Politics and Religion

I’m actually hoping ScumBag wins!
GaGambler 605 reads
1 / 10

According to a Fox News poll it's 50% Doug Jones and Roy Moore 40% and equally as surprising the odds makers have are reversed themselves. A day or so ago Moore was the odds on favorite at 1-6, this morning the odds have flipped with Roy Moore now being a 2-1 underdog.

Can things have changed THAT much in the last 24 hours or so?

I will confess, if I were an Alabama voter, I'd just stay home tomorrow. I could never vote for a lib like Jones, but I could never vote for a POS like Roy Moore either, and that has nothing to do with the current accusations against him, which I have serious reservations about.

Timbow 42 reads
2 / 10
GaGambler 67 reads
3 / 10

and they did so quickly, Moore is back to roughly a 1-2 favorite again, but still not the mortal lock they were predicting at the 1-6 odds he was at a couple of  days ago.

Mr.M.Johnson 26 reads
4 / 10

People will be chasing him all over D.C. asking him about little girls!  I might go to D.C. myself just to watch/listen!
As bad as his predilection for little girls is, it’s his homophobe, Birther, anti-Muslim views etc. that make this guy think/wish it is still 1950


GaGambler 44 reads
5 / 10

but I also have some pretty strong anti Christian views too. How liberals who are anti Christian can be pro Muslim at the same time is beyond me. Everything wrong with the Christian religion is a hundred times worse with the Muslims.

I really don't give a fuck about what you people call his "predilection for little girls" Not a single accusation is any more recent that about forty years ago, he has NEVER been accused of actually having sex with an under aged girl and he has remained married to the much younger woman that he ended up marrying. It was a different time and a different world back then. I might as well go piss on my grand fathers grave as he too married a woman over thirty years younger than himself, he stayed married to her until he died and my grandmother never even looked for another man after he died. So take this ancient history and shove it. Especially since there is so much to dislike him for in the present.

Yes, he is a homophobe, and there are a thousand other things to despise the guy over, unless it was ever proven that he forced himself on a minor, and so far he hasn't even been accused of such a thing, lets just stay in the here and now.

If he is elected, and I still believe he will be, he will be ostracized by just about everyone, (even without a bit of proof) and while it won't be possible to actually remove him from office, "for the good of the party" I am sure he will step down before his first year in office is up.

JakeFromStateFarm 55 reads
6 / 10

He promised an ethics inquiry.  If he weasels on that to keep Moore's vote on the tax bill, I will not be surprised.

GaGambler 50 reads
8 / 10

I doubt they can force Moore legally to relinquish his Senate seat (if he wins of course) but I think they can pressure him into resigning, or at least I think they can. He did thumb his nose at Federal law when he was ordered to take down the Ten Commandments all those years ago. So maybe he will refuse to step down. Al Franken hasn't stepped down either if you hadn't noticed.

JakeFromStateFarm 39 reads
9 / 10

And may also not invite Moore to Rep. Caucus meetings.
As for Franken, I've noted his fuzzy statement on when he'll resign.  I think he's hoping if Moore wins it gives him the standing to say he won't resign.  Personally, I hope at this point he does resign.

The Moose 26 Reviews 43 reads
10 / 10

"If Alabama votes for this Moore guy, they deserve to lose their state hood"....

Doug Jones is a centrist Democrat, much closer to Joe Manchin (whose practically a Republican) than Kamala Harris (D-CA), so if ANY Democrat could win in AL, it would be someone like Doug Jones....

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