Politics and Religion

I thought this was an interesting read............
GaGambler3099 reads

Either positive or negative, did any candidate change your mind about either his (her) chances, or abilities to be POTUS.

Personally I finally got to see a bit more of Dr Carson and unfortunately I have mixed emotions. First off, I think the guy actually "gets it" and he impressed me with a couple of his answers, but his problem is that IMO the way he speaks is not "presidential" and I don't see him ever getting elected. It's a fact that to get elected you have to be a powerful public speaker and I don't get that from him, I think it will keep him from getting serious consideration, but I do hold some faint hope that I am wrong.

I wanted to like Scott Walker, mainly because of the way he beat the unions and survived his recall election, but after hearing a bit more from him he looks like this election cycles version on Rick Santorum and that he is more concerned about social conservatism and thumping his bible than fixing anything in this country that really needs fixing.

Jeb was a bit disappointing, but it's not necessary for him to hit it out of the park every time he gets on a stage, He didn't help himself, but I don't think he hurt himself either.

Carly Fiorina did well, but to hear the pundits tell it  she is a Ronald Reagan, Abe Lincoln, and George Washington all rolled into one. Yes, I think she did a good job, but nowhere near as good as Fox News seems to want us to think she did.

I already thought of Rand Paul as a nut job, and he did nothing to change my mind, nor did the likes of Christie, Jindal, Graham or any of the other also rans.  Perry didn't look AS stupid as four years ago, but he still looked "Palin stupid" IMO

and then there was Kasich, I am still on the fence about him, but the more I hear from and about him, the more I find myself liking him, the exact opposite of how I feel about most of the rest of the candidates.

I haven't forgotten Trump, but what's left to say about him? The only thing that has changed is that the more the "mainstream" attacks him, the more I want him to stick around. Don't confuse that with me wanting him to win, it's just anyone who can piss off the establishment as much as he does, I don't want leaving the race anytime time soon.

nuguy46694 reads

Liked Carly. Good speaker. gets her point made quickly. like her taking on Hillary.

Rubio is good. speaks well. Impressive. And while I don't agree with everything, I like what he says overall. like his positive outlook. will work with Congress it appears.

Cruz is excellent debater. Passionate to a fault on some topics tho.  

Carson has lots of good views and speaks them well. not necessarily in the 'political' speak manner.  

Bush is ok.  but did not overwhelm.

Kasich and Walker seemed good. views are acceptable. again,, do not agree with everything, but then nothing is so extreme that cannot support them.

As has been said, repubs have many good candidates, Dems cannot find even one

GaGambler732 reads

If the Dems picked Webb, a LOT of Republicans would cross over depending of course who was the GOP nominee. I am not a Republican, but most people consider me a "righty" and I would vote for Webb in a heartbeat.

Webb has as much chance as Bernie - and either is a better choice imho than Hillary.

Neither has a chance however, in the current climate of How Things Are Done.

Just follow the money... and a note to Marikod... even dark money has a trail to follow if you know where and how to look

we're not even down to the 'sweet sixteen' level. Get back to me when we're down to the 'final four.'  ;)

is actually doing this entire circus showcase not to actually make a run for the White House, but to expose just how shallow, superficial, and utterly stage managed election campaigns have become? As the reason behind his next great Reality Show ---- Pusillanimous Politicians in the 21st Century.

Is it not true that part of the discussions have been about how all the other candidates seem to be acting out a pre-scripted scenario, while Trump shoots from the Hip?

Say what you will, but in the end, it may turn out Trump is doing what noone else has succeeded in doing... effecting a dialog on just how ridiculous the current process has become and forcing a change in how they do business?

All of us here, whether left, right, independent, and even Planet Stupid have all bemoaned at one time or another the utterly idiotic actions of our elected (or in some cases SELECTED) leaders. But until Trump announced his candidacy and began running amok like a raging bull in a GOP china shop, nobody with any gravitas was actually talking about it.  

Now with the GOP mainstream crapping their pant(ie)s at the continued and growing popularity of America's favorite hairdo, now they want to start amending the rules.

And just think, this is just the opening act in the sideshow tent.  

I'm stocking up on popcorn and whatever other refreshments are put on the table before a Big Game.  

I wouldn't vote for any of them... Fiorina does seem to be the GOP best hope for a viable female candidate... all the more depressing considering her less than stellar track record thus far. But at least she doesn't "Pale-in" comparison to the Tea Party Planet Stupid contingent.

What the GOP needs, is a good strong enema followed by a high colonic. What the DEMS need, is not HILLARY Clinton, but BILL. There, I said it. What we deserve however, is better than we are being offered. By anyone.

followme621 reads

Is for the attention!

trump is nothing but a self-centered, self-absorbed, egotistical braggart.
He needs to be in the spot light, and has the money to put and keep himself there.

And this political stuff is  a new way to throw himself into the spot light.

Thank you  
2015 = 2

Posted By: followme
 Is for the attention!  
 trump is nothing but a self-centered, self-absorbed, egotistical braggart.  
 He needs to be in the spot light, and has the money to put and keep himself there.  
 And this political stuff is  a new way to throw himself into the spot light.  


That may very well be the case, but it doesn't take away from the simple fact that intentionally or otherwise, Trump is causing a great deal of consternation among the mainstream politicians in this country. They don't know how to deal with someone who is by all accounts, well "outside the box".

Trump as President is not gonna happen, but (with apologies to the great Reggie Jackson) Trump IS "the straw that stirs the drink" this campaign season.

2015 = The Opening Act

followme718 reads

Additionally, little don boy is a sissy as cry baby little twat.
He says something, someone calls him out on it and he fucking whines, cries, throws a temper tantrum and says everyone is being unfair.  He can dish it out but cannot take it.

The way to deal with him is to ignore him, don't put him on TV, no radio, no news paper articles. I do not think that will happen but that is what needs to be done.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Posted By: followme
 Is for the attention!  
  trump is nothing but a self-centered, self-absorbed, egotistical braggart.  
  He needs to be in the spot light, and has the money to put and keep himself there.  
  And this political stuff is  a new way to throw himself into the spot light.  
 That may very well be the case, but it doesn't take away from the simple fact that intentionally or otherwise, Trump is causing a great deal of consternation among the mainstream politicians in this country. They don't know how to deal with someone who is by all accounts, well "outside the box".  
 Trump as President is not gonna happen, but (with apologies to the great Reggie Jackson) Trump IS "the straw that stirs the drink" this campaign season.  
 2015 = The Opening Act

Wow, I find her, and her track record incredibly impressive Doc.

A woman, who started out as a secretary, breaking down the glass ceiling to lead HP.

Seems like the ultimate underdog, American success story to me.

I would LOVE to see her as VP, especially running against Hills

Posted By: JackDunphy
Wow, I find her, and her track record incredibly impressive Doc.  
 A woman, who started out as a secretary, breaking down the glass ceiling to lead HP.  
 Seems like the ultimate underdog, American success story to me.  
 I would LOVE to see her as VP, especially running against Hills.  
With that spin, sure she sounds impressive.

But she screwed up with Hewlett Packard:

from the wiki article on Fiorina:

"In 2002, Fiorina undertook the biggest high-tech merger in history at the time, with rival computer company Compaq, which made HP the world's largest personal computer manufacturer. Following HP's gain in market share as a result of the merger,  
                       Fiorina laid off thousands of US employees.  
                        (tell me how this doesn't hurt her potential campaign?)

As of February 9, 2005 HP stock had lost more than half its value, while the overall NASDAQ index had fallen 26 percent owing to turbulence in the tech sector. On that date, the HP board of directors  

forced Fiorina to resign as chief executive officer and chairman.
(again, tell me how this doesn't hurt her potential campaign?)

She won a three-person race for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate from California in 2010, but

 lost the general election to incumbent Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer by double digits.
(and three strikes you're out. She could not win against Barbara Boxer, who made Fiorina her bitch.)

As I said, less than stellar. But to be fair - after Nixon was embarrassed in 1962 (also in California), he did come back to become President... but look how THAT worked out!

Let Fiorina grow some political chops and do something to clear the way for a future run. But today, nope, I don't think so. But being the only viable woman on the GOP's possible ticket, will probably cause many to overlook her weaknesses and could land her the #2 spot for the GOP in the GE. At least she aint no Sarah Palin. That will be Trumps role o_O

And they don't do it for kicks Doc, they do it to protect the business and the other workers.

Many Dems in politics don't have these issues because they just sit on the public dole and don't have to ever worry about meeting payroll every two weeks.

Running a business is a bitch, no pun intended.

Fiorina ran HP during the worst IT recession ever. Remember the dot com bubble burst?  

Try dealing with that and tell me how easy it is.

I am not making the case for her to be president in this cycle but she would be a damn good VP choice.

Compare her to Biden! She's a Mensa member next to that idiot. LO

St. Croix665 reads

Interesting that Doc suggests Carly "grow some political chops" first, then come back at a later time for a future run.  

What is the minimum experience needed to run for President, or any political office for that matter? Obama was a community organizer, an Illinois State Senator for 3 years, and a U.S. Senator for 3 years. At least Obama can fit his resume on one page, which is the preferred length based on what I see on Linkedin. Hiliary, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the U.S., which was plenty of experience to catapult her to the junior Senate of NY.  

I guess to the Left, politics is better suited and reserved for the professional political class, i.e. lawyers, academia, and policy wonks.

...You make her resumé sound like Laura Bush's - First Lady of Texas, First Lady of the U.S.  Is that plenty of experience to catapult Laura to be the junior senator from Texas?

Oh, Laura has one thing on her resumé that Hillary doesn't - she killed a 17 year-old boy in a car accident

St. Croix614 reads

Maybe because she failed the DC Bar Exam! But at least she passed the hillbilly exam in Arkansas.  

You just confirmed my point that politics is reserved for the professional political class of lawyers, academia and policy wonks.  

And what political office did Laura Bush pursue?  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...You make her resumé sound like Laura Bush's - First Lady of Texas, First Lady of the U.S.  Is that plenty of experience to catapult Laura to be the junior senator from Texas?  
 Oh, Laura has one thing on her resumé that Hillary doesn't - she killed a 17 year-old boy in a car accident.  

He is just a very good candidate right now and handles the media quite well.  

Personally, he is my second choice, behind Kasich.

Walker really shot himself in the foot with the exemption for life of the mother re: abortion. I am willing to guess he will "evolve" on this issue in the coming weeks or trot out the all too common "I misspoke" nonsense. Lol

Kasich reinforced my good feeling for him and extended it. He just looks like the real deal. I can't see his fatal flaw as yet but it is still early. His expansion of Medicaid is as close as it comes, for me at least.

Are you on the fence with him because you don't know enough about him yet or for some specific policy position he holds you are uncomfortable with

Posted By: JackDunphy
He is just a very good candidate right now and handles the media quite well.  
 Personally, he is my second choice, behind Kasich.  
 Walker really shot himself in the foot with the exemption for life of the mother re: abortion. I am willing to guess he will "evolve" on this issue in the coming weeks or trot out the all too common "I misspoke" nonsense. Lol  
 Kasich reinforced my good feeling for him and extended it. He just looks like the real deal. I can't see his fatal flaw as yet but it is still early. His expansion of Medicaid is as close as it comes, for me at least.  
 Are you on the fence with him because you don't know enough about him yet or for some specific policy position he holds you are uncomfortable with?  
I see Rubio more as laying the groundwork for a serious run in 2020 or 2024 (depending on who is elected in 2016).
He knows he needs more seasoning... and someone else has already pointed out how he is ALSO a first time Senator with less than ample political "chops".

He has been in politics for over 15 years and U.S. Senator for going on 5 years. Before that, he rose through the FL legislature and held a leadership position winning the Speaker of the House.

To win his senate seat, he had to beat Charlie Crist, someone with many more connections, money and infrastructure. And of course, Rubio's name recognition wasn't close to that of Crist.

He doesn't have all the experience in the world but I think he has enough.  

And what have most recent occupiers of the WH have to show for their efforts? Multiple lost wars, trillions more in debt, entitlements programs going broke, shitty jobs, crony capitalism and stagnate wages. Swell...

I would love to see him onstage with Hills. What a contrast that would be.

GaGambler675 reads

and the fact that Willy Wonka likes him makes me take pause. lol

Actually there is nothing about him that jumps out at me that I don't like. I was a bit concerned about his expansion of Medicare, but I can chalk that up to pragmatism. So no, with him it's a matter of learning more about him. I would hate to support him only to find out he's a bible thumping social conservative like Walker

He seems perfectly "built" for a GE run, and will get nicked up a bit to get the nomination, which is par for the course. His expanding Medicare under Ocare will not play well, for example.

Great track record on fiscal issues otherwise, taxes, debt, growth, etc....seems to be very well respected by Ohio Dems and minorities which is huge in the general.

Gotta keep a lid on that temper to be sure, but I really like his chances.

GaGambler627 reads

All he has to do is say that he had to put the interests of his constituents first over ideology and that standing firm "on principle" would have cost his state billions. At least he didn't take photo ops sucking Obamas dick like Fat Ass Christie did. Now THAT would have been hard to come back from.

I think if he can last through the first couple of primaries he might have a shot, but going against the money machines of both Bush and Trump is going to be an uphill battle.

If you noticed, Kasich and Trump got along very well on stage and Kasich's post debate words about Trump have been critical enough to be effective but not over the top to cause Trump to blast him.  

Seems Trump actually likes Kasich, and I can see him backing him whenTrump bails, which of course would  get the extra added benefit of sticking it to Bush. LOL

Bush will be his main, and I think, only problem. And you know how I feel about the money. I think it is overrated. And remember, that money will switch hands to a degree. If people think Jeb can't beat Hills, that money will flow to Kasich, much the same way that Obama took a ton of Hills money in 2007-08.

Money wants to follow a winner, not be pissed down the toilet. If big buck backers think Kasich has all the positives Bush does, without the obvious baggage, and the polls show he has a better shot to beat Hills, their loyalty to Bush will dry up quickly, imho

GaGambler630 reads

Similar to Clinton. Bill, not Hillary. There was no "Clinton Machine" back in 91, Bill had to do it the old fashioned way by winning a couple of states, gaining some momentum and then the money started flowing. Kasich can do the same WHEN the lusters fades from Trump and IF it fades with Bush, assuming of course that Kasich does well in places like Iowa and South Carolina.

...Kelcy L. Warren and Darwin Deason are pissing away $6 million and $5 million respectively on the 2016 campaign of Rick Perry.  Toby Neugebauer is pissing away $10 million on Ted Cruz's campaign.

Republican zillionaires are pissing so much away on GOP losers that the water is starting to look like this:


-- Modified on 8/10/2015 1:54:52 PM

But he doesn't have a a Walker issue there.  

He has a mainstream Pro-Life postion, Walker does not.

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