Politics and Religion

If You Think You're Going to Get a Defererment Free Dratt...
David Ben Gurion 1862 reads

.... you're living in a dream world.  Do you really think the rich & powerful are going to pass a draft bill w/o making damn sure their progenies won't be subject to it?  After all, these are the same folks who benefited from them 40 years ago.

Fighting is a community duty that cannot be compensated by tax rates, or anything.

No fucking exemptions.   You have a mental deficiency or "illness", you can shovel shit.  You have a religious problem, you can be a corpsman.  You want to go to grad school, you can do it when the war's over.  You have handicapped dependents, life is tough all over.  You have other priorities, fuck you.

As a nation, we need to learn to put up, or shut up.   Well, most of us do.

harryj1947 reads

Anyone in your vicinity undoubtedly feels a significant draft when you flap your jaws.

Conundrumite1740 reads

Such a “draft” would undermine the current machinations of the elitist powers that be by conspicuously spotlighting their further machinations to protect their progenies from serving.  

As devoted to imperialistic corporate despotism as they are; I doubt rich Republicans (or Democrats) want their bloody, regional “stabilizations” fought by their immediate heirs.

-- Modified on 8/9/2007 8:26:17 AM

When I was 18 years old and went to register for the draft, I was living on a kibbutz in Israel at the time, and was in the middle of a year long work study program that included a stint in an Israeli boot camp with the Gadna.

Administered by the IDF and located on an actual army base, Gadna is a basic training style program for high school teens from abroad. Think of the ROTC and you get a general idea. Of course the biggest difference was the ROTC teaches you to salute, obey orders, and bounce a quarter off your well-made bed. In the Gadna in 1970, you're field stripping and re-assembling an Uzi blindfolded by the end of the first day and the bullets are real. Everyone had a sense of duty and honor, and felt priviledged to be there.

Contrast this with the American draft... if you wanted to serve, you would enlist. So the draft is nothing more than bald-faced conscription, and who always gets conscripted? That's right, the poor, the minority, and the un-connected who can't get deferments. The cynicism of todays policial leadership has done little if anything to encourage service on the part of our youth, spoiled, self-obsessed, selfish beyond measure and concerned only with their own microverse. No wonder they have to reprogram your mindset in boot camp.

The biggest problem I see, is there is no longer any real sense of pride and honor associated with being in the US military. Thanks to George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the ChickenHawks. There was pride in the idea of defending your country, fighting for your country and for the ideals you believe in.

But now in today's environment, a draft would be disastrous and Canada's borders will be trampled. Maybe even Mexico's.

You know where I'm heading with all this, so why don't you just post your response and let's try to avoid jingoism in our scathing retorts.

entertainment aspect of other people fighting?

(2) You didn't read where I said, "NO DEFERMENTS".  

I agree that the GOP has destroyed a lot of national pride with their incompetence, and scandals.  I and a lot of my friends feel they are wasting the troops we were responsible for, and that pisses us beyond words.  Here are people by & large were the draft-dodgers, pimping the people who trust them.

What's amazing is that these are the people who elect them, because they reflect their hardscrabble view of the world.   Lots of these folks feel that they can't improve their lot, and they don't recognize self-destructive behavior when they do it.

population control.   It's not so much about killing people, as keeping them out of bed, and starving off the kids.

I guess that probably makes Ma Nature a Republican.

A draft would be a put-up-or-shut-up deal.   People would stop thinking of war as entertainment.

David Ben Gurion1863 reads

.... you're living in a dream world.  Do you really think the rich & powerful are going to pass a draft bill w/o making damn sure their progenies won't be subject to it?  After all, these are the same folks who benefited from them 40 years ago.

what we NEED is for people to say, OK, we'll buy into your war if you're going to lead the way.

IOW, how serious are we?

I don't mind killing people or taking my own chances, but it's not something I'm gonna do for entertainment, and especially not something I'm gonna do for somebody else's entertainment.

And I'm too fucken old and seen too much to respond to little boys who've never been there, saying you don't have balls unless you send your son out to get killed in whatever dipshit fight some Republican can gin up for his campaign contributors.

IOW, y'all go first, and I might follow.

world, we are mean. The Army colors the colors are red to the show the world, the blood we shed. The point of the cadence is that we are one team, one fight. One of the problems I see with today's political leaders is that none know about teamwork or how to lead by example. When I hear Sen. Baarck Obama talk about bombing Pakistan, to me it's all talk.

I truly believe if we have a draft (with no exemptions) we produce better leaders. I also think we would get along better. For example, JackO one of the reasons I can put up with you is that I do respect you. You served. I may disgree with you, but I will always fight for your right to disagree with me.

I learned that in the United States Army.

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