Politics and Religion

Numerology: Decoding the Mark of The Beast (666)red_smile
mrnogood 7536 reads

666 is carbon!

Carbon has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 nuetrons
Carbon is life, life is carbon..Is it a coincidence that the power elite would love to see us on a carbon tax system? Or that they wish to control carbon?? We are told as christians we will need to get the mark of the beast to buy or trade goods in end times..

Could this mark of the beast be PAYING for our carbon foot print to participate in the nwo cashless society?

I think to many coincidences are going on here for this theory to merely be brushed off

I dunno this is just food for thought, I'm not going to go to deep into numerology (all though I could)..I just want to get a feel for any interest in biblical numerology. I believe numerology which forms sacred geometry is a key to understanding our world and universe..

Here is a link that explains numerical repitition with biblical versus http://www.baptistboard.com/archive/index.php/t-12195.html

and here is a link that shows you how the power elites use this numerical repition http://www.threeworldwars.com/warnings.htm

Isn't it ironic how most of us are dumbed down to math and numbers and NEVER taught to apply math or numbers to real life situations in our public school systems?

BOTH numerology, and astro-theology pre-date the bible by hundreds and hundreds of years, with numerology being the first symbolism of planets and other heavenly bodies in astro-theology back in 300 BC http://www.suite101.com/course.cfm/19170/seminar

Understanding what some of the biblical, jewish, or islamic numerology means will paint a VERY clear picture, and all 3 religions use the SAME numerology which not only compliment but verfy and validate all 3 of the abrahamic religions..

Sadly, all of the religions have been hi-jacked and actually HIDE sacred knowledge from us in plain site. The most amazing of this sacred knowledge that has been hidden from us is the numerology used in all 3 Abrahamic religions, and their Holy books





Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה‎, gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, like 666 and it's relationship to carbon which is life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_numerology

The Jews didn't create this knowledge, but rather took it from much older civilazations.

The power elite seek to control life and earth via control of carbon, and they'd like to see us worship the earth using this control of life through carbon..

Today climategate 2.0 was released http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2064826/New-leak-hacked-global-warming-scientist-emails-A-smoking-gun-proving-conspiracy--just-hot-air.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

I want to caution ANYONE buying into this new crackpot science of global warming, because if the elite control carbon they control life and we don't want this.. There are REAL reasons our climate is changing that are very verfied and researched by 1,000's of scientists around the world, but none of the real reasons will ever make mainstream because it doesn't fit the agenda of controlling life, by controling carbon..


The 5 pointed star is the representation of the number 5. It also means "mankind".


Turning the 5 point star upside down is the symbol of the goat's head, and the Church of Satan.


It is also the representation of the number 6.

After Dubya was elected, the GOP changed it's logo, and flipped the stars upside down.


3 stars in a row that are upside down sitting on a "beast" or elephant.


Oh, by the way, scientifically, the carbon you're talking about is referred to as carbon-12.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 3:41:24 PM

mrnogood1056 reads

is that carbon 12 breaks down to 6..

Strong numbers can not be broken down. 11 is an example of a number that is solid and unbreakable..

and the power elite LOVE the number 11 because of its numerical strength

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 3:45:23 PM

because without carbon-12, life wouldn't be possible. It is the basic building block of all life. Plus, you have that whole problem with carbon not being a beast.

I've thought this through, and trust me fellow Space Cadet, the GOP is the mark of the beast.


mrnogood1957 reads

I didn't say carbon 6, I said carbon  has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 nuetrons that make up the chemical compound.. It is the ONLY atom with 6 6 6  which is life and is 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, and 6 protons..

That's the 666, it's the actual chemical atom of 6 protons, nuetrons, and electrons..

FWIW, I believe it's not only the republicans but the democrats..The democrats have done more than any other party to control this atom..

BOTH parties are bad

Carbon is life and they want to control it, and you think they should..

We all need something to believe in willy, I guess your gonna buy into their new religion?

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 5:56:22 PM

once you get to the subatomic level (which is what protons, neutrons, and electrons are made of) you have quarks. There are 6 quarks. the up quark, down quark, charm quark, strange quark, top quark, and bottom quark.

There are also 6 Leptons. The electon, electron neutrino, the muon, the muon neutrino, the tau, and tau neutrino.

And there are 6 Bosons. The Photon, the W boson, the Z boson, the Gluon, the Higgs boson, and the Graviton.

6-6-6! Particle physics is the mark of the beast! Since it makes up everything in the universe, then it must mean we're all in hell!!!!

Naaahhh. I still think it's the GOP.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 4:07:34 PM

TrollDetector1012 reads

I mean, shit, wasn't it nice when he took a hiatus?  Are you happy the clown is back?  Brick, please!

...I was just having some fun. Not much else to do on this fucking bus.

TrollDetector1210 reads

the short bus!  I hope you and the troll enjoy the ride!

mrnogood1314 reads

I guess this basic element is wayyyyyyy above your head too...

And I assure you of one thing the reason you can not seem to grasp that carbon is 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons IS ON PURPOSE, not accident

Carbon is fundamental, and the reason you don't know 666 is carbons atomic structure is because the power elite didn't tell you

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 7:52:12 PM

What the elites don't want you to know is that the GOP's elephant is the mark of the beast. Carbon isn't even close to anything beast-like. Elephants are.

Timbow1411 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
What the elites don't want you to know is that the GOP's elephant is the mark of the beast. Carbon isn't even close to anything beast-like. Elephants are.

It's just a nice bit of political cover for Bush wanting to worship the Devil. After all, Dubya is just following in the footsteps of his grandfather.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 10:56:27 PM

Timbow1135 reads

Quote :Aleister Crowley biographer Richard Kaczynski writes:
The Bush story was first posted ages ago as an April Fool’s joke. It was pretty funny at the time, but since then has taken on a life of its own thanks to conspiracy theorists who uncritically accept and repeat it as fact. It has even been repeated in a Crowley documentary that failed to do its homework. But it just ain’t true.


-- Modified on 11/22/2011 8:30:00 PM

mrnogood1381 reads

Yea, no doubt timbow willy ONLY knows theories that have been spoon fed to him like the bunk da vincci code, Darwins theory or The "bush story"..

Notice I never mentioned ANY of the things he speaks of, he brought that into this debate NOT ME..

Carbon is the element of life, and NO ONE can deny the elite seek to control this carbon

Willy is a god damn fool who ONLY knows things they spoon fed him, he ALWAYS detracts, never adds to any of the facts and NONE of what he "thinks" is true about numerology is actually numerology at all..

His dumb ass is off in occult symbols..

Not only do the elites seek to control this VITAL element, they seek to vilanize it..This is akin to vilanizing life its self..

" Carbon forms the backbone of biology for all life on Earth.
Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. It is these elements that living organisms need, among others, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Since no life has been observed that is not carbon-based, it is sometimes assumed in astrobiology that life elsewhere in the universe will also be carbon-based. This assumption is referred to by critics as carbon chauvinism, as it may be possible for life to form that is not based on carbon, even though it has never been observed."



The elites think the mark of the beast is actually LIFE, and this explains their anti-family and anti life agenda..

If the elite get control of carbon THEY WILL CONTROL ALL LIFE ON EARTH..EARTH ONLY SUPPORTS CARBON LIFEFORMS so as long as were earthlings carbon is the backbone to all life and some people like willy are so brainwashed that they think carbon is bad and is detsroying our planet..

When ALL the real science and not that bunk elite science says carbon is the backbone of all life and is needed..The only way carbon can be a problem is if you seek to destroy ALL life

-- Modified on 11/23/2011 6:52:34 AM

mrnogood2261 reads

and the star of david is the carbon atom? Or that the star of david is a REAL carbon star??

Is all this a coincidence? I think not!

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=carbon+star  here is a yahoo search for "carbon star"

and no matter what the da vincci code told willy it actually has 6 sides and is what a carbon atom looks like..

-- Modified on 11/23/2011 7:42:04 AM

First off, the Aleister Crowley story isn't an April Fools joke, it's a scientific fact. DNA samples taken from Crowley's corpse and a cotton swab from the horrid jaws of death Barbara Bush calls her snatch proves it.

Secondly, The Da Vinci Code has nothing to do with the fact that there are 6 quarks, 6 Leptons, and 6 Bosons that compose all matter, regardless of whether it's carbon-12 or not. Carbon ain't a beast. The GOP elephant is. Take heed space cadet!

The reality is that the Da Vicni Code is just a cover to hide the real Illuminati agenda. They're covering for the fact that there's a lost book of the bible that describes Marry Madeline getting a three way by St. Mark, St. Luke and Judas while Jesus was off in the corner beating his salami while the other apostles peed on him. Why do you think the bible speaks so poorly of sodomy? Judas fucked Marry in her no-no hole!

Carbon may be the backbone of all life, but life would not be possible with numerous other elements and chemicals. Water, or instance. Without hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, phospherous, potassium, and others, life could not exist on this planet.

However, we have found one form of life on this planet in Mono Lake, California. Life shouldn't exist here because the lake has high concentrations of arsenic in it. However, the life found here has replaced phospherous with arsenic as an essential structure for it's DNA.


Timbow1404 reads

Did you even read that link above that your story has been proven to be an Aprils Fools joke by the leading biographer of  Alister Crowley :)

Posted By: willywonka4u
First off, the Aleister Crowley story isn't an April Fools joke, it's a scientific fact. DNA samples taken from Crowley's corpse and a cotton swab from the horrid jaws of death Barbara Bush calls her snatch proves it.


1754 reads

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 9:45:43 PM

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 9:48:00 PM

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