? I would say yes. What the police will change is up to the departments, the state and federal DOJ, along with private sector LE advisory firms.  

What the public needs to do especially the citizen who is a grown man, or resembles a grown man is not brandish a firearm, or what resembles a firearm in public. I say this because the citizenry will react by calling LE. LE will operate as if the threat is real, until it is determined the threat is no longer a threat. Citizens need to be trained on LE methods and tactics.

2.) - Michael Brown was not armed, and there is no video conformation. Therefore we can only go by what we were told. There was video of what looked to be MB strong arming a convenience store.  

Mike Brown could have avoided his confrontation by LE. First by not committing a crime, which the police were not actively investigating MB's person at the time of the interaction. Secondly by obeying the law(not jay walking). After committing a crime, that he was not actively being investigated for. This is where MB's actions defy the logical thinking process of someone who recently committed a crime.

These actions are evident of the typical immature-I don't care attitude displayed by teenagers. I think the majority of us have been there at some point in our lives, so we can relate to that attitude. Only a dishonest individual can say MB did not chose his own destiny, when he tragically lost his life on that day.

bigguy30479 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The facts are according to you, cops systematically shot unarmed black men. Let us forget the left/right arguments just on my comments below. Let us even ignore what we've been told, when we have video conformation.  
 1.) - Tamir Rice, and John Crawford, were both holding what were perceived by police, and citizens to be firearms. Toy/Replica firearms to be exact.  
 1.(a-1). - The Tamir Rice incident was called in by an overzealous citizen(perhaps more than one) reporting that a man was in the park brandishing a firearm, which could be fake? The police take that as a serious incident  
 1.(a-2). - Tamir Rice fit that description, and pulled the replica firearm on LE.  
 1.(b-1). - The John Crawford incident was also reported by a citizen as a man inside of a Walmart, brandishing a firearm. Most likely as a man in possession of an assault style weapon.  
 1.(b-2). - John Crawford fit that description, and had the replica firearm in his possession.  
 Were mistakes made by the police? I would say yes. Were mistakes made by the two young men were killed? I would say yes. What the police will change is up to the departments, the state and federal DOJ, along with private sector LE advisory firms.  
 What the public needs to do especially the citizen who is a grown man, or resembles a grown man is not brandish a firearm, or what resembles a firearm in public. I say this because the citizenry will react by calling LE. LE will operate as if the threat is real, until it is determined the threat is no longer a threat. Citizens need to be trained on LE methods and tactics.  
 2.) - Michael Brown was not armed, and there is no video conformation. Therefore we can only go by what we were told. There was video of what looked to be MB strong arming a convenience store.  
 Mike Brown could have avoided his confrontation by LE. First by not committing a crime, which the police were not actively investigating MB's person at the time of the interaction. Secondly by obeying the law(not jay walking). After committing a crime, that he was not actively being investigated for. This is where MB's actions defy the logical thinking process of someone who recently committed a crime.  
 These actions are evident of the typical immature-I don't care attitude displayed by teenagers. I think the majority of us have been there at some point in our lives, so we can relate to that attitude. Only a dishonest individual can say MB did not chose his own destiny, when he tragically lost his life on that day.
-- Modified on 1/1/2015 11:40:58 AM

Are you not of the position, that LE systematically shots unarmed African American males?

That is what the protestors have been saying, if you are aligned with the protestors. By default this would have to be your position.

bigguy30389 reads

You just want to keep talking out of your ass!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Are you not of the position, that LE systematically shots unarmed African American males?  
 That is what the protestors have been saying, if you are aligned with the protestors. By default this would have to be your position.

-- Modified on 1/1/2015 6:28:14 PM

DA_Flex501 reads

Allows our police to act as recklessly as they do.  Johnny, especially in the case of Crawford and Rice, would rather blame the victims rather than the police.  In his world he, would rather have his police shoot first and ask questions later.  In the case of Crawford and Rice, the police came with guns blazing.  The police nothing to ascertain if there was actually a threat that existed. The police did nothing to secure the areas and approached the victims without giving any opportunity for them to react to commands, even if they were given.  The police simply chose to react; chose not to think or evaluate and as a result, two innocent and unarmed people were killed.  

I've seen many postings here saying people need to respect the police.  I agree, that in today's world, we all need to be educated as to how to interact with police.  However, I think its sad that when Johnny and others, seem to think that the onus is on citizens to protect themselves from police and give the police the pas when the police utilize bad judgment.  We shouldn't have to worry about police shooting children/people with toy guns.  We shouldn't have to worry about cops utilizing excessive force when taking down citizens for minor crimes.  The police are charged with apprehending those who break the law...nothing more. The police are the one that are supposed to be trained to exercise good judgement.  They should be able to determine the level of a threat....they do not.  And most importantly, Johnny thinks the life of a cop is more important than the citizens they police.  I do not, I believe every life is important.

I am thankful that out nation is finally coming to realize that the abuses they are seeing today are not simply one off occurrences, they happen every day.  We need to change the mentality of our police. They are not warriors, they are not on the front lines combating terrorism, they are not paramilitary forces and most importantly we need to change the mentality that it's appropriate to use overwhelming force against citizens.  As the ACLU reported, over 88 percent of the SWAT deployments that happen in this country are to issue search warrants.  Is that the type of policing we want?  I don't

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The facts are according to you, cops systematically shot unarmed black men. Let us forget the left/right arguments just on my comments below. Let us even ignore what we've been told, when we have video conformation.  
 1.) - Tamir Rice, and John Crawford, were both holding what were perceived by police, and citizens to be firearms. Toy/Replica firearms to be exact.  
 1.(a-1). - The Tamir Rice incident was called in by an overzealous citizen(perhaps more than one) reporting that a man was in the park brandishing a firearm, which could be fake? The police take that as a serious incident  
 1.(a-2). - Tamir Rice fit that description, and pulled the replica firearm on LE.  
 1.(b-1). - The John Crawford incident was also reported by a citizen as a man inside of a Walmart, brandishing a firearm. Most likely as a man in possession of an assault style weapon.  
 1.(b-2). - John Crawford fit that description, and had the replica firearm in his possession.  
 Were mistakes made by the police? I would say yes. Were mistakes made by the two young men were killed? I would say yes. What the police will change is up to the departments, the state and federal DOJ, along with private sector LE advisory firms.  
 What the public needs to do especially the citizen who is a grown man, or resembles a grown man is not brandish a firearm, or what resembles a firearm in public. I say this because the citizenry will react by calling LE. LE will operate as if the threat is real, until it is determined the threat is no longer a threat. Citizens need to be trained on LE methods and tactics.  
 2.) - Michael Brown was not armed, and there is no video conformation. Therefore we can only go by what we were told. There was video of what looked to be MB strong arming a convenience store.  
 Mike Brown could have avoided his confrontation by LE. First by not committing a crime, which the police were not actively investigating MB's person at the time of the interaction. Secondly by obeying the law(not jay walking). After committing a crime, that he was not actively being investigated for. This is where MB's actions defy the logical thinking process of someone who recently committed a crime.  
 These actions are evident of the typical immature-I don't care attitude displayed by teenagers. I think the majority of us have been there at some point in our lives, so we can relate to that attitude. Only a dishonest individual can say MB did not chose his own destiny, when he tragically lost his life on that day.

There is absolutely zero opinion in my post. The police are going to operate in correspondence to their training.  

Had the citizens who called 911 not viewed these citizens who were killed, as threats to society the police would not have responded, and exercised their training. Fact not opinion.  

BTW your post is addressing a grab bag of topics. Every incident, and every action is a separate event.

It is not called the world's biggest shooting gallery for nothing

You were raised by a traveling circus.

bigguy30417 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
You were raised by a traveling circus.
-- Modified on 1/1/2015 8:42:17 AM

Two cops conducting a traffic stop in W. VA shot and wounded.    Dead bodies found in the truck!    A man in Oldsmar, FL kills his mother, chops off her head and his brother calls 911.

PS: Australia had a great new year celebration all over the country.

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