Politics and Religion

If the Dems were smart
GaGambler 903 reads

they would organize a campaign for all the dems to cross party lines in the primary and vote for Palin as the Republican nominee. lmao

It would be a way to guarantee reelection for Obama. Fortunately the Dems aren't that smart. lol

Its possible she will become very rich with all the exposure the Media continues to give her..For every hater of Sarah there is a buyer of her book..
Its possible she will become very rich and maybe have a clothing line ,but no chance at Presidency..

Priapus531835 reads

& she's made more money than Palin-----LOL !
According to public opinion polls, Palin has NO cahnce to be POTUS--it's about as likely as Pitching Wedge & Willy Wonka holding hands & singing "Kumbaya"-------Btw, It's "Woman" President-------;)

I agree Priapus, with both of your points (but I don't care about Paris Hilton).

Sarah won't be President but as I have said all along, she can keep the Republicans and Independents that like her on the same page for the next couple of years. She can keep the opposition to President Obama organized and fired up for a more realistic Republican candidate to emerge and mobilize that group of voters.  I have no idea who that more realistic candidate is.  Tim Pawlenty has the looks, brains and personality if he can make a name for himself in the next couple of years.

As far as the Kumbaya scenario you mentioned --- that's about as likely as O'Reilly and Olbermann going on a vacation together.

a shallow thinking, opportunistic, hypocritical, jingoistic, pusillanimous attention whore as the likes of Sarah palin we will be ready and deserving of despotic tyranny.

Priapus53767 reads

Good one ! That pic shows Palin & family looking like something outta the cast of "Deliverance",
just like her "teabagger" supporters.

Facebook, Twitter, or whatever, and screening out the mainstream media can only take her so far. Once she is revealed in the full light, with all her warts and wrinkles, she has no chance. How will she convince the American people she won't quit on them like she quite on the citizens of Alaska?

GaGambler904 reads

they would organize a campaign for all the dems to cross party lines in the primary and vote for Palin as the Republican nominee. lmao

It would be a way to guarantee reelection for Obama. Fortunately the Dems aren't that smart. lol

They've done that in a several open primary states. If I remember right, they did it in California, but I can't remember who they were voting for.

GaGambler844 reads

I don't "think" the Dems are smart enough to do it. They have been smart enough to keep Palin on the front page, so who knows.....

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they got their wish and Palin was not only nominated, but actually won the election??? Nah, just kidding, 1) it just isn't possible 2) it wouldn't be hilarious, it would be a downright sad day for this country. 3) refer back to reason number one. lol

I think she burned enough bridges within the party that it is highly unlikely.

by the McCain camp in 2008. They chose her to be a "maverick" and to put some life into their campaign and then after her tremendous debut at the Convention they hid her like precious jewels.

So what if she would do something embarrassing to the politically correct world??? The only chance McCain had to win was with her getting the independent votes that were still out there.

Now, she is nothing more than a cheerleader for the conservatives.

Governor Palin was a Hail Mary pray by McCain.  They were looking for someone to get the momentum back from Obama.  But they made their choice without fully checking her out.  
They kept her from the press because they knew she would be an embarrassment.

in hiding. They got a huge shot in the arm at the convention and then gave up.  It was a case of too many people on McCain's staff who figured they had no chance to win so they weren't going to put their own futures in jeopardy by being associated with Sarah Palin.  Huge mistake by those staffers.  Sarah may not have been the best candidate, but a lot of people liked her and still do.

Sarah will not have a future in the White House but neither will the chickenshits on McCain's team that threw her under the bus in order to save their own PC asses.

GaGambler648 reads

but he made things even harder on himself by running a horrible campaign. Palin was just one of his many missteps.

Snowman391290 reads

Don't get me wrong, I do not dislike her as many on this board are so vidal towards her.

She DOES have some qualities I like, but she really is not quick enough to be POTUS. She makes a few too many gaffs and slips.

She would have to REALLY sharoen her skills over the next two years to have a real shot.

misterdimes1838 reads

Theres a real good chance she'll be president.  Owebama is a one term president.  So who ever wins the 2012 nomination will win the white house.

EllaFrancon1599 reads

I don't think Palin could make it through the primaries. She's more of a media figure at this point, like Ann Coulter without the law degree.

She seems to be taking more of a media/communications based route lately too, in a way that makes me think she won't run for office but build a solid career in broadcast journalism.  The type of media publicity she has been generating in the past year reminds me more of a reality TV star (or Miss CA Carrie Prejean) than a popular up-and-coming politician (like Obama after 2004).

FormerGovPalin1417 reads

After all, people put up with a complete idiot for eight years. It shows that the people appreicate a POTUS who doesn't know shit about what he was doing, just like me!

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