Politics and Religion

I'll stick to flame or fry-pan bovine flesh
RRO2610 51 Reviews 632 reads

Diced red, green, yellow and jalepeno peppers and celery, Swiss cheese, and pepper bacon if on hand. And a pint(or more) of red Ale to wash it down.

I was born a "yankee" but I KNOW what good eat'n is.
Posted By: GaGambler
I know both crawfish and pizza are great with beer, but I actually prefer to drink a light red, something like a Pinot Noir or a Beaujolais with my crawfish, nothing pricey because  I make my crawfish extra spicy. I don't just use cayenne pepper, I make a paste of Habanero and Tabasco and put that in my water, it will flat light you up, especially you Yankees. lol

I don't see   logic or success with boycotting someone for expressing their opinion .  
  If people are allowed to support homosexual  marriage without repercussion  , shouldn't others be allowed to express their opinion and vocally oppose it , provided they  don't discriminate or promote violence ?  
 If single women boycotted bachelors not in favor of  marriage , where would damsels  looking for marriage find innocent men  to coerce into changing their mind ?  
  I have never been against two consenting adults marrying the person of their choice , no matter what sex or size , though I have wondered  more than thrice  , why she married that slob or vice versa .  
   I felt no need to boycott  their wedding or refrain from buying a gift , merely because I wouldn't  have married either one of them .  
   As a life long  anti fast food  spokesperson  , I had never been in a Chick-fil-A until 2012 when I saw signs pleading with  strangers to boycott their food .  
 Being an adventurer and a  picket line crossing kind of guy , I was compelled to work my way through the crowds , go  inside , wait  in line until my turn to sample  a chicken sandwich .  
  My opinion of  my first visit , the place was impeccably clean , staff was articulate and cheerful , my chicken sandwich was digestible , unlike  a soy/meat  burger with  soggy brown lettuce .
  I'm not addicted though I have been back to Chick -fil- A  a few times , when on the run and quick  food that wouldn't make my stomach upset  , was my  logical best choice for lunch .

   My point  , boycotts  more often than not ,  help the company  boycott organizers  are trying to hurt .
   Recent headlines lead me to believe the boycott of Chick-fil-A  in 2012 , along with all the  free advertising , put millions of extra dollars in the owners pocket who dared to express his own opinion .
Lets get real , most  people secure in their own skin , can certainly disagree with others opinions and lifestyles without feeling one  iota of hate .  
 Other people waste their time looking  for hate where it doesn't exist .

At least with this example. However, are you implying that people should not organize boycotts, whether they work or do not?

GaGambler638 reads

and they even attempt to do so to their customers as well.

But they do make the only fast food I can think of that's edible, and they also make great commercials.

I will confess, I won't step foot in one of their stores as I believe they do discriminate. There are virtually no "Non Christians" working for them in any capacity above fry cook. To succeed and advance in that company you have to be a "thumper" and I think that's wrong, no to mention illegal, I can't wait until someone sues their ass off. It can't be far off, having lived in Atlanta and knowing many young people of the age where they would be working in type of industry I have heard a lot of stories about how non Christians are discriminated against. They can kiss my heathen ass.

I once worked for a small company, family owned, making wooded pallets. They made it very clear that they were Christians, and I was not, but they never discriminated against me or my friends. They did try to evangelize us, but not in a heavy handed kind of way. This was in a small town where no alcohol or tobacco were allowed to be sold, and all the stores shuttered up on Sundays.

I definitely, think that no company should discriminate, and neither should they evangelized. The U.S. Air Force has been accused of evangelizing.

You have the right to imply whatever you wish with whatever you read any way you care to .
 In my opinion you are usually  way off base while  you tend to read words  that aren't  there , or perhaps  you enjoy asking questions with clear answers already present in posts you don't understand  .  
 My post was about Chick-Fil-A , at least you grasped that much  .

  To answer your question I already answered in my OP , I am not implying people should not organize boycotts , whether they work or not .  
 It's a free country ,  people should have the right to boycott whatever they desire .

   I was implying exactly as I stated in my OP  , I don't see   logic or success with boycotting someone for expressing their opinion .  
  My point once again repeated for you  , boycotts  "more often than not" ,  help the companies   boycott organizers  are trying to hurt .
   If  not for the boycott of Chick-Fil -A in 2012 I doubt I would  know they don't also sell hamburgers .  

For your sake , I sure hope you only enjoy playing dumb for fun and your own personal  amusement .  

 I'll play your game since it's April fools day , are you implying you have examples of successful boycotts in this day and age .
    I heard through the grapevine there is a boycott against soft toilet paper . That's another boycott I won't be joining , will you ?  



Posted By: mattradd
At least with this example. However, are you implying that people should not organize boycotts, whether they work or do not?

Often, people state an opinion about what others should or shouldn't do. And, what is often being said, without saying it, is that the person believes that the others should not be allowed to do it. I was just, respectfully, clarifying if this may be the case, or not. I wasn't not assuming or implying anything.

"My point  , boycotts  more often than not ,  help the company  boycott organizers  are trying to hurt ."

Do you have any numbers to back up your belief?

Personally, I'm usually for boycotts, not because I may agree with the backer's opinion, but because giving people voice and a vote usually reduces the chances of a violent means of expression from occurring, whether it's successful or not. In truth, I have no idea, regarding the numbers, what percent of boycotts are successful or not.  ;)

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 9:12:19 AM

They are the only fast food I will eat because they are efficient through the drive through and they don't mess up my order.  I can also  tell they care about quality products and employees.  I have no complaints and they have proved that you can be successful in the corporate world and do it however suits you.  

The owners beliefs of a literal sense of washing away sins to start over, doesn't affect me.  I love he gives his employee's a day of rest.  I love he fast tracks people into management that want to learn and grow.  

I agree with you, bad press is still advertising and good for business.  I love gays, don't get me wrong.  But they are so easily offended and want it in everybody's face.  Sorry, chick-fila has never put their beliefs in my face, and have more respect for privacy than gays.

Cosette682 reads

As a business owner in another industry myself while partaking in this industry, I wouldn't want someone to stop purchasing my products which I work very hard to source simply because of my personal life and beliefs regarding sex.

What is a disappointment is to hear him be so vocal and vile about it, and associate the company AND the company's money with his stance.

As for the product, it's top notch in that industry, it really is.

GaGambler683 reads

and the latter would not trump the former IMHO except for the fact that he tries to ram his beliefs down the throats of others and uses his power as a CEO of a major company to do so.

Let me be clear once again, this is NOT about his views on gay marriage. I can disagree with him and others about that without detesting the person. This is about the way he forces Christianity down the throats of his employees and the blatant discrimination he shows towards non Christians. I have put up with that sort of thing almost my entire life, I refuse to tolerate it any longer. How he has avoided being sued out of existence is beyond me.

Thank you. More than a few of us are sick and tired of religious totalitarianism. Everybody sees how wrong it is in Islamic countries while failing to condemn religious intolerance among American fundamentalists.

Posted By: GaGambler
and the latter would not trump the former IMHO except for the fact that he tries to ram his beliefs down the throats of others and uses his power as a CEO of a major company to do so.

Let me be clear once again, this is NOT about his views on gay marriage. I can disagree with him and others about that without detesting the person. This is about the way he forces Christianity down the throats of his employees and the blatant discrimination he shows towards non Christians. I have put up with that sort of thing almost my entire life, I refuse to tolerate it any longer. How he has avoided being sued out of existence is beyond me.

I've had a few  ex GF's tell me they believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman .  
  I always disagreed with that point of view , though I never  felt like they were being vile with their own architectural opinion of marriage .
   I did feel  bringing up the word marriage around me was not cool , most definitely not  the right thing to do ,  if she wanted me to continue my interest in her .  
  None  were Church going girls or remotely religious as far as I could tell .  
   A couple of them actually scoffed at religion whenever we drove by a Church letting out , almost as obnoxiously  as  the obsessed DA .  
 I dated a stripper for awhile who recited her thankful blessing prayer before every meal , but she never talked about marriage or religion around me and God knows I never asked .  :-D

  I will often stop in the morning at a country store owned by Muslims and grab a bacon sandwich to go .  
 I couldn't care less the Muslim owner only hires  other Muslims to work for him , and none of them  eat pork because of their  religion .  
  Occasionally  I will stop at the same store on my  way home and grab a few  take home beers..
 I couldn't care less the Muslim clerk doesn't drink alcohol  because of his religion .  
  As long as he sells what I'm  looking to buy ,  his own opinion and religion is fine by me .  

 If I am boarding a plane and I see only Muslim or drunk pilots I'm getting off and booking  
another flight .
 Some would claim  that's vile and judgmental of me , I call it one more stepping stone  in my suicide
  prevention mentality .

Posted By: Cosette
As a business owner in another industry myself while partaking in this industry, I wouldn't want someone to stop purchasing my products which I work very hard to source simply because of my personal life and beliefs regarding sex.  
 What is a disappointment is to hear him be so vocal and vile about it, and associate the company AND the company's money with his stance.  
 As for the product, it's top notch in that industry, it really is.

GaGambler594 reads

but when you become a major employer and discriminate against people/employees who don't share your religious beliefs, yes I do have a problem with that, not to mention it's illegal. Not that legality is the determining factor for me to make my opinions, like prostitution for an example.

Actually I can live with Muslim pilots, but not drunk AND Muslim, I too have a suicide prevention mentality, but considering they are well over a billion Muslims it's very likely that you have flown with a Muslim pilot at the helm without ever having known.

Most of the time I've  boarded a plane the pilots were  standing there to greet me ,  usually  because a  famous guy with a different name has an uncanny resemblance to me .
  I believe you are as confused about Chick -Fil- A  hiring practices being discriminatory ,  as pilots who have asked  for my autograph .    
  It's legal  to demand /require  franchise owners to follow completely different guidelines and interrogations that would be completely illegal and discriminatory when hiring  employees .

Posted By: GaGambler
but when you become a major employer and discriminate against people/employees who don't share your religious beliefs, yes I do have a problem with that, not to mention it's illegal. Not that legality is the determining factor for me to make my opinions, like prostitution for an example.

Actually I can live with Muslim pilots, but not drunk AND Muslim, I too have a suicide prevention mentality, but considering they are well over a billion Muslims it's very likely that you have flown with a Muslim pilot at the helm without ever having known.

GaGambler819 reads

Chick Fil A should have been sued out of existence years ago. I have spoken with several people who have experienced the discrimination practiced by those religious pukes first hand.

I hate to say this quad, but you are the one confused by their hiring practices, I am not talking about their "public" hiring practices which have been spun to in a hope of keeping them out of court. I am talking about the practices that they actually employ. which are highly discriminatory and quite illegal.

I'm not defending Chick-fil-A , I don't like their  food  enough to care .  
  The few times I've been there I heard no  preaching or praying  , though  I  don't live in the Bible belt .  
   I'm wondering if what you were  " told " actually happens on a large scale  why hasn't  Chick-fil-A already paid out millions in discriminatory lawsuits  .
 Is their vetting process with prospective employee  interviews so  much more intense than other companies , they are able to avoid discrimination lawsuits ?  
   From the little I could find online they settled one time with a Muslim who said he was discriminated against because of his religion and a few gender discrimination cases , one a manager , a woman , her moron boss replaced her with a man after she had a baby , told her she should stay home and watch the kids .  
  With as many locations as they have and the overabundance of attorneys in America , their sue ratio is  
  incredibly low . I found twelve cases of discrimination since 1988 , some dropped , a couple settled  
under the table , no judgements worth speaking of .
  I did find an interesting article  on the boycott from a lesbian Chick-fil-A employee point of view .
 Who knows if it's  fact or fiction  , like many "credible"  sources  the author was anonymous .  
   I'm tempted to buy a hidden mike and camera , apply at Chick-fil-A , act like I'm born again , in six months change to a polite Wiccan ,  hope for a firing and big pay day .  
 On second thought I better change to Muslim , Wiccans are like Rodney Dangerfield , they get  
  no respect .  
 If I waste my time I won't blame you , I'll blame myself for being foolish enough to believe  something someone   else    " told " you .    

Posted By: GaGambler
Chick Fil A should have been sued out of existence years ago. I have spoken with several people who have experienced the discrimination practiced by those religious pukes first hand.

I hate to say this quad, but you are the one confused by their hiring practices, I am not talking about their "public" hiring practices which have been spun to in a hope of keeping them out of court. I am talking about the practices that they actually employ. which are highly discriminatory and quite illegal.

GaGambler778 reads

I think that Chick Fil A is being a lot more careful about this type of thing as they move out of the Bible Belt. You can get away with this type of thing a lot longer in Georgia than somewhere like LA or NYC, but I've heard from enough young people when living in Atlanta to be pretty sure it's true.

...but in full agreement with the below statement

Posted By: quadseasonal
unlike  a soy/meat  burger with  soggy brown lettuce .  
I used to be a Carl's Jr (Hardee's in the So East) most regular customer. And as fast food burgers go I still consider them the best. But since I started buying fresh frozen pre formed 1/4lb, 85% lean burger meat from the "butcher" section of my market, dicing up my own veggies and using my particular choice of cheese(and sometimes thick sliced bacon) and doing it all up in a frying pan at home I've lost my taste for "fast food". And further down the alimentary from "taste" far better 'digestion' is also enjoyed.

I won’t say corporate fast food is intentionally “drugging” us with behavioral modifiers as some conspiracy theories might want you to believe; But whatever the fillers they are using are they're mildly addictive; but only remain ‘habit’ forming as long as you let them. And once weaned off them you honestly wonder how you once ate so much of that shit.

GaGambler836 reads

That is if you don't count pizza. lol

and even then it is almost always someone else's idea to do so and not mine. I bet it's been at least a decade since I have eaten at McDonald's and I guarantee you it will be at least that long before I do it again.

Don't get me wrong, I actually like hamburgers, chicken sandwiches and the like, but not the fake food and "extruded" garbage that they pass off as chicken or beef at most fast food restaurants. I have to give credit where it is due, Chick fil A makes a "real" chicken sandwich, but the thought of putting a single penny into that fucktards pockets just galls me and I refuse to do so on principle.

Let me make this clear though, it's not his stance on gay marriage that I so strongly object to, although I do disagree with him on that too. It is his policy of cramming his religion down the throats of others that galls me. It's mainly done to his employees, but if he had his way we would all be FORCED to believe as he does, and he can kiss my fucking heathen, non believing ass

Posted By: GaGambler
cramming his religion down the throats of others that galls me. It's mainly done to his employees, but if he had his way we would all be FORCED to believe as he does, and he can kiss my fucking heathen, non believing ass
  Agreed! If I want too get some spiritualizing in I'll go to church; I sure don't want it from an employer or a retail enterprise I'm patronizing. What if we were to preach Polyamory to employees in the workplace, or customers? I think mainstream America would take great umbrage.  

  I don't eat McNuggets, or McDonalds popular 'McRib' (100% broiled pork fat....gross), and as said I have lost most of my taste for any sort of fast food. Fried chicken only on rare occasion. Chicken looks like a big gelatinous booger when raw so I don't much like cooking it at home. Sympathy keeps me from ever cooking lobster; who's 'meat' also looks beyond disgusting when raw

GaGambler665 reads

I was dating a Thai provider for quite some time and she always called me "cruel" for all the crawfish I murdered, but it never stopped from eating them. lol

and I may take a page from your book, the very next time a "thumper" comes knocking on my door, I am going to invite him in and switch the conversation to the many benefits of a poly amorous lifestyle. and I won't let him/her out the door no matter how hard they try, until they hear me out completely, no matter how long that takes. Sounds like fun no that you mention it.

For my taste, they're even better cooked at a campsite along the river, with along with the freshly caught catfish, and with plenty of beer to drink!

GaGambler725 reads

I know both crawfish and pizza are great with beer, but I actually prefer to drink a light red, something like a Pinot Noir or a Beaujolais with my crawfish, nothing pricey because  I make my crawfish extra spicy. I don't just use cayenne pepper, I make a paste of Habanero and Tabasco and put that in my water, it will flat light you up, especially you Yankees. lol

Diced red, green, yellow and jalepeno peppers and celery, Swiss cheese, and pepper bacon if on hand. And a pint(or more) of red Ale to wash it down.

I was born a "yankee" but I KNOW what good eat'n is.

Posted By: GaGambler
I know both crawfish and pizza are great with beer, but I actually prefer to drink a light red, something like a Pinot Noir or a Beaujolais with my crawfish, nothing pricey because  I make my crawfish extra spicy. I don't just use cayenne pepper, I make a paste of Habanero and Tabasco and put that in my water, it will flat light you up, especially you Yankees. lol

I'm not much in to chiles, like my wasabi.

One things I've learned when eating chiles and wasabi, is to chew and swallow before inhaling! Not doing so, gives one a glimpse of what it's like to be mustard-gassed or maced.

But in the case of Chicky Chicky Fillet(lol), I made some great money on that boycott. People, and businesses, have the right to take a stance against(or for) any issue they choose. The consumer has a right to stay the hell out of that business. Also, a person has every right NOT to be employed bye whom they wish. Sheesh, grow the hell up already with this shit about forcing personal beliefs on others. Do I crash KKK meetings and insist they integrate lol

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