Politics and Religion

I'd change that to...
mattradd 40 Reviews 69 reads

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they list with the intent to pull the trigger. Not in the literal sense usually, but in the figurative sense, in that they are just looking for a target to unload on! Anyone who does not agree with them will do! ;)

followme581 reads

cuming in your pants telling us how fucked up you thought the Republican convention was, well the democrat convention has the potential of being the biggest cluster-fuck ever.

all the planned demonstrations should be entertaining  and all you lefty's need to take a deep breath and enjoy the fart fest.

I am sure someone in there right mind will not allow that to happen.

That would truly be a fucking circus.

brooks580 reads

Michael Brown's mom is leading the "pants-up, don't loot" session of the convention and giving the keynote on Wednesday

and the Dallas cop-killer BLM members parent are giving the invocation

seriously, not a single fallen cops family member will be there

liberalism is the ideology of oppression, hate and violence - and they have taken over a once proud democrat party

fucking despicable assholes

it's us vs. them now, get used to it

it ain't gonna get better

bigguy3063 reads

Posted By: brooks5
Michael Brown's mom is leading the "pants-up, don't loot" session of the convention and giving the keynote on Wednesday  
 and the Dallas cop-killer BLM members parent are giving the invocation  
 seriously, not a single fallen cops family member will be there  
 liberalism is the ideology of oppression, hate and violence - and they have taken over a once proud democrat party  
 fucking despicable assholes  
 it's us vs. them now, get used to it  
 it ain't gonna get better

brooks575 reads

precisely HOW this is racis'?  you fucking can't cuz it ain't

is it cuz the thug criminals who were so stupid the beat on someone carrying a gun and brought fists to a gunfight and got their dumbasses capped and made room temperature, were BLACK

sheeeet, I didn't choose their skin color!

I didn't raise them to be thugs

it ain't my fault that BLM is based on lies and the dems now hate cops

I eagerly await the explanation that we ALL know won't be forthcoming

brooks551 reads

cuz he can't

it won't stop him from saying the same shit again

over, and over, and over . . . . . .

JanetRenosBeard62 reads

Also asshole. You wear those names well, FG.

bigguy3089 reads

You should look in the mirror at yourself.
It's no wonder you defend and support Trump a real thug running for President.
Also the circus happened this past last week in Cleveland!

Posted By: JackDunphy
I am sure someone in there right mind will not allow that to happen.  
 That would truly be a fucking circus.

brooks593 reads

sounds like it

daddy used to say that an insult from a fool is a compliment

I, for one, welcome BFRG's compliments

-- Modified on 7/23/2016 1:06:41 PM

bigguy3080 reads

Posted By: brooks5
sounds like it  
 daddy used to say that an insult from a fool is a compliment  
 I, for one, welcome BFRG's compliments

-- Modified on 7/23/2016 1:06:41 PM

brooks562 reads

cuz BFRG knows a thing or two about being racis'

he be one ;)

bigguy3075 reads

I already made my stance very clear clown.

Posted By: brooks5
cuz BFRG knows a thing or two about being racis'  
 he be one ;)

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they list with the intent to pull the trigger. Not in the literal sense usually, but in the figurative sense, in that they are just looking for a target to unload on! Anyone who does not agree with them will do! ;)

brooks560 reads

from ALL of you libs,  I haven't heard a new thought in decade from you fools

I hear what he says, I listen and decide that it's bullshit

and it's the same old bullshit

I also previously posted this picture. As relevant as ever---------- ;)

Posted By: followme
cuming in your pants telling us how fucked up you thought the Republican convention was, well the democrat convention has the potential of being the biggest cluster-fuck ever.  
 all the planned demonstrations should be entertaining  and all you lefty's need to take a deep breath and enjoy the fart fest.  
-- Modified on 7/23/2016 10:10:51 AM

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