Politics and Religion

If the Republicans want to lose
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1487 reads

See! People will get behind Romney just to keep Huckabee from winning.
Posted by zinaval, 1/11/2008 6:26:14 PM

That's my bet for the Republicans final choice.

 I am sure I can be wrong however I could make large wager that Huckabee or Romney would lose big time against Obama or Hillary..I think Hillary would be a terrible President but I would have to sit out if Huckabeee was her competition.. I could get drunk and vote for Romney against Hillary though.

  I think Mc Cain would have a fighting chance against any Democrat available especially Hillary and I also think Guliani should visit more states..

In other words I think Huckabee would be just as terrible or more terrible than Hillary and thats rather terrible in my opinion.


I saw a poll this morning with  Hillary and Huckabee as the two front runners Nationally.. Sure I have seen Hillary as one of the front runners but Huckabee..Where in Hell are they polling people??

Ben Dover4557 reads

All those fields of "amber waves of grain" in the vast expance called "fly-over land"... You know, where two-parent hetrosexual homes are built. Where all those thousands of anti-abortion bill-boards are posted along the highways[and payed for by donations from local contribuors who are passionate enough about their Christian values to pull out their checkbooks] And where the churches outnumber the bars 3:1 in small towns... Them county folk, that's my guess who's being polled for Huckabee...

Hillary... Maybe they poll all the witches as they leave their covens...

-- Modified on 1/11/2008 4:15:16 PM

"All those fields of "amber waves of grain" in the vast expance called "fly-over land"... You know, where two-parent hetrosexual homes are built. Where all those thousands of anti-abortion bill-boards are posted along the highways[and payed for by donations from local contribuors who are passionate enough about their Christian values to pull out their checkbooks]"

 I have only flown over the Little houses on the Prairie so I have never seen those billboards..Sounds like a waste of money to me since whether they like it or not abortion will be legal unless we "elect" a absolute dictator that does not allow it..

Ben Dover1757 reads

You should take some time off this summer and road-trip from sea to shining sea, or even better, take a Greyhound across America and take the Amtrak back home, That will give you some solid perspective as to who votes for the Huckabee, and who listens religiously to Lush Rimjob...

I agree with you about the waste of time/space/money/natural-resorces on those billboards... Especially since it's usually the preachers' daughters that are sneaking into the "big-city" to a Planned-Parenthood to get the fetus sucked out of them... I agree we won't see much change in abortion-law in this country reguardless of who wins the president, probably just some meaningless tweaking of regulations...

We only have Purple states..Even the State with the largest pecentage of a political party is a Purple Utah with 71%  Republicans .. California has a little over 10% more Democrats than Republicans..But with all the Republicans migrating out of California you might have a true blue state in another twenty years..

Ben Dover1278 reads

Not many people realize that the mass-populous of MN sits to the left of Berkley on most issues... (being a fly-over state and all)

We're so leftish here that even when we send a republican senator to washington, he ends up voting to the left of most of his democrat peers...(Norm Colman)

Reguardless of who's the dem-nominee, they can count on our couple of electoral-votes...

Sure Minnesota has gone for the democrat the last seven elections and Mondale beat Reagan in exactly one state Minnesota otherwise Reagan would have been unaminous but that is a state  where Mondale was a previous Senator.. In 2000 Gore beat Bush by 3% in Minnesota  .Doesn't sound true blue to me..Yes it does sound like a Democrat state but not by enough to get blue out of red and blue.
Don't forget  Republican Norm Coleman's 2002 win  over the Younger version of  Mondale ..hopefully some of those Republicans moving out of Caleefornea will stay in Minnesota.

See! People will get behind Romney just to keep Huckabee from winning.
Posted by zinaval, 1/11/2008 6:26:14 PM

That's my bet for the Republicans final choice.

 I am sure I can be wrong however I could make large wager that Huckabee or Romney would lose big time against Obama or Hillary..I think Hillary would be a terrible President but I would have to sit out if Huckabeee was her competition.. I could get drunk and vote for Romney against Hillary though.

  I think Mc Cain would have a fighting chance against any Democrat available especially Hillary and I also think Guliani should visit more states..

In other words I think Huckabee would be just as terrible or more terrible than Hillary and thats rather terrible in my opinion.


Ben Dover1857 reads

A vote for Huckabee makes the statement that it is better lose but stand by your principles than to push principle aside in order to win-at-all-cost as we did with Bush... And look at the curse that befell us as a nation since...

I agree though, Huckabee is a GUARANTEED lose...

GaGambler1616 reads

I see Huckabee winning in a landslide. lol

Heaven,(or diety of your choice) help us.

Look I would vote for McCain over Rev. Huck every day and twice on Sundays.  However, Sen. McCain is on the wrong side of the two largest issues.  First is immigration reform which I happen to agree with him about.  However, I think most pols would be surprised at the depth of passion most anti reformers feel about this issue.  My mom is a frothing at the mouth liberal and she said she'll vote for any Repub over a Dem who is on the right side of that issue.  And she has never, ever voted GOP.  
McCain's stance on Iraq, while honest and noble and all that other bullshit, is dead fucking wrong.  Even the most conservative of my clients have admitted the folly of our policy there.  There is no winning, only deciding whose exit strategy is least loathsome.

McCain Is More Unelectable Than Huckabee...
Posted by Not4lng, 1/12/2008 6:11:13 PM
Look I would vote for McCain over Rev. Huck every day and twice on Sundays.  However, Sen. McCain is on the wrong side of the two largest issues.  First is immigration reform which I happen to agree with him about.  However, I think most pols would be surprised at the depth of passion most anti reformers feel about this issue.  My mom is a frothing at the mouth liberal and she said she'll vote for any Repub over a Dem who is on the right side of that issue.  And she has never, ever voted GOP.  

 .From what I have seen it seems somehwere close to 50/50 across party lines against illegal immigrants..The immigration issue is bound to cause some confusion to voters however it will probably even out unless hillary gets the nom..She will be able to play both sides and her supporters won't even notice..

Timbow1538 reads

McCain will be the Rep nominee if he wins Michigan .I think he will and Gomer will lose SC if McCain wins Michigan .
We have more  vets in SC per captia then any state in the country .
Gomer will fade quick if he loses SC .

GaGambler1899 reads

OTOH he could never win the general election. There is not a single Dem that would cross party lines to vote for him.

McCain does have a certain crossover appeal, if he can win the nomination he could persuade some dems to give him the nod over the inexperienced Oboama or the evil witch Hillary. I'm not saying he "would" win, I'm just saying, he "could" win.

I'm not a big McCain fan, but I could hod my nose and vote for him. Huckabee, I couldn't vote for him at gunpoint>

I was talking with a cracker friend of mine  yesterday who is a big Obama fan and he has always ignorantly voted Democrat and I am talking of Jimmy carter also..He told me  he would vote for Mc Cain over Hillary .....
  Guliani would be my choice ...Abortion isn't on my to do list and I know its a no win situation... Guliani might be tough on guns but the Supreme Court is going to make a big decision on gun rights with the D.C case..
 Huckabee is the only Republican candidate that would cause me to sit out ..I would not vote for Huckabee against Hillary and I am not thrilled with Romney at all.. If it comes down to Hillary and Huckabee it will be a catastrophe for this country.Especially with the landslide she would get and "The people have spoken" speech would lead us straight to socialism.

Timbow1564 reads

Yep Hillary would kill Gomer .McCain could beat both her and Obama.

Timbow1949 reads

Yep Hillary would kill Gomer .McCain could beat both her and Obama.

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