Politics and Religion

I would say that Willy's statement, which I have copied below, is a bot of an overreaction . . . .
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 6866 reads
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Today the protesters offered to come to the table, and offered to give the Governor full concessions for lower wages, less health care, and a smaller pension, but that he must take the right to collectively bargain off the table. The governor's response was to reject the offer.

Furthermore, the previous governor raised taxes, created a budget surplus, and lowered unemployment. Governor Walker was given a budget surplus, then pushed through 3 tax cuts, and then whined about budget deficits.

This isn't about a budget deficit. It's about destroying the standard of living of the American middle class in order to ensure what Karl Rove called a "permenant Republican majority".

HuckFan 1047 reads
3 / 32

"This isn't about a budget deficit. It's about destroying the standard of living of the American middle class . . . . . "

Putting an end to teachers being able to collectively bargain is a far cry from destroying the American middle class.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1942 reads
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The union workers in the public sector in Winsconsin are ALREADY making 25% less income than they're private sector counterparts.

If you think that the people that keep your safe, risk their LIVES to put out your home when it catches fire, and teaches your kids are free loaders, might I suggest Snow that you MOVE someplace where such services aren't offered.

The Moose 26 Reviews 633 reads
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Only a month or so into office, and Scott Walker is proving to be one awful and corrupt governor....If they can recall Grey Davis, this guy can't be far behind...

His stunt isn't about budgets, its about union busting, plain and simple....

The Moose 26 Reviews 1098 reads
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because they OVERWELMINGLY donate to and vote for Democrats...Is it not enough that you have the Koch Brothers, a conservative SCOTUS who handed you Citizens United gift-wrapped, now you want unions demolished for political reasons only i suspect...

EnquiringMindsWantToKnow 903 reads
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regarding shitty schools is simply because the unions support the Dems.

Snowman39 2025 reads
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What the hell is so difficult about the concept of actually earning what you make!!!

How about this, take the average benefits pakage offered by the fortune 500 companies and give it to government employees. I think that would be fair. That would TRULY reflect that they are willing to pay their fair share.

Guess what, the NEW TERMS the governor wants to give them are STILL MUCH BETTER than the average fortune 500 company had today. And they STILL BITCH AND WHINE!!!

Like I said, F'N Free Loaders!!!

Snowman39 1202 reads
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The REAL MIDDLE CLASS does not get lucrative pensions government employees do...
The REAL MIDDLE CLASS does not get the gold wrapped health care packes government employess do...
The REAL MIDDLE CLASS does not get the type of job security government employees do...
The REAL MIDDLE CLASS does not get all the extra benefits like unglodly # of sick days that government employees do...

This has NOTHING to do with the MIDDLE CLASS. This has to do about UNIONS, one of the STAPLES of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

And in regards to the tax cuts, well, the REAL MIDDLE CLASS is just sick of being over charged.

Shame he can't do a REAGAN and just fire their asses. There are plenty in the REAL MIDDLE CLASS who would like those jobs since OBama seems to be keeping unemployment around 10%...

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1827 reads
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when it is on fire.

Dude, what you want them to do? Pick garbage? One would think Fire Fighters sitting around is good thing because there aren't any fires.

By the don't which Fortune 500 company you work for, or what constitutes your Fortune 500 list.

GaGambler 1250 reads
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They are also fighting tooth and nail to prevent the possibility of being "fired for cause". Lousy teachers, just like lousy workers in any industry should be fired, try telling that to union members.

That's why Willy loves his government job, he is assured of mediocrity, and can post on TER all day at taxpayer expense and have no worries about being fired.

Snowman39 1291 reads
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Firefighters, Polcemen and State Troopers are exempt from Walker's proposals... (see linked article)

The only reason you may see a Fierfighter in the protest is because he wants to get in the pants of some hot teacher ( HE HE HE)

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 5:41:33 AM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1642 reads
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do you think the kind hearted running dogs of capitalism are willing to part with one dime of profit to insure that a middle class worker can earn a living wage? Has your partisan zeal blinded you of the ability to see the obvious? This may seem to be a political struggle between the capitalist political parties. In reality it is about class struggle. The democrats are not champions of collective bargaining.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1928 reads
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Sounds like you're arguing for universal health care!  Can you spell irony?

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1274 reads
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If everyone against organized crim...I mean organized labor were in one union, they would be the largest union in the world.  Less than 10% of workers are still unionized, most involuntarily and cannot opt out — if they got rid of that coercion, that would go a long way to employing all of the unemployed, albeit a lot of union jobs are not needed, but some could be refilled with actual workers.  Of course the union does not care about the unemployed.  They just care about the members of their little club.  Its fun to watch it shrink though.  Go team, go!

Snowman39 1863 reads
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the right amount of medicine is good, too much of it can kill you....

The Unions are O.D.'ing

Snowman39 1791 reads
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Equally shitty benefits for everyone, the L8iberal way!!!


-- Modified on 2/20/2011 7:38:57 AM

Snowman39 1359 reads
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And so do MOST people in his State, that is why he won. Tired of overpaying for underqualifed people.

If they had any faith in their own abilities, they wouldn't have to walk a picket line!!

Snowman39 994 reads
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people are trying their best to get their kids in private school.

Let me clue you in, I use to teach at the college level as an adjunct professor for a few years before I started traveling for a living. It isn't that hard!!!

Why do people keep acting like teachers are some type of martyrs!! It's a job, they get paid!! Some are really good, some really suck. No suprises there!!!

BTW, the reason they make what they make is because most of them are not really skilled enough to be competitive in the private sector or do not have enough self-confidence to leave the womb of government employment. Either way, that's their problem, not mine...

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 9:52:59 AM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1661 reads
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Snowman39 2852 reads
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I just don't care to be forced to overpay with my tax dollars!!!!

When its the goverment writing the checks, everybody just thinks its free money.

BULLSHIT!! It's tax payer money. Governemt Unions are not the onyl problem, but they are a great place to start!! Show me pet projects for the Rs and I would want the killed as well!! If we were giving money to the NRA, I would want that nixed!!

Snowman39 1541 reads
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My whole point during this debate has been that goverment union workers are NOT the REAL middle class everyone trys to portray them as (suggest you re-read this thread)

They are killing the REAL middle class by driving taxes higher and higher to fund over coddled government employees with fat pensions and gold wrapped health care programs.

Try to Keep Up!!

charlie445 3 Reviews 1297 reads
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Collective bargaining is a tool used by all unions correct? You were talking about unions weren't you? Is it ok to have private sector unions and not public sector unions? Or perhaps only part of the middle class needs the power that unions provide? Oh I see! This your attempt at articulating a divide and conquer tactic. Good job Snow!

SteveO5711 2229 reads
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You see Fire Fighters, Police and State Troopers is because the know an attack like this on one union is an attack on all unions

Posted By: Snowman39
Firefighters, Polcemen and State Troopers are exempt from Walker's proposals... (see linked article)

The only reason you may see a Fierfighter in the protest is because he wants to get in the pants of some hot teacher ( HE HE HE)

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 5:41:33 AM

SteveO5711 1959 reads
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This is a post from anther thread on the same topic:

What are bargaining rights as applied to a union?
Bargaining rights are the ability of a group of American Citizens to speak with one voice to get what they want.
Can they get what they want?  Depends on the situation.

So Phil, here's a question, at what point in time is it acceptable for any part of the United States Government to set limits on the ability of citizens to group up and speak with one voice?
Regardless of the size of the group, or what they are after there is only one answer....


At NO point can any part of the US government at any level DICTATE, HAMPER, OR RESTRICT the ability of Americans to group up and speak.


I don't care if the group is Tea Party or Union...  or a group of people that want to set up a US monarchy or make a law that we all have to wear pink on Tuesdays.

If the Governor can't work with them, then he can fire every last one of them and try to build from scratch.
How ever there will probably be an other Union in a few years.

Timbow 1324 reads
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Posted By: charlie445
Collective bargaining is a tool used by all unions correct? You were talking about unions weren't you? Is it ok to have private sector unions and not public sector unions? Or perhaps only part of the middle class needs the power that unions provide? Oh I see! This your attempt at articulating a divide and conquer tactic. Good job Snow!  

Employees of federal government cannot bargain over wages and benefits so why should state employees have that ability .
Except the Post Office but it cannot strike.
Quote :
The 1970 Postal Reorganization Act authorized collective bargaining on wages and working conditions under laws applying to the private sector and provided for binding arbitration if an impasse persists 180 days after the start of bargaining. The ability of many postal employees to bargain over their pay rates is a right that is not enjoyed by other federal employees, although postal workers, like other federal employees, are still barred from striking.


-- Modified on 2/21/2011 12:10:29 AM

GaGambler 1001 reads
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and we know that unions to a commie are like Jesus to a Christian. lol

charlie445 3 Reviews 1812 reads
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The capitalist class will not willingly forgo profits in order to provide workers with a living wage. Unions theoretically give the working class control of labor markets.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1615 reads
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You mean they don't get to choose?  Not everybody in the labor force wants to be part of a union.  They do have that right.  Even in Russia.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1373 reads
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Fuck freedom of choice! Either you are a scab turd sucking back stabbing spy for the capitalist's lackeys or you join the union. Its really quite simple.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1431 reads
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